What's safe to use for powdery mildew?

This is definitely new to me I've never read of anyone doing this, did you make this up? And have you tried it?

The use of copper as a fungicide has been practiced for centuries. The most popular use today is in the form of Bordeaux Mixture, which combines copper sulfate with lime. The purpose of adding lime to copper sulfate is to reduce the damaging effect copper sulfate can have on marijuana plants. It is an added benefit that Bordeaux Mixture is also effective in controlling bacteria. As such, it is a good combatant for plant diseases caused by fungi and bacteria such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, leaf spots and fire blight. Bordeaux Mixture is a good option for controlling these diseases on outdoor grown marijuana plants, as it withstands rains, enabling its effect to remain on the foliage. However, it should only be applied before the flowering stage. Use a diluted solution on young plants to prevent burning of the tender leaves. Also avoid applying in temperatures over eighty five degrees to avoid the leaves yellowing and dropping off the plants. Follow label directions before using.
hope this helps
I use neem oil, baking soda, and a small amount of dawn dish soap mix up in a spray bottle spray your plants twice a day both top and bottom side of the leaves.
Thank you!! Have you personally tried this for PM before with successful results?
Yes, and where it usually starts (mildew) is on the trunk of the plant, lowest to the ground or pot, and then it will spread upwards and get to your buds..That is where the most humidity is down low, and it needs that environment to exist. That is a big reason to have a fan blowing at the base of your plants, especially in humid conditions to get as much air movement as possible.
Yes, and where it usually starts (mildew) is on the trunk of the plant, lowest to the ground or pot, and then it will spread upwards and get to your buds..That is where the most humidity is down low, and it needs that environment to exist. That is a big reason to have a fan blowing at the base of your plants, especially in humid conditions to get as much air movement as possible.


The use of copper as a fungicide has been practiced for centuries. The most popular use today is in the form of Bordeaux Mixture, which combines copper sulfate with lime. The purpose of adding lime to copper sulfate is to reduce the damaging effect copper sulfate can have on marijuana plants. It is an added benefit that Bordeaux Mixture is also effective in controlling bacteria. As such, it is a good combatant for plant diseases caused by fungi and bacteria such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, leaf spots and fire blight. Bordeaux Mixture is a good option for controlling these diseases on outdoor grown marijuana plants, as it withstands rains, enabling its effect to remain on the foliage. However, it should only be applied before the flowering stage. Use a diluted solution on young plants to prevent burning of the tender leaves. Also avoid applying in temperatures over eighty five degrees to avoid the leaves yellowing and dropping off the plants. Follow label directions before using.
hope this helps

hey @freemanjack .... it seems your cultivation methods are similar to what i have been learning and choose to practice, with that being said i decided i would attempt to ask you for your expertise if you don't mind my leaning on your understanding.

If i wanted to foliar spray (as well as soil drench of course) with compost tea... just basic ewc & molasses brewed 36 hours. How long into bloom/flower could i foliar spray? I'm hoping until atleast week 4 maybe 5... on a 8-10 week cycle ( some being 8-9-10)
Additional Products Test Positive for Undisclosed Pesticides

The WSDA has detected residues of one or more undisclosed pesticide ingredients in the following 3 products. One of these products
(SM 90) contains an ingredient (Salicylic acid) that is not allowed for use on marijuana, which could cause marijuana to fail the
Washington State Department of Health pesticide testing requirements for compliant marijuana products. In addition, Salicylic acid
could result in the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board confiscating and destroying marijuana if it is found on products above
the recently adopted action levels. Unregistered Products:
1. Mega Wash, unregistered product
2. SM 90, unregistered spray adjuvant
3. UltimatenWashn, unregistered product
The WSDA has issued statewide Stop Sale, Use or Removal Orders for these products, and these products are not allowed for use on marijuana in Washington
until further notice.

SERIOUSLY? the salicylic acid content is why SM 90 is not allowed for use in cannabis?

What is wrong with salicylic acid?

to my understanding salicylic acid is an aspirin-like compound with anti -inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-bacterial properties, etc etc.......

and so is this supposed to be unsafe? toxic-chemical?
SERIOUSLY? the salicylic acid content is why SM 90 is not allowed for use in cannabis?

What is wrong with salicylic acid?

to my understanding salicylic acid is an aspirin-like compound with anti -inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-bacterial properties, etc etc.......

and so is this supposed to be unsafe? toxic-chemical?
Oregon is figuring out what is allowed to be used on pot and they say not to use it, you have to ask them why not. I use aspirin for viral outbreaks on tomatoes and pot.
This is definitely new to me I've never read of anyone doing this, did you make this up? And have you tried it?

ONLY BREW 18 HRS and filter to use as a PM killer preventative !!! Works for 10-14 days and respray.

Your grow area is now covered in the spores of it.....Once your run is done! You need to make a sanitizing spray and spray down EVERY surface of EVERYTHING IN THAT grow area!
Oregon is figuring out what is allowed to be used on pot and they say not to use it, you have to ask them why not. I use aspirin for viral outbreaks on tomatoes and pot.

Who died and made Oregon the "God" on what you can use? You tend to get tired of tree hugging fairies (the flying and magic kind), telling you what to do!

I think they could use some flying monkeys!

You all need to learn to research the product and then the active chemicals in them,,, yourself!

Oh, and by the way, aspirin is a natural compound taken from willow tree bark......

Neem is being found to be far more toxic then first thought! Now what is Oregon going to do?

FAH, idiots!
My home made oxidant kills the PM and then evaporates, leaving zero chemical residue's after use!

How to make:

1L RO water (PH 4-7) Temp Less than 40c above 10c

1g Sodium Chlorite
1mLCitric Acid activator

Put it in a spray bottle and spray everywhere! it kills everything:)

Shelf life - 2 weeks.

Works on strawberrys too for PM.
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Who died and made Oregon the "God" on what you can use? You tend to get tired of tree hugging fairies (the flying and magic kind), telling you what to do!

I think they could use some flying monkeys!

You all need to learn to research the product and then the active chemicals in them,,, yourself!

Oh, and by the way, aspirin is a natural compound taken from willow tree bark......

Neem is being found to be far more toxic then first thought! Now what is Oregon going to do?

FAH, idiots!
I guess some one has to do it at least they do it naked.
hey @freemanjack .... it seems your cultivation methods are similar to what i have been learning and choose to practice, with that being said i decided i would attempt to ask you for your expertise if you don't mind my leaning on your understanding.

If i wanted to foliar spray (as well as soil drench of course) with compost tea... just basic ewc & molasses brewed 36 hours. How long into bloom/flower could i foliar spray? I'm hoping until atleast week 4 maybe 5... on a 8-10 week cycle ( some being 8-9-10)
We routinely spray right up to wk 6 with no adverse effect over flavour but be careful with brewing duration, i left one too long it wen't from smelling of yeast/beer to vinegar and it nearly grannied my whole crop. Take brewing times as guidance only and NEVER spray teas that smell of vinegar.
SERIOUSLY? the salicylic acid content is why SM 90 is not allowed for use in cannabis?

What is wrong with salicylic acid?

to my understanding salicylic acid is an aspirin-like compound with anti -inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-bacterial properties, etc etc.......

and so is this supposed to be unsafe? toxic-chemical?
Try burning an asprin on a spoon over a flame..... on second thoughts DON'T, it produces a noxious vapour that gives mustard gas a run for the top toxic gas crown. My lad nearly killed us all 'experimenting' in the kitchen one day. Gotta think combustion products not just alimentary hazard.
Ive seen a lot of people say diluted dish soap in other threads, is dish soap safe? How diluted? How about H2o2? Baking Soda?

Ive used several tablespoons of milk dilluted in a liter of water, alongside h2o2 and Pyrethrine. Even though the Pyrethrine was extremely diluted, I wont use it again after I read that it is toxic.

Now Im trying to see what mixture would be safest and most effective between milk, h2o2, dish soap, and baking soda. This run I am aiming to be more preventative by spraying the above mixture every week or every other week.

I also wonder if the organic oils people use to deter pests (garlic, clove, etc.) help prevent PM at all. Anyone know?
The buds can be rinsed before they're hung to dry that way any residue is washed off and it doesn't hurt the quality or flavor.
Try burning an asprin on a spoon over a flame..... on second thoughts DON'T, it produces a noxious vapour that gives mustard gas a run for the top toxic gas crown. My lad nearly killed us all 'experimenting' in the kitchen one day. Gotta think combustion products not just alimentary hazard.

ok say Im thinking some good balanced bacteria/fungal teas through out weeks 1-5 of flower 1-2 times a week. With a diluted foliar application 1-2 times a week as well... would keep p.m. at bay.

I'm hoping so....

I'm contemplating purchasing either Regalia bio fungicide http://marronebioinnovations.com and or Trifecta http://www.dazeys.com/blog/trifecta/

But if i don't have to i don't wanna spend the $$$.

Anyone have experience and success with healthy balanced brewed teas... soil drenching and foliar spraying
If you're in veg. Eagle 20. If in flower don't use it.

i wouldn't want to use something in veg that can't be used in flower. Regalia is omri listed for safe to use with organic food crops... safe to use up until harvest.

Trifecta say its safe as well but is yet to omri listed for organic crops.

Thanks for the input though for sure...