What's your favourite Pineapple Express Quote?

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
I'll go first: "You assholes do exactly what i say or i' will take you outside and FUCK YOU in the street".

This whole scene especially; "I feel like a slice of butter melting on top of a big ole pile of flapjacks... yeah."
"holy bejesus" and "fuck you" parts are hilarious. Love that actor
This whole scene especially; "I feel like a slice of butter melting on top of a big ole pile of flapjacks... yeah."
"holy bejesus" and "fuck you" parts are hilarious. Love that actor

i still get chills when he says illlleeegaaaal. and bleeep bleep blurp was pretty jokes too :P
This whole scene especially; "I feel like a slice of butter melting on top of a big ole pile of flapjacks... yeah."
"holy bejesus" and "fuck you" parts are hilarious. Love that actor

i just love at the very end when he's already off screen and he says "Hey where we going...watch that gun!" BAM!
"Smelllll. Smell it and enjoy. It's like God's vagina." The first time I heard that it made me laugh so hard I actually peed a little.