What's For Dinner Tonight?

None of that takes my fancy other than the outside layer of the ham. But then again I am thinking of a whole leg of ham glazed. I just love that sticky honey coasted clove infused outer layer, the rest is just ham.

Just ham ?? You Sir should be drawn and quartered. ;)

*With butter*
I have trouble understanding why you call it a BBQ chicken pizza though :/

Probably so he doesn't have to say "wheat gluten, brazil nuts, tapioca starch and arrowroot pizza" lol

Canna have you ever been to Native foods? Awesome vegan place. They have this "chicken" burger that is delicious. I almost prefer it to real chicken. Although I don't have it too much. Way to much gluten and starches.

so i am sailing around Dry Tortuga so making dinner is a little tuff . made cheese omlets with bacon and fresh peppers,washed it down with Pyrite Rum! pointed down wind and running in to Keywest to re provision! will send pix tomorow. smoking my trainwreck and making a good wake....
But they;re so tasty :) Cheque should clear tomorrow so gonna buy a tub of seafood salad, and see if i can source some fresh surf clams for a spaghetti :)

Chilli salt squid. Fresh lemon mayo, just make up the mayo and then add lemon juice and zest, banging! The beer never made it to the end fo the cooking process, but there's another in the fridge :)

the grill is almost ready for the pork chops, been marinating all day in a lemon pepper brine, and we shall have green beans with onions and bacon, home made au gratin potatoes, wilted spinach and iced tea :eyesmoke:
Damn, how can you eat those preserved clams? Is that what those are? Damn dude. Does everyone eat stuff like that over there?