whats your room like?

The picture of the bar with a jigsaw floor looks like a weed club in Barcelona. You wouldn't find anything like that in Amsterdam.

For a laugh I was going to use Mylar around my bed to make it look like one of my grow room with my bed being a big pot.

I also though about astrollitup o turf on the floor to give it that outdoor feel, you know?

What " Jigsaw " Floor pic are you refering to ?
We have a bar in one of our houses but i dont think i had any pics of it in the link , can you paste a pic of it ?

Astro turf actually makes a pretty good carpet , we had regular loop type carpet in our 3 season room & it got a stain where my grandson spilled his lil grape juice & crackers while playing , we couldn't get the stain out so the carpet had to be changed .

I picked out a quality indoor outdoor grass style blue astro turf for the room for its stain resistance & my wife fought me all the way ,saying it'd feel like crap on bare feet , she ended up loving the feel & look once it was installed .

You could do a dark green loop astro turf carpet , mylar as the bed skirting , make a stencil pattern of a pot leaf & use fabric paint to put a big green pot leaf in the middle of your bed spread or comforter , you could stencil in white spider webs in all 4 corners of the comforter like mite webs your keeping at bay .
I have a couple of houses, the grow houses are bare with just a bed which is where I usually stay.. but I also have a bedroom at my rich buddies house. Its just to far of drive.. so about once a month i go stay with him for a couple days.. I usually try not keep a bunch of shit around, so I can move at given moment
I have a couple of houses, the grow houses are bare with just a bed which is where I usually stay.. but I also have a bedroom at my rich buddies house. Its just to far of drive.. so about once a month i go stay with him for a couple days.. I usually try not keep a bunch of shit around, so I can move at given moment

Spent my early yrs runnin hard like that , im too old for that shit nowdays & grew roots .