If I recall correctly;
aprox 1.5+ cups brown sugar
aprox 2 cups kosher salt
1 onion quartered
few twigs fresh rosemary and thyme
5 bay leafs + some shredded bay leaf
Peel of 3 oranges, 1 halved orange(option to squeeze)
peel of 1 lemon, 1 halved lemon(option to squeeze)
1 granny smith apple(I would add more)
5 tablespoon black peppercorn
Balanced it out with a little all spice, cinnamon
I forgot apple cider so substituted with 1 bottle of this stuff
Brined for I think 18-24 hours

, letting it come to room temperature the last few hours.
Will go longer next time
salt,sugar, and juice should be upped a little bit.
Oh I almost forgot I added some baking powder to help lower the acidity of the brine, maybe a tablespoon or two.
I read it helps the bird absorb flavor.

Edit; most of the ingredients except whole fruit was brought to a boil before going in brine