What's safe to use for powdery mildew?


Well-Known Member
I heard eagle 20 is very toxic and mildew cure doesn't seem to be working for me... does anyone have a tried and true suggestion that's safe for both humans and plants???

I heard eagle 20 is very toxic and mildew cure doesn't seem to be working for me... does anyone have a tried and true suggestion that's safe for both humans and plants???

Copper sulphate is the standard organic farming powdery mildew treatment, it is harmless to ingest, tho not too sure about smoking it! Personally, I would try a brewed compost tea, It kills most anything while being a foliar feed that does not affect flowers. I use either treacle or molasses to feed a batch of aerated tea, then apply neat with a plant sprayer. The tea needs to smell like a good beer, if it smells at all of vinegar, its too old DON'T USE IT.
Copper sulphate is the standard organic farming powdery mildew treatment, it is harmless to ingest, tho not too sure about smoking it! Personally, I would try a brewed compost tea, It kills most anything while being a foliar feed that does not affect flowers. I use either treacle or molasses to feed a batch of aerated tea, then apply neat with a plant sprayer. The tea needs to smell like a good beer, if it smells at all of vinegar, its too old DON'T USE IT.
This is definitely new to me I've never read of anyone doing this, did you make this up? And have you tried it?
This is definitely new to me I've never read of anyone doing this, did you make this up? And have you tried it?
The compost tea on my grow? yes (but not on powdery mildew), the copper sulphate? no, only on organic vineyards (very effective against mildew, vines in the uk struggle constantly against the damp and cold climate, copper sulphate worked more or less fully effective). But the teas are 100% safe and only improve crop taste/plant health (as long as you don't let it turn to vinegar (speaks the voice of painful experience!!)) so nothing ventured nothing gained, my entire system is fully experimental, I have fuckups but I also have some of the best tasting crop in my manor, the rule books are written for those that need their hands held, I make my own rules! 'non serviam'.
Is it toxic or organic?
Additional Products Test Positive for Undisclosed Pesticides

The WSDA has detected residues of one or more undisclosed pesticide ingredients in the following 3 products. One of these products
(SM 90) contains an ingredient (Salicylic acid) that is not allowed for use on marijuana, which could cause marijuana to fail the
Washington State Department of Health pesticide testing requirements for compliant marijuana products. In addition, Salicylic acid
could result in the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board confiscating and destroying marijuana if it is found on products above
the recently adopted action levels. Unregistered Products:
1. Mega Wash, unregistered product
2. SM 90, unregistered spray adjuvant
3. UltimatenWashn, unregistered product
The WSDA has issued statewide Stop Sale, Use or Removal Orders for these products, and these products are not allowed for use on marijuana in Washington
until further notice.