whats up with my clones


Well-Known Member
Fucker, go back to your chandelier.;-)
hey, long time!

the chandelier is quite good! and really helped my plant not to stretch alot, the only problem is i don't have lights for the sides, so what i did was to get again a lamp here that is not being used and put it also in my grow closet. hehe!

anyways, when i get rich someday, i'll be buying a lot of chandeliers and use them for lighting! (but the cheap ones only). and not to mention i'll give one to my uncle hehe.


Well-Known Member
Thailand, shit don't get caught growing there they will cut your head off

oh my, cut anything but not my head! especially the other head! but it's good that i don't live there.

anyways not only cutting my head but i think they will also do the muay thai elbows and knees thing on me and i'm a dead man for sure.

but good thing i don't live there.


Active Member
heres what i use halogen-lamp-1.jpg

i even switched all amplifiers to old vacuum tubesvacuum_tubes.jpg just in case the soviets launch an electromagnetic shock wave and damage my grow equipment.


Well-Known Member
does halogen lamps do any good? i tried asking them a long time ago and they said that it is pretty hot for the plants if i will be using it.


Well-Known Member
i'm still in college, i know this sounds humiliating, but in here, to get a good job you need to finish school, like getting a degree / diploma. not unless your rich enough and have cash to put up a business.

on the job training is like getting prepared for having a job when an individual graduates. i got kicked out in school when i was in high school and repeated a lot of times and just bummed around. that is why i am still studying. i know it's my fault, i really don't like studying but i promised my mom and to my relatives that i will finish school no matter what.
You repeat here a lot of times, but we don't kick you out........


Well-Known Member

see look at my green bar, it's only one. but maybe when i flower up my plants i'll get another one! and i'm really excited!
Yes, when your plants get really big and green, sometimes they can make your green bar grow as well, but not always.
You need to fertilize and care for the green bar as well as your plants.


Well-Known Member
oh my, cut anything but not my head! especially the other head! but it's good that i don't live there.

anyways not only cutting my head but i think they will also do the muay thai elbows and knees thing on me and i'm a dead man for sure.

but good thing i don't live there.
Did you ride a bus to school when you were younger, and if so, how long (or short) was it?


Well-Known Member
WTF ......all I was asking is about my clones ..... is 24/7 light good or 18/6 and I never used nutes should I?
Sorry dude, LOL
I been laughing at these 3 kids.
18/6 is fine to veg them for a while, and don't give any nutes for at least a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Yes, when your plants get really big and green, sometimes they can make your green bar grow as well, but not always.
You need to fertilize and care for the green bar as well as your plants.
i'm excited, i hope that my plants won't get balls, because i already have two between my legs. hehe


Well-Known Member
Did you ride a bus to school when you were younger, and if so, how long (or short) was it?
yeah i rode a bus when we were at our old house, depends if traffic occurs. but whenever i get home, the there's traffic and also each student that is riding is always fetched and brought back in their own houses or were they live, so it will take like an hour and sometimes longer.

actually it isn't like a bus, it's like a delivery truck with windows and chairs. but as we grow older it improved and had an aircon. but i was young at those times. ya know like an L300 type.


Well-Known Member
WTF ......all I was asking is about my clones ..... is 24/7 light good or 18/6 and I never used nutes should I?
So yes, both are fine...

Use nutes when your plants are 3-5" tall... mix them 1/4 strength the first time, and up strength every week....