whats up with my clones


how long should clones take too take root? I have cut them from my mother ak-47 on a 45 degree cut with a clean razor blade. dipped in clone x, place in rockwool split cubes ph'd to 5.5 in a hymid dome with t5 lights on 24/7 .... they look good but its been a week and no roots. just wondering. did I do something wrong ? velcro


Well-Known Member
I cant comment on your particular strain but in my experience they can take a couple weeks to root. Just try not to pull them out all the time to check (as I used to) and if they look good then I wouldn't stress too much .


Well-Known Member
ok did a bit of research for you and apparently ak47 can be difficult compared to other strains to clone, but usually roots in 10 days.


Well-Known Member
they will normaly take longer than a week
if they take longer than 2 weeks for any of them to show roots then start to worry
its early days yet
open the slots of the dome for a few hours each day, leave a little bit of water in the bottom of the dome to keep the humidity up
don't spray them, the humidity keeps them wet enough
just wait for them to root


Active Member
Your fine if the leafs are green and not wilting. I take my cuts at about 3 inches and cut on a node from a leaf. Roots usualy poke out the bottom after 3 weeks but after a week they are usualy rooted but not showing. I use 32oz clear deli containers with a lid. 100% all the time. Good luck bro keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I cant comment on your particular strain but in my experience they can take a couple weeks to root. Just try not to pull them out all the time to check (as I used to) and if they look good then I wouldn't stress too much .
Sorry man, I just had to........
so i pulled my clone out of the soil tonight,
and it has little short stubby hairs growing off the very bottem of the stalk,
not many at all. are they roots? i put it back in and they kinda got squished up..
i hope theyre ok.


Active Member
they're probaly fine. sometimes it just takes a bit. just keep doing what your doing and wait. dont over hydrate and keep your nutrients very weak.


Well-Known Member
how long should clones take too take root? I have cut them from my mother ak-47 on a 45 degree cut with a clean razor blade. dipped in clone x, place in rockwool split cubes ph'd to 5.5 in a hymid dome with t5 lights on 24/7 .... they look good but its been a week and no roots. just wondering. did I do something wrong ? velcro
hey put a bottle of rooting hormone! and spray your dome with rooting hormone!

just kidding. sorry for spamming. but spam is good! especially if the side is crunchy with freshly baked bread.

give them a period of time for darkness, usually roots develop when there is no light. like an 18/6 schedule.

am i right or am i wrong, somebody correct me if i'm wrong thanks!


Well-Known Member
icebox maybe you could get a job as a comedian?
i got a rep! oh yeah!

i'm quite shy! but we don't really know what will my job really be someday, but as of right now i need to finish my training, and up to now i haven't applied for anything yet, and still because of the drug testing shit, i need to wait for another week before testing it again. i don't want to get positive again, because i got twice ya know about it man.


Well-Known Member
hey put a bottle of rooting hormone! and spray your dome with rooting hormone!

just kidding. sorry for spamming. but spam is good! especially if the side is crunchy with freshly baked bread.

give them a period of time for darkness, usually roots develop when there is no light. like an 18/6 schedule.

am i right or am i wrong, somebody correct me if i'm wrong thanks!
Fucker, go back to your chandelier.;-)


Well-Known Member
i got a rep! oh yeah!

i'm quite shy! but we don't really know what will my job really be someday, but as of right now i need to finish my training, and up to now i haven't applied for anything yet, and still because of the drug testing shit, i need to wait for another week before testing it again. i don't want to get positive again, because i got twice ya know about it man.
You keep mentioning finishing school, and starting 'on the job training', training for what?
What are you going to school for?


Well-Known Member
You keep mentioning finishing school, and starting 'on the job training', training for what?
What are you going to school for?

i'm still in college, i know this sounds humiliating, but in here, to get a good job you need to finish school, like getting a degree / diploma. not unless your rich enough and have cash to put up a business.

on the job training is like getting prepared for having a job when an individual graduates. i got kicked out in school when i was in high school and repeated a lot of times and just bummed around. that is why i am still studying. i know it's my fault, i really don't like studying but i promised my mom and to my relatives that i will finish school no matter what.