Where you at rep wise?


Well-Known Member
WUT? 50 dollars a pair? Are they silk?
Nope. Armani, French Connection, Issa Myaki (sp?) -- then have a few pair of cheepies.. calvin klein, banana republic and puma.. boxers, yea a few silk ones.. dont really like them though.

And i may be exaggerating on price.. they might be more like $30 or $40... i was rounding to the nearest $50... but i have no kids and no wife, and no life. So i get to spend all my money on stupid shit. like cars, underpants and high dollar deodorant.


Well-Known Member
Word on the street is that once gays can legally be married anywhere in the U.S. us straight people get our own parades. Ya know equality and all. "We're Here, we're Straight, we're gonna procreate!" Hetero Pride Day.


Sector 5 Moderator
Science does lie!! Evolution and global warming are just two proofs of it. These morons today that call themselves scientists would not make a pimple on a real scientist ass - like N. Tesla, A. Einstein, Faraday, Newton, N. Bohr, Max Planck.

Evolution is like this: You take a handful of sand, some iron, aluminum, a can of oil, and put it into a paper sack, bury it and come back in 3 billion years, dig it up and now it is a Rolex Presidential, set to the correct time. THAT is what evolution is trying to sell, only the human body is MUCH more complicated and complex than a Rolex.


Sector 5 Moderator
Word on the street is that once gays can legally be married anywhere in the U.S. us straight people get our own parades. Ya know equality and all. "We're Here, we're Straight, we're gonna procreate!" Hetero Pride Day.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kinetic again.


New Member
the whole "you can be gay, but don't you dare let me or my kids see it!" is hypocritical considering how open and pervasive heterosexuality is.
Considering media thrives on sterotypes,.of course it's mostly gonna show the hetro shows, movies, commercials etc.

Give it another 10 20 years.


Sector 5 Moderator
Gays are some of the most creative people on earth. They have MANY amazing qualities. My daughter's best friend for many years is a gay guy; she says he is the best girlfriend she has ever had. He never asks to borrow her clothes or use her makeup; they can go out and nobody hits on her.


Well-Known Member
potpimp I take it your daughter thinks her bestfriend should have the right to marry whoever he loves?


Well-Known Member
Evolution is like this: You take a handful of sand, some iron, aluminum, a can of oil, and put it into a paper sack, bury it and come back in 3 billion years, dig it up and now it is a Rolex Presidential, set to the correct time. THAT is what evolution is trying to sell, only the human body is MUCH more complicated and complex than a Rolex.
that's simply retarded.

your problem is that you seem to think of it as rolling the dice and landing on 11786549089876 on the first try.

that's not how it works. it starts at 1. then another 1 gets added that makes it better adapted, so then we have 11. a mutation occurs and a 117 shows up and does well. eventually, through random mutation and natural selection over billions of years, we arrive at 11786549089876.

no magic there.

you seem to be espousing some kind of magical sky daddy theory, also known as intelligent design.

you may want to ask sky daddy a few questions, like why our ocular systems are so retarded and jury-rigged. another good question would be why he put the pleasure playground right by the sewage factory. that seems like a bit of a fuckup there.

but hey, what do i know. humans have only used this cockamimi theory of evolution to do amazing things.