whats your room like?

i feel like a gaytard wile watching lifetime movies with my wife and start tearing up during a stupid sad scene

lol.... Lifetime, oxygen and WE are the reason women are crazy, obsessed with men cheating etc and emotionally psychotic! Every show on those channels involves either the man cheating, the man is abusive, the man is cheating and abusive, the man is generally just BAD, the kids get stolen etc etc... After watching that shit all day its no wonder women are whacked!

I have a rule in my house. If she wants me to watch tv with her it can not be any show on those channels. She can watch that while i'm at work..

I have kind of gotten use to watching days of our lives. I want to bang sammie and chloey. They are both hot but sammy is a little bit nuts... I cant believe i know this...
Hi natmoon,ive listened to your Behringers before,they are fan-fukin-tastic for nearfield listening,Behringer is an amazing company that i cant figure out how they stay in business,i go through alot of pro gear,mostly amps & studio monitors,i use my local Guitar Center as a playground.

What i cant figure out about Behringer is how they can offer the products they sell at such low prices,especially when their performance levels on most of their gear is as good as any other amplifier or studio monitor,ive compared the build quality of my Behringer gear directly against some very expensive Crown Macro Reference gear i have,the Behringers build quality is equal or better in some cases & the Crown gear costs 5x's as much,plus the Behringear looks better,the Crown Macro Reference line looks like shit.

I own a pair of Behringer A-500 amplifiers that i love,if your not aware its a 100 wpc @8 ohm stereo amp that can be ran in bridged mono @ 500 wpc @ 8 ohms,those lil bastards flat out rock & with very low distortion to boot.

Best value in amplification ive found ever.

These are the best monitors i have owned so far in my life.
I would love to be able to afford some real quality equipment one day but to be honest i don't think i would ever spend 20-40k on speakers unless i won the lottery or somthing similar.
A waldorf wave would be first on my list followed by a harrtman neuron and a yamaha motif xs8 just for a start though.
And i think i would stick to powered monitors and a powered subwoofer and a mixer to run it all through and maybe spend a couple of grand on the monitors.

I had also heard some good things about behringers other equipment and some bad as well.
People either seem to love or hate behringer,so far i have had no problems at all and i hope it stays that way and i have read more good reviews than bad and their price was definitely right for what they said they did under the bonnet.

Maybe serious mass production is what make behringer so competitive.
Thanks for the replies:bigjoint:
I was thinking of starting a thread about members favorite rooms to smoke in or even members who have dedicated smoking lounges in their homes when i remembered the topic was allready covered,so i brought this one back from the dead so i dont have to figure out how to post pics from this device.

I know there has to be others here who enjoy interior decorating as much as i enjoy it so lets get some pics up,it dont have to be a dedicated smoking lounge either,it can be any room as long as its one of your favorite areas to smoke,or a room that you had a personal hand in its decoration & your proud of the outcome.

C'mon guys lets see those rooms that are your favorite relaxation area,smoking room/lounge or any other cool area you enjoy being in.
Well my bedroom is simple. I have a TV, a zebra print carpet, mirrors, and a couch. (plus some aimlessly placed toys and such) It's always a mess. It's a pretty simple room.

Well my bedroom is simple. I have a TV, a zebra print carpet, mirrors, and a couch. (plus some aimlessly placed toys and such) It's always a mess. It's a pretty simple room.

View attachment 1732069

Looks comfy,i like the zebra carpet too,its cool seeing into other peoples smoking rooms,thanks for posting.

That cant be it,cmon folks get the cameras out,arent you interested in seeing where others smoke:?: ,get some pics up of those smoking rooms !bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
Hey whats up,there are a few high end audio guys on this site ive met,i collect vintage hifi as well as modern gear,its a subject that has fascinated me for decades.

Are you refering to the tall slender column in this picture below as electrostats ?


If so the column is part of a Line Array speaker system,the system consists of 4 peices which are 2 bass cabinets that contain two 12 inch dual voice coil woofers & one 8 inch dual voice coil midrange,the bass cabinets are pictured in the corner of the picture above.

The other two parts of the system are the tweeter columns,one tweeter column per bass cabinet,the tweeter columns contain twenty three 1 inch silk tweeters in each column as pictured below,we liked this speaker system so much that we bought a 2nd system to run with the system in our great room.



Its funny that you mentioned electrostats because that is exactly the type presentation they give with major differences,they offer all the clarity of electrostatic speaker systems but without the negative side of electrostats,like weak bass response & placement issues,alot of electrostatic speakers need to be ran with stereo subwoofers to get adequate bass response,these line arrays do not require additional subs,the bass response from the line arrays is thunderous yet clean at the same time, they are spec'ed to respond all the way down to 20hz but ive measured their response in my room at 16hz.

Ive heard one other pair of speakers that i liked better which are the Mcintosh XR 290 but i simply cant find a pair to buy within my price range,every pair ive found in mint condition the sellers want over $20,000 a pair & thats a tad too steep for my budget,maybe one day i'll get lucky & score a pair in my price range but until then the XRT 22 line arrays i currently own are life long keepers.

These are the only speakers (below) ive ever heard that beat the sound from my Mcintosh XRT 22 Line Arrays but as i said before they are extremely hard to get hold of,people who were lucky enough to get a pair do not sell them that often & when they do they want top dollar,still i wait patiently while i try to find a pair.

Edit , as of a year ago i was lucky enough to score a pair of the XR 290 models pictured below , mine are finished in white & were from the speaker designer Roger Russell's personal hifi .

I cant post pics anymore so i had to revamp this thread to illustrate another thread post .


@tylerdurden , alot of what you asked about with comparing a line array is answered in my posts in this thread , the line array in our smoking room we still have but we've also upgraded to the next gen line arrays pictured .

Sitting in front of a line array is hearing music like you have never heard it before , i heard Frank Zappa taking a breath while conducting the London Symphony Orchestra & it blew my mind .
The picture of the bar with a jigsaw floor looks like a weed club in Barcelona. You wouldn't find anything like that in Amsterdam.

For a laugh I was going to use Mylar around my bed to make it look like one of my grow room with my bed being a big pot.

I also though about asto turf on the floor to give it that outdoor feel, you know?
unmaid bed.

2x Lizard tank on the floor.

Dresser with a bunch misc, junk on it.

clean clothes in a bag, dirty clothes in the hamper in my closet.

ugly blue wall paper, with posters and drawings.

TV tucked in a the corner on the floor.

Empty bass cass thrown on top of the TV.

Typical guys room.
unmaid bed.

2x Lizard tank on the floor.

What type lizards ? Ive had a bunch of lizards , monitors are my favorite , i had a mean ass Tegu Monitor & an ultra viscous Water Monitor that was so mean i had to put on my welding gloves , leather smock & face shield before a dared try n touch him , his claws were like eagle talons & would rip flesh to the bone .

We had a Savannah Monitor that was tame & friendly , we had a harness & leash for him & would take him for walks on hot days , ive had about every reptile & lizard around over the years .

Got a pic of the lizards ya can throw up ?
What type lizards ? Ive had a bunch of lizards , monitors are my favorite , i had a mean ass Tegu Monitor & an ultra viscous Water Monitor that was so mean i had to put on my welding gloves , leather smock & face shield before a dared try n touch him , his claws were like eagle talons & would rip flesh to the bone .

We had a Savannah Monitor that was tame & friendly , we had a harness & leash for him & would take him for walks on hot days , ive had about every reptile & lizard around over the years .

Got a pic of the lizards ya can throw up ?

It's just the one. A bearded dragon that My wife got me for my birthday. We just upsized his tank so the other one's empty. Gotta remember to put that on CL.

I call him Traben. He's a cute little fucker, real chill. He had a red light when we got him, that made him a total dick. I had to wear my work gloves just to feed him. Now he has a regular day light and he's friendly. It's hilarious to watch him scurry around the room when I take him out his cage.
It's just the one. A bearded dragon that My wife got me for my birthday. We just upsized his tank so the other one's empty. Gotta remember to put that on CL.

I call him Traben. He's a cute little fucker, real chill. He had a red light when we got him, that made him a total dick. I had to wear my work gloves just to feed him. Now he has a regular day light and he's friendly. It's hilarious to watch him scurry around the room when I take him out his cage.

Its amazing how good pets lizards & reptiles make , most people dont think they make good pets but they do , you should see if you cant get hold of a lil harness & leash so you can walk him out of doors , our Savannah loved going for walks & smelling all the smells .