Well-Known Member
We will need that backlash in the temperate latitudes.I would think there would be a huge backlash at the poles if Roe is overturned by these religious wack jobs on the court.
We will need that backlash in the temperate latitudes.I would think there would be a huge backlash at the poles if Roe is overturned by these religious wack jobs on the court.
You simply have not lived til you have used a queer razor.dictate? my body my choice..i'm going to do what's right for me..i've learned how to use a straight razor- i'll cut your balls off and stuff them down your fvking throat.
+ ummmm that would be 'gel'..that's the issue with you don't pay attention.
The rapist committed a crime and should face consequences. Most people would probably agree with that.
The baby, an individual separate from the rapist, did not commit a crime. If a person believes in the concept that all people have rights, the question then becomes, "does the mother have the right to kill a baby because it inconveniences her or possibly has violated HER right?
As an aside I am amused by some of the commentary thus far in this thread and shall endeavor to read this whole thread, so far it's full of low hanging fruit.![]()
Sounds like you wish to impose your beliefs onto others.The rapist committed a crime and should face consequences. Most people would probably agree with that.
The baby, an individual separate from the rapist, did not commit a crime. If a person believes in the concept that all people have rights, the question then becomes, "does the mother have the right to kill a baby because it inconveniences her or possibly has violated HER right?
As an aside I am amused by some of the commentary thus far in this thread and shall endeavor to read this whole thread, so far it's full of low hanging fruit.![]()
No question it is worrisome that the religious nuts are running the courts thanks to the Republican scamming the Democrats out of 2 SCOTUS picks in 5 years to stack the court with their activist judges.The law is gonna hang on definitions.
This Scotus scares me.
You have had conversations with the bunch of developing cells inside of a woman's body?Thanks for offering your opinion. I'd like to point out the post I responded to mentioned a baby.
A fertilized egg with arms and legs and that can feel pain though?
You kind dwell on the subject like nobody else. I mean, I never once even thought about the kind of pedo shit you fascist trolls go on about.It's amazing to me how many on the left are ok with pedophilia. Why are you ok with adults forcing themselves on children? It's wrong man. It's SUPER WRONG and not ok. But whatever, keep defending whomever you would like.
ou have had conversations with the bunch of developing cells inside of a woman's body?
Because I would point out that brain dead bodies can still have responses to stimulus too. So while it might sell to the people who so desperately want to believe that Democrats are out there killing babies, it is not really a good point at all to pretend like a fetus is a baby.
But as a libertarian, I am sure you are all for a woman having the right to determine what her body goes through.
Sounds like you wish to impose your beliefs onto others.
That contradicts the bullshit you’ve been peddling all this time, don’t you think?
You want to have the right to decide what you do with your body but don’t think women should have the right to decide what to do with their bodies.How so ? Example?
Notice the word 'born'.The mother of my children was born prematurely in the 1950s, at 7 months. She was lucky to survive. She felt pain right after being born, it's not a reach to say she would have felt it a day before being born prematurely.
At which day and hour does a fetus develop to the point you'd be reluctant to snuff it out?
I am personally not an advocate for abortion, that doesn't mean I should tell women what they can or cannot do with their own bodies. I don't have any right to. Of course no person has any right to make another person pay for their mistakes / abortions either.
You want to have the right to decide what you do with your body but don’t think women should have the right to decide what to do with their bodies.
Notice the word 'born'.
I think that between a doctor and a woman who is at that time incubating the fertilized egg, they would have a better idea than I would.
So now it sounds like you support a women’s right to choose. That was not the impression I got from the post I originally replied to.Well slugger you whiffed. No, I do not.
Women have the right to do what they wish with their own bodies, we all do. Women, nor anyone else has the right to initiate aggression against another persons body. That's my belief.
I can be against abortions, meaning I don't like them as a rule and be consistent with my sentences above. I don't have a right to impose my dislikes on other people, if the other person isn't violating my rights etc. Laws are poor substitutes for morality, which is why I also disobey the ones which violate my rights.
So now it sounds like you support a women’s right to choose. That was not the impression I got from the post I originally replied to.
You are pretending like some woman finding out that the child inside of her has no real chance at survival because of some horrific actual issue and that also is putting the woman's health in the last months of her pregnancy is somehow equivalent to someone already deciding to have the baby and instead of doing the actual medical procedures available to save the baby and the mom they just kill a baby (because it in your stupid as shit scenario has already been breached right)?Okay, I get to play what if then.
It's a really really long delivery. A baby is in the midst of being born, it's head is sticking out, but it's caught inside and the birth is not complete. The woman (an angry liberal maybe) decides she can't be late for a Biden rally (lol) and asks the doctor to terminate the "pregnancy". The not quite born baby is gasping air and crying. You gonna snuff the kid / fetus out?
The bullshit trol in this is you calling a developing fertilized egg a 'baby'. And it is not.You are forgiven for your mistake.
I support not initiating aggression against others. If a person wants to do something I don't like, but it only concerns their body, I don't think I have a right to intervene etc.
The question then becomes at which point does a woman lose the right to abort and her rights are in conflict with the developing babies rights ? That is why I offered the example above. What's your take on that, when do beings acquire rights ?
They should have a right to be racists, I should have the right to tell them to fuck off.