Where are my libertarians at

You are pretending like some woman finding out that the child inside of her has no real chance at survival because of some horrific actual issue and that also is putting the woman's health in the last months of her pregnancy is somehow equivalent to someone already deciding to have the baby and instead of doing the actual medical procedures available to save the baby and the mom they just kill a baby (because it in your stupid as shit scenario has already been breached right)?

So I could just toss the troll back at you and say no, I am not a doctor, but that would make me as disingenuous of a troll as the rest of the 'libertarians' in this thread.

There is no way that any doctor who is wanting to hold onto their medical license at that point would kill the baby. And pretending otherwise is just more right wing propaganda pretending like the memes they are spammed by hate mongers are real. And they are not.

That was quite a spew of non sequitur, let's see if you can answer one little question. (okay maybe it's two questions)

At which point are you okay with snuffing out the unborn then ? How many minutes, hours or days before delivery ?
Okay, I get to play what if then.

It's a really really long delivery. A baby is in the midst of being born, it's head is sticking out, but it's caught inside and the birth is not complete. The woman (an angry liberal maybe) decides she can't be late for a Biden rally (lol) and asks the doctor to terminate the "pregnancy". The not quite born baby is gasping air and crying. You gonna snuff the kid / fetus out?
As long as the baby is healthy I think she'd be late for the Trump rally.
That was quite a spew of non sequitur, let's see if you can answer one little question. (okay maybe it's two questions)

At which point are you okay with snuffing out the unborn then ? How many minutes, hours or days before delivery ?
See the bullshit of your 'baby killer' troll is that I am not a woman, ever been pregnant, or a doctor, so really don't have an opinion at all about this subject. So acting all superior like you know, when you really don't, is a bullshit stance right from the start.

I don't even know all of the ways that fertilized eggs can go wonky and become unviable to develop into actual living breathing babies, nor when those issues would become known to give a good answer to your troll question. That is why I would leave it up to the doctor and the pregnant woman to make the best possible decisions. Pretending like women are willy nilly getting abortions because they somehow are late for a rally, is also not reality. This is a painful medical decision, pretending otherwise to make a troll point is bullshit.
You are pretending like some woman finding out that the child inside of her has no real chance at survival because of some horrific actual issue and that also is putting the woman's health in the last months of her pregnancy is somehow equivalent to someone already deciding to have the baby and instead of doing the actual medical procedures available to save the baby and the mom they just kill a baby (because it in your stupid as shit scenario has already been breached right)?

So I could just toss the troll back at you and say no, I am not a doctor, but that would make me as disingenuous of a troll as the rest of the 'libertarians' in this thread.

There is no way that any doctor who is wanting to hold onto their medical license at that point would kill the baby. And pretending otherwise is just more right wing propaganda pretending like the memes they are spammed by hate mongers are real. And they are not.

The bullshit trol in this is you calling a developing fertilized egg a 'baby'. And it is not.
We are facing the chilling prospect of a panel of powerful nonscientists telling us otherwise.
See the bullshit of your 'baby killer' troll is that I am not a woman, ever been pregnant, or a doctor, so really don't have an opinion at all about this subject. So acting all superior like you know, when you really don't, is a bullshit stance right from the start.

I don't even know all of the ways that fertilized eggs can go wonky and become unviable to develop into actual living breathing babies, nor when those issues would become known to give a good answer to your troll question. That is why I would leave it up to the doctor and the pregnant woman to make the best possible decisions. Pretending like women are willy nilly getting abortions because they somehow are late for a rally, is also not reality. This is a painful medical decision, pretending otherwise to make a troll point is bullshit.

So, you would be okay with a woman aborting an 8 month 29 day, 23 hours and 59 minute about to be born "fetus" ?

At which point would you be uncomfortable with a woman having an abortion is my question. I am no longer asking about the womans rights, I am seeking a response to your degree of comfort.
So, you would be okay with a woman aborting an 8 month 29 day, 23 hours and 59 minute about to be born "fetus" ?

At which point would you be uncomfortable with a woman having an abortion is my question. I am no longer asking about the womans rights, I am seeking a response to your degree of comfort.
If say that unborn fetus had their brain developing outside of the skull and had no chance to survive and would put the mom at a high risk of death to go the rest of the pregnancy and they didn't know because they had no actual healthcare insurance and never got checked until they felt something was really fucked up about the pregnancy?

We are facing the chilling prospect of a panel of powerful nonscientists telling us otherwise.
This is why I am a fan of checks and balances. If they really are a bunch of radicalized SCOTUS judges, I have a lot of hope that the voters revolt and give the Democrats a super majority to increase the number on the bench to offset them.
If say that unborn fetus had their brain developing outside of the skull and had no chance to survive and would put the mom at a high risk of death to go the rest of the pregnancy and they didn't know because they had no actual healthcare insurance and never got checked until they felt something was really fucked up about the pregnancy?

I hate to keep pointing out that you seem to have missed my question. Ahem.

At which point would you be uncomfortable with another person extinguishing an unborn ?
I hate to keep pointing out that you seem to have missed my question. Ahem.

At which point would you be uncomfortable with another person extinguishing an unborn ?
And you are pretending to not understand all the ways that a pregnancy can go wrong to make it impossible to know when a woman would find out to just come up with some bullshit answer to satisfy your bullshit troll question.
And you are pretending to not understand all the ways that a pregnancy can go wrong to make it impossible to know when a woman would find out to just come up with some bullshit answer to satisfy your bullshit troll question.

So you are uncomfortable being asked questions about your own comfort level of what other people might do or not do?

Have you tried putting your leg on a pillow and taking aspirin?
So you are uncomfortable being asked questions about your own comfort level of what other people might do or not do?

Have you tried putting your leg on a pillow and taking aspirin?
It has nothing to do with my comfort, sweet troll though. It has everything to do with not knowing enough about prenatal medicine outside of knowing a lot of shit to go wrong.

It is this that hate mongering propagandist trolls rely on to fool people into thinking that people are 'for' baby killing. And they are not, it is just life is not a fairytale that everything is always going to be fine and every pregnancy ends in a happy healthy baby.

Nobody is 'pro-abortion'. And everyone (not suicidal) is 'pro-life'. Pretending otherwise is bullshit trolling.
I would be uncomfortable with a woman getting an abortion against her will.

If a woman has a right to kill the unborn without consequences, that implies the unborn has no rights and is not a person.

In that case, to be consistent a person who forces a woman to have an abortion would not be a murderer right?
You kind dwell on the subject like nobody else. I mean, I never once even thought about the kind of pedo shit you fascist trolls go on about.

Your kind learned well from Goebbels.
Like I said, you lefties are all about the insults and the hate. Continue proving me correct!