whats up with my clones


Active Member
i rode a short bus for about 9 months when i was a kid. i was the only kid in the suburbs going to a private church school in an urban area in the 80s. most other kids in the area went to public schools. kinda cool, like i got my own escort. bus was much cleaner than your normal school bus. nice quiet ride too, only kid on the bus. the driver even did things to me that im not allowed to talk about cause he said he'd never bring me home from school. good thing my parents and i moved far away back then. been scared of short buses ever since. good way to get a prescription to benzos though.


Active Member
how long should clones take too take root? I have cut them from my mother ak-47 on a 45 degree cut with a clean razor blade. dipped in clone x, place in rockwool split cubes ph'd to 5.5 in a hymid dome with t5 lights on 24/7 .... they look good but its been a week and no roots. just wondering. did I do something wrong ? velcro
it can take up to 2 weeks. i would have ph'd to 5.8-6.2 though. t5 is fine but you can actually get away with doing a fairly large batch of clones with only a 10w CFL. like literally 50+ smaller ones. no dont give the clones any nutrients. your plants cant take it up until they have roots anyway. you dont need a humidity dome but some people like them better. i personally think humidity domes keep everything too wet. i do however use humidity domes when i clone or start seeds in treys with those cubes made of peat like root riot cubes, starter plugs etc. one thing that can help is keep your water aerated. put an airstone in it for a bit before you water. clones love oxygen as much as they love water. roots neet oxygen to live. little white bumps will start forming where the roots will come out. eventually they get long and shoot out several smaller roots. 24/7 or 18/6 either way works just fine i have used both. personally i like 24/7 for clones and 18/6 for veg. you can actually even clone in a veg room but you dont want your plants too close to intense lighting.

personally i think aero is the fastest, easiest, and best way to clone. you can even easily transplant to any medium even rockwool after roots form and you can also easily check for roots without even stressing the plant one bit. i dont like transplanting until a nice little root structure forms though, seems like it shocks it otherwise.