whats your room like?

i feel like a gaytard wile watching lifetime movies with my wife and start tearing up during a stupid sad scene

Do you only have one T.V. in the house ?
We have 4 in the house and two in the garage

Every man should have a garage ,,,,,, Its a great place to run and hide
Pan... more about those amps man... I'm an audio man myself.. sadly can't say more than that as it would make ID too easy...

Are those baby electrostatic units on the side?

Hey whats up,there are a few high end audio guys on this site ive met,i collect vintage hifi as well as modern gear,its a subject that has fascinated me for decades.

Are you refering to the tall slender column in this picture below as electrostats ?


If so the column is part of a Line Array speaker system,the system consists of 4 peices which are 2 bass cabinets that contain two 12 inch dual voice coil woofers & one 8 inch dual voice coil midrange,the bass cabinets are pictured in the corner of the picture above.

The other two parts of the system are the tweeter columns,one tweeter column per bass cabinet,the tweeter columns contain twenty three 1 inch silk tweeters in each column as pictured below,we liked this speaker system so much that we bought a 2nd system to run with the system in our great room.



Its funny that you mentioned electrostats because that is exactly the type presentation they give with major differences,they offer all the clarity of electrostatic speaker systems but without the negative side of electrostats,like weak bass response & placement issues,alot of electrostatic speakers need to be ran with stereo subwoofers to get adequate bass response,these line arrays do not require additional subs,the bass response from the line arrays is thunderous yet clean at the same time, they are spec'ed to respond all the way down to 20hz but ive measured their response in my room at 16hz.

Ive heard one other pair of speakers that i liked better which are the Mcintosh XR 290 but i simply cant find a pair to buy within my price range,every pair ive found in mint condition the sellers want over $20,000 a pair & thats a tad too steep for my budget,maybe one day i'll get lucky & score a pair in my price range but until then the XRT 22 line arrays i currently own are life long keepers.

These are the only speakers (below) ive ever heard that beat the sound from my Mcintosh XRT 22 Line Arrays but as i said before they are extremely hard to get hold of,people who were lucky enough to get a pair do not sell them that often & when they do they want top dollar,still i wait patiently while i try to find a pair.


Ah right, thought they'd be too narrrow for ESLs. What are those amps with the large VU meters?
Your system makes me drool...

I'm more in the DIY scene, with the economy and profiteering the way it is, I find this the best route to high quality, if you are not rich.
Also more of an amp man, due to finances and weak availability of drivers here... Got some Goodmans axioms in open baffle now, which I am quite enjoying, the only other decent speakers I have are QLN's from Sweden.

I have two beautifull vintage sets needing a refurb, as soon as I finnish unpacking all my parts and tools.
Ah right, thought they'd be too narrrow for ESLs. What are those amps with the large VU meters?
Your system makes me drool...

I'm more in the DIY scene, with the economy and profiteering the way it is, I find this the best route to high quality, if you are not rich.
Also more of an amp man, due to finances and weak availability of drivers here... Got some Goodmans axioms in open baffle now, which I am quite enjoying, the only other decent speakers I have are QLN's from Sweden.

I have two beautifull vintage sets needing a refurb, as soon as I finnish unpacking all my parts and tools.

The amplifiers are Mcintosh Mc1201 1,200 watt monoblocks,the big line array's take alot of wattage to push them properly.

Ive spent some time with Goodmans years back with some of my vintage tube gear,never got around to trying the open baffel designs though but i have heard them on one ocasion,very sweet.

Prices are way too high for me to buy brand new,i spend alot of time on this site searching for deals on used gear,http://www.audiogon.com/,im sure you know guys are nuts over this stuff,they spend $25,000 on a pair of amps then dump them for $10,000 one year later to get the new models,ive made a fortune off those guys.

What are QLN's ?
i admire you 'all with the ears that pick up such fine detail systems like that are wasted on me, i can listen to my music out on the patio through my $20.speakers pushed by my sony receiver and still enjoy it , because i don't know the diff.
My wife decorates the entire house except one area & thats mine,its my music room & our smoking room,we only smoke in this area of the home,the outer wall is my office but i can only post one pic of that area,ive decorated it myself,my wife is OCD about being clean & spotless living conditions,its cool at times because she keeps my stuff spotless.

This is my area of our home,its a great place to chill,listen to our favorite music & smoke.



Panheads house owns.
I love it:leaf:
I also bought these new speakers a while back for my keyboard.
So far they seem pretty damn good to me but i have never even heard speakers that cost more than 2k.
I reckon that i could build some good speakers though that wouldn't cost me 20 grand and i am interested in the idea of having multiple tweeters in one box.
Can you try to explain the difference in sound from having so many tweeters in one box?
Cheers Panhead:bigjoint:



google linearray and you will see how they work... not as simple as it looks...
Many things to deal with like lobeing etc... but also some very special benefits.

Well you certainly have no problems with dynamics, with those power levels. Personaly, I am exploreing the other side of the fence now... low power amps with high efficiency drivers. I guess the average person has no idea that the wattage of a speaker has almost no bearing on how loud it goes... its only a relative destructive point... one that is always way overated. Ever tried one of the Pass Labs amps? Nelson is a realy nice guy, I don;t mind advertising his stuff... top notch.

I can build amps in my sleep.... speakers.. now there is something difficult... and I have excelent cabinetry skills...
google linearray and you will see how they work... not as simple as it looks...
Many things to deal with like lobeing etc... but also some very special benefits.

Well you certainly have no problems with dynamics, with those power levels. Personaly, I am exploreing the other side of the fence now... low power amps with high efficiency drivers. I guess the average person has no idea that the wattage of a speaker has almost no bearing on how loud it goes... its only a relative destructive point... one that is always way overated. Ever tried one of the Pass Labs amps? Nelson is a realy nice guy, I don;t mind advertising his stuff... top notch.

I can build amps in my sleep.... speakers.. now there is something difficult... and I have excelent cabinetry skills...
Well really i didn't mean how they sounded technically speaking just how panhead would describe them as giving a different sound to a normal set of speakers.
I am not really genned up on most of the technicalities but i understand what your saying on the rated power and actual efficiency ratios.
I bought those behringers because when they were first released they got a very good review by sound on sound magazine and they were 547 quid(1094 dollars)a pair and i managed to buy my pair for only 240 quid inc delivery.
So a bargain i thought and they deliver a clean,pure sonic clarity,the likes that my bedroom and neighbours never knew existed before:fire::-Plol.
I love to plug my synth and pc into them and make some seriously strange and powerful noises and i love to feel them breathing in my face.
Air from them blasts into my face whilst they are being used,i love it,sounds like a weird fetish though hahaha:weed:
google linearray and you will see how they work... not as simple as it looks...
Many things to deal with like lobeing etc... but also some very special benefits.

Well you certainly have no problems with dynamics, with those power levels. Personaly, I am exploreing the other side of the fence now... low power amps with high efficiency drivers. I guess the average person has no idea that the wattage of a speaker has almost no bearing on how loud it goes... its only a relative destructive point... one that is always way overated. Ever tried one of the Pass Labs amps? Nelson is a realy nice guy, I don;t mind advertising his stuff... top notch.

I can build amps in my sleep.... speakers.. now there is something difficult... and I have excelent cabinetry skills...

I tried the pass labs Alph Class A monoblocks years back,nice ass little amps too,its been a few years so i might be off on the wattage but i think they were 40 watt amps & they had alot of balls to them.

Most of the time i only run about 4 watts from my big monoblocks but every so often i push them full power,mainly to piss off an asshole little punk neighbor we have,the little prick drives by as 2am wit his car stereo bumping,i wake at 4 am every day so i get his parents back when i wake up.

I make their picture window in their living room pulsate,then they cuss out their kid for statring that shit & he stops for a few weeks,paybacks a bitch.

Ive spent alot of time with low power gear & i still do,i collect vintage tube gear from Mcintosh,Leak,Dynaco & a few others,the bulk of my collection iss all vintage Mcintosh tube gear,ive got a mint pair of (K-Horns) Klipsch corner horns in another room that i use all the low power gear on,its where i have the most fun.

The pride of my vintage tube collection right here,i have 3 of them but this one is in the nicest condition,its a Mc-60, 60 watt monoblock,it kills me that when i was a kid these type amps were a dime a dozen,i remember seeing vintage tube gear in the garbage when i was a boy,now if your lucky enough to find some your going to pay big bucks.

i admire you 'all with the ears that pick up such fine detail systems like that are wasted on me, i can listen to my music out on the patio through my $20.speakers pushed by my sony receiver and still enjoy it , because i don't know the diff.

Be happy your not infected with the audio bug,its an expensive hobby.

Obviously there is differences in audio systems but dont think that you need to spend mega bucks on a system,a kick ass system can be bought for about $1,000,most of whats publicated about high end audio is snake oil hype,the differences between a $60,000 system like mine & a $5,000 system that many people own are very small.

Dont get me wrong my systems sound fantastic but in audio you quickly reach the level where gains in performance & sound quality are very small & costly,you can buy pro amplifiers that perform just as good as mega buck amps at 1/10th the cost without loosing performance or sound quality.

All that really matters is that your happy listening to what you have.
Well really i didn't mean how they sounded technically speaking just how panhead would describe them as giving a different sound to a normal set of speakers.
I am not really genned up on most of the technicalities but i understand what your saying on the rated power and actual efficiency ratios.
I bought those behringers because when they were first released they got a very good review by sound on sound magazine and they were 547 quid(1094 dollars)a pair and i managed to buy my pair for only 240 quid inc delivery.
So a bargain i thought and they deliver a clean,pure sonic clarity,the likes that my bedroom and neighbours never knew existed before:fire::-Plol.
I love to plug my synth and pc into them and make some seriously strange and powerful noises and i love to feel them breathing in my face.
Air from them blasts into my face whilst they are being used,i love it,sounds like a weird fetish though hahaha:weed:

Hi natmoon,ive listened to your Behringers before,they are fan-fukin-tastic for nearfield listening,Behringer is an amazing company that i cant figure out how they stay in business,i go through alot of pro gear,mostly amps & studio monitors,i use my local Guitar Center as a playground.

What i cant figure out about Behringer is how they can offer the products they sell at such low prices,especially when their performance levels on most of their gear is as good as any other amplifier or studio monitor,ive compared the build quality of my Behringer gear directly against some very expensive Crown Macro Reference gear i have,the Behringers build quality is equal or better in some cases & the Crown gear costs 5x's as much,plus the Behringear looks better,the Crown Macro Reference line looks like shit.

I own a pair of Behringer A-500 amplifiers that i love,if your not aware its a 100 wpc @8 ohm stereo amp that can be ran in bridged mono @ 500 wpc @ 8 ohms,those lil bastards flat out rock & with very low distortion to boot.

Best value in amplification ive found ever.

Well really i didn't mean how they sounded technically speaking just how panhead would describe them as giving a different sound to a normal set of speakers.

Here's the easiest way i can explain the differences in sound from a line array over a standard 3 way full range speaker system,hopefully without getting into a bunch of audiohile nonsense.

In a well thought out & properly set up 3 way system every speaker has a sweet spot,if the speakers are set up on axis for the best listening where the listener must sit in a precise location to be in the sweet spot that spot is very small,most of the time a slight turn of the listeners head or the listener sitting at a different height will effect the sound stage that they are hearing from the speakers.

With a line array system this is not the case,especially with the 7ft tweter columns that the array i run uses as part of their design.

The sound stage is massive,also the sweet spot is the entire listening area,i can get up from my listening chair & listen from any area of the room without loosing any clarity or detail because the way the sound is dispersed.

Line array technology has came along way since i bought my arrays,the new models have incorporated both the tweeter columns & bass cabinets in one box to save space.

Check these bad boys out,i got to listen to a pair last year,these are the latest in Line Array Technology,the XR2K Line Arrays cost $40,000 a pair alone,the Mc2kw 2,000 watt amps cost another $30,000 a pair.

u have a pic of ur buds on the wall?

I didnt see your post or i would have responded,is there supposed to be something wrong with me having a picture of a beautiful marijuana plant on my wall,i set up my area of the home to make me happy,not other people,if i did i'd have deer head pictures from home interior on my walls,if i see another home interior picture i'll throw up,i hate that cheesy looking home interior shit.

Buds yes,my buds no,i cant take pics that come out that detailed,that plant belongs to a member of this site & it is not mine,i had it blew up into a poster,then framed at kinkos.