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High Times Magazine # 5, August/September 1975

High Times Magazine # 5 - August/September 1975
1st Anniversary Issue!

High Times - The Magazine of High Society. Copyright 1975 by Trans-High Corporation. Published by Trans-High Corporation. $1.50 cover price.

High Times Magazine has been chronicling the counterculture for over thirty years. First published as a quarterly in 1974, High Times is still being published (now a monthly) with its continued emphasis on marijuana use and cultivation and the fight for cannabis legalization.

High Times Magazine has many unique editorial features which you just won’t find anywhere else including its "Trans-High Market Quotations" page which lists the current market prices and supply information for various illicit drugs; a "centerfold" - usually of some unusually good-looking bud; HighWitness News - recent news of marijuana, drug busts, and other counterculture happenings; and, of course, the advertisements which feature any and all kinds of paraphernalia.

High Times issue # 5 from August/September 1975 features:
  • 1st Anniversary Issue!
  • High Times Interview: Andrew Weil
  • Golden Days of Cocaine Wine
  • Reefer Reform in America
  • Dope in Canada
  • G. Gordon Liddy’s Killer Narc Squad
  • Alaska Goes Legal
  • Comix: 4-page color comix by Paul Kirchner

Avatar - A fine day in history presented by our most recognized counter culture magazine.

SN - Was a student of cultivation at a young age after stumbling upon a garden in the deep woods. The old gentleman was kind enough not to shoot me and instead taught me his ways as we toked some of the finest originals... God Bless the late Alaskan Woodsman & Irwin Ravin


Active Member
mine is a picture of me and my cousin getting the rowboat ready to sail navigate and do some fishing around the bay, in Chiloe, Southern Chile


Well-Known Member
I was at a party , and this asshole threw a beer bottle and it ended up hitting me in the head. I ran full speed at him , threw a haymaker and knocked his ass out. he got hit so hard his feet went up in the air and he landed head first on the deck. I was wearing a grey shirt and someone told me i was like a fucken rhino.


Active Member
ive always been facinated with the value of zero. its like the point where all things end. i like numbers, and you cant multiply or divide buy it.

My name started out as "zer0hacker"
you would not believe the grief i would get in online games. getting kicked out of games, just because of my name. even though i didnt do anything wrong.
"hacker!" *kick*

so i shortend it to "zer0" and when "zer0" is taken i use "zer0ed" as in being reduced to nothing.

My avatar is from a txt based web mafia game i used to play. players would form gangs. and i belonged to a gang called "the devils gate" and this was the avatar of the gang.
that was years ago, but i still keep the avatar.


Well-Known Member
mines about the mad hatter....DID YOU GUYS SEE ROTHLISBURGHER, HE WAS LIKE, HUCK IT CHUCK IT FOOTBALL!!!!!!!...dudes i am fucked up right now...bahahahahahahahah...I NEED FURY WALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
mines about the mad hatter....DID YOU GUYS SEE ROTHLISBURGHER, HE WAS LIKE, HUCK IT CHUCK IT FOOTBALL!!!!!!!...dudes i am fucked up right now...bahahahahahahahah...I NEED FURY WALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol'n @ the cannababble...Enjoy, my friend!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, how could you say no, just breath deep and begin to blow, not quick, slow,now lets watch the smoke roll right out the window..My girl dont have titties but i call her indo, now com'on guys let hear your free flow..

sorry guys, dont flow here, and mess up this guys thread, i just fucked up, didnt mean to put that here, im start a new thread...come check it out people


Well-Known Member
ive always been facinated with the value of zero. its like the point where all things end. i like numbers, and you cant multiply or divide buy it.
In higher math you learn that something divided by zero is essentially infinity, therefore it can be any constant on the number line.


Well-Known Member
I explained my username in Urca's thread.

I'm a wolf therianthrope, specifically Canis Lupus Baileyi, a kind of small and unwelcomed (therefore endangered) subspecies. Nothing awesome like the Mckenzie Valley Wolf you see on tshirts all the time. My avatar is a self portrait I've used on otherkin forums for years.


RIU Bulldog
I was at a party , and this asshole threw a beer bottle and it ended up hitting me in the head. I ran full speed at him , threw a haymaker and knocked his ass out. he got hit so hard his feet went up in the air and he landed head first on the deck. I was wearing a grey shirt and someone told me i was like a fucken rhino.
That's a great story.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Back in middle school me and a few friends made up a hip hop group. We just rapped about some retarded shit... mostly about how we were cooler than all other rappers. Amongst some of the emcee names, one of them was MC cucumber, unfortunately I was high when I made my name and I typed mccumcumber... oh well.
Are you kidding me??? And all this time I thought u were a pervert- LOL :D


Active Member
I'm slightly hillbilly so Billy bob Joe sounded like a hillbilly name. My avatar is the headstone of an old moonshiner named popcorn sutton. Look him up

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Well, I really am defined by my sense of humor, and I liked being able to wear it on my sleeve here showing a little word play which is usually the basis for most of my corny-ness :D The pic was just available on the site here, but it looked happy enough... Perhaps someday I will get something more original, but then again I feel like my avatar is just part of me now...

Cool thread Beansly... I have to say that I've never asked a question here before that someone decided to answer by starting a whole thread on- haha

It's funny cuz I never wouldda guessed the beans about you, but ironically I am also guilty of always having a pot of beans around. I use a pressure cooker myself, I even posted my recipe last week in konagirl420's thread- lol... Even though I'm pretty much white, the beans are a family tradition dating back at least to my great grandmother. And I still get random calls from ex girlfriend's thanking me for the recipe that they still share with their friends and families as they are eating them... :) Never underestimate the power of beans- or their ability to wake you up from your own farts- lol...


Well-Known Member
I drew mine, Takes me back end less memory's and lesson learned. Took me ages but i think finally got it..