Where are my libertarians at

It's just me sir. Are you ok with that? Is it ok for me to have my own business? What if you disagree with what I do, are you for shutting me down? We both know the answer to that one ;)
If you are vaccinated and masked no problem
Otherwise just like the pollution situation
Society might need you removed
Never heard of gums killing anything
Sweet troll, you ever going to answer if you are an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that the Russian military was handed the data on us Americans by the Trump campaign to help that attack?

If you actually care about our nation it should be a very easy question to answer.
We protect ourselves. How is this any different from any other thing? If someone invades your home and tries to kill you, do you call the police and wait an hour for them to get there or do you defend yourself? If my neighbor is dumping pollution into the local river, me and my neighbors go up there and talk to him. He cleans up his act or he's removed from society. Literally everyone could stop using his service and let him go bankrupt. Pollution solved!

Pedophiles doing things to CHILDREN should be stopped right? What's any different from a parent bringing someone to court with a case compared to the DA doing it? If my child was being RAPED I would go and STOP IT. I would help anyone else do the same in that position. Would you?

What if that dude polluting tells you to go fuck yourself, hires some guards, and sells the product in another market to fund the guards. Your small government is weak by design. You can't pick and choose there, have to take the good with the bad.
Sweet troll, you ever going to answer if you are an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that the Russian military was handed the data on us Americans by the Trump campaign to help that attack?

If you actually care about our nation it should be a very easy question to answer.
I will let you think what you wish.
So if you read my post then you would see I see the need for a small government. I don't want to cut the military or its funding and I vote in wichever way I think is best Democratic or Republican or independent.

And yes I'm all for people policing themselves, I believe state over federal and the citizens over the state. As far as the old west must not have been to bad we are still here and blooming so your idea of the word coming to an end if my way was to rule is fullish.
Oh, HI!!!

I guess you were busy and just forgot to tell us where or when your libertarian ideology has actually been found to be worth a shit.
If you are vaccinated and masked no problem
Otherwise just like the pollution situation
Society might need you removed
Society will decide! And considering I'm busier than ever, I think it already has. This will trigger you, I don't even own a mask and not vaccinated! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I CAN FEEL YOUR RAGE!
I will let you think what you wish.
I am willing to wait for you to answer this for yourself, even if your silence on the attack on our citizens is loud as fuck, it really is something that actually matters and shouldn't be just assumed that you are ok with the Russian military attack on our citizens.

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What if that dude polluting tells you to go fuck yourself, hires some guards, and sells the product in another market to fund the guards. Your small government is weak by design. You can't pick and choose there, have to take the good with the bad.
I'm willing to take the chance and see what happens! Freedom is scary!
What if that dude polluting tells you to go fuck yourself, hires some guards, and sells the product in another market to fund the guards. Your small government is weak by design. You can't pick and choose there, have to take the good with the bad.
How is it week by design. Please elaborate.
I am willing to wait for you to answer this for yourself, even if your silence on the attack on our citizens is loud as fuck, it really is something that actually matters and shouldn't be just assumed that you are ok with the Russian military attack on our citizens.

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Lol you have no clue about what I think nor believe. So please keep on keeping on with what you think you know.
Lol you have no clue about what I think nor believe. So please keep on keeping on with what you think you know.
Wow you are correct for once, I don't have any idea, which is why I asked if you are an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that Trump's campaign handed over data to the Russian military to attack our citizens. I am curious, why it is so hard to answer that?
And yet you still didn't get the message.
That you can't answer or that you don't want to admit the reality?

It really is a toss up (if you are indeed an American), and I for one hope that it is the first and that you are warning your friends and family of the attack and making sure that they are as safe (and sane) as possible during this dangerous time in our democracy.
Wow you are correct for once, I don't have any idea, which is why I asked if you are an American, and if so are you ok with the fact that Trump's campaign handed over data to the Russian military to attack our citizens. I am curious, why it is so hard to answer that?
Personally, i say fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck Trump and HUGE fuck Biden! Here's a question, are YOU ok with the past presidents and big business moving all the American manufacturing jobs to different countries? Because Biden and cronies have been doing that for 50 years with financial incentives. Are YOU ok with the past presidents and politicians waging wars killing children in foreign countries for NO REASON? Are YOU ok with our tax dollars being used for PROPAGANDA one way or the other always causing division? Are YOU ok with the censorship of ideas you disagree with? Are YOU ok with WEED being illegal? Biden sure is ok with it! Even with his kid being a crack head... But hey, whatever lets you sleep at night.
That you can't answer or that you don't want to admit the reality?

It really is a toss up (if you are indeed an American), and I for one hope that it is the first and that you are warning your friends and family of the attack and making sure that they are as safe (and sane) as possible during this dangerous time in our democracy.
I'm confused why you are worried about just Russia and not china as well? China is buying as much of our land as we will sell them while putting propaganda about us on their TV stations. You do realize that china and Russia are working together right.
Personally, i say fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck Trump and HUGE fuck Biden! Here's a question, are YOU ok with the past presidents and big business moving all the American manufacturing jobs to different countries? Because Biden and cronies have been doing that for 50 years with financial incentives. Are YOU ok with the past presidents and politicians waging wars killing children in foreign countries for NO REASON? Are YOU ok with our tax dollars being used for PROPAGANDA one way or the other always causing division? Are YOU ok with the censorship of ideas you disagree with? Are YOU ok with WEED being illegal? Biden sure is ok with it! Even with his kid being a crack head... But hey, whatever lets you sleep at night.
Triggered :o :lol:
Personally, i say fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck Trump and HUGE fuck Biden! Here's a question, are YOU ok with the past presidents and big business moving all the American manufacturing jobs to different countries? Because Biden and cronies have been doing that for 50 years with financial incentives. Are YOU ok with the past presidents and politicians waging wars killing children in foreign countries for NO REASON?
I'm confused why you are worried about just Russia and not china as well? China is buying as much of our land as we will sell them while putting propaganda about us on their TV stations. You do realize that china and Russia are working together right.

Deflection from Russian attacking our democracy with a 'but China' from both of the new right wing trolls that just happen to show up at the same time.


Also a shocker is that they don't seem to understand that in the last 50 years the Democrats have had a whopping 7 years to do anything and each time they got power in DC they had to fix a Republican crashed economy in their first term.

Are YOU ok with our tax dollars being used for PROPAGANDA one way or the other always causing division? Are YOU ok with the censorship of ideas you disagree with? Are YOU ok with WEED being illegal? Biden sure is ok with it! Even with his kid being a crack head... But hey, whatever lets you sleep at night.
I call bullshit on this part, but am curious, feel free to school me. But only after you let us know how you feel about Trump's campaign helping with the attack on our citizens please.
How is it week by design. Please elaborate.

A strong government has lots of members and the power to carry out its will. It has to have the power to enforce its will on the people. A government that can't is weak. If the population can run around freely doing what they will, as libertarians say they want, then clearly the government must not be strong enough to oppose them.

The best you can get is some form of very strong government dedicated to protecting the freedom of the population. But what's that look like and how is it any different than what is there now? It's just kind of nonsense to expect them to only do what you like and protect your freedoms.