What would you do ? Im conflicted as he!!

Well when a certain individual trolls you and wishes for the death of your family over political differences...

I would stay away for a while too.

We have a real problem with people leaving because the trolling gets too personal.
What the hell would you do if you knew somebody was getting ready to lay a whole bunch of lethal dope on the streets ?

Sounds like you need professional help, brother
Scopolamine is what you get prescribed for sea sickness, or other motion sickness. I've never heard of anyone abusing it. Are you thinking that it is in demand on the black market?


Scopolamine is known to cause hallucinations and has featured in the plot of TV shows and movies

Another separate group of users prefer dangerously high doses, especially in the form of datura or belladonna preparations, for the deliriant and hallucinogenic effects. The hallucinations produced by scopolamine, in common with other potent anticholinergics, are especially real-seeming and create a perception of a new world filled with frenzied, violent energy. The difference in realism of hallucinations caused by anticholinergics such as scopolamine and other hallucinogens such as the phenethylamines or dissociatives like PCP is quite large. Additionally, an overdose of scopolamine can quite often be fatal, unlike other more commonly used hallucinogens. For these reasons, naturally occurring anticholinergics are rarely used for recreational purposes.

  • (1990) Scopolamine is mentioned by the villain Cain as one of the cutting agents of the drug Nuke in Robocop 2
  • (1990s) The X-Files Red Museum shows Scopolamine as a suspect agent in usage for kidnappings.
  • (2000) Scopolamine was the drug Michael claimed he was injected with either by the military and/or the aliens in "The Mars Records". It might be worth noting in this context that scopolamine can cause confabulation (the mixing of memory and facts).
  • (2007) In the episode Airborne, one character in the TV show House, M.D. is shown wearing a scopolamine patch.
Scopolamine is known to cause hallucinations and has featured in the plot of TV shows and movies

Another separate group of users prefer dangerously high doses, especially in the form of datura or belladonna preparations, for the deliriant and hallucinogenic effects. The hallucinations produced by scopolamine, in common with other potent anticholinergics, are especially real-seeming and create a perception of a new world filled with frenzied, violent energy. The difference in realism of hallucinations caused by anticholinergics such as scopolamine and other hallucinogens such as the phenethylamines or dissociatives like PCP is quite large. Additionally, an overdose of scopolamine can quite often be fatal, unlike other more commonly used hallucinogens. For these reasons, naturally occurring anticholinergics are rarely used for recreational purposes.

  • (1990) Scopolamine is mentioned by the villain Cain as one of the cutting agents of the drug Nuke in Robocop 2
  • (1990s) The X-Files Red Museum shows Scopolamine as a suspect agent in usage for kidnappings.
  • (2000) Scopolamine was the drug Michael claimed he was injected with either by the military and/or the aliens in "The Mars Records". It might be worth noting in this context that scopolamine can cause confabulation (the mixing of memory and facts).
  • (2007) In the episode Airborne, one character in the TV show House, M.D. is shown wearing a scopolamine patch.
Only really bad trip I was ever on was scopolamine. In the USMC and they issued it to us prior to sea duty. One guy talked me into eating a bunch of it one night. To this day I can recall a guy bursting out of the wall and running right over me in my rack. And that was just the start of it. Fuck that shit.
A person i met is caught up in some shit & knows somebody with alot of Scopolamine which has no use except to rape rob or kill , there is a finite amount of time before that shit hits a dozen major citys , the people with the dope have lotsa resources & can reach out from jail .

What the hell would you do if you knew somebody was getting ready to lay a whole bunch of lethal dope on the streets ?

I'm voting with @ebgood I'd let it go.

Scope is a really nasty high. As a deleriant we used it for retrograde amnesia prior to Versed (which works better and doesn't make you feel so nutty). If they take it without a taming dose of Anectine they are gonna run around and do stupid shit but most likely not die unless someone calls the cops or they run in front of a car. Same shit you can do on alcohol after you black out. I'd let it go. At least they won't get motion sick LOL

You're a good guy worrying about this @panhead Merry Christmas to you and yours.
may be an old thread but it raises an interesting point.
If this sort of thing bothers you great, I applaud you for not being a sociopath.

But have you ever wondered how many rapes, murders or robberies are involved
with each kilo of coke, heroin, etc?

If you are honest with yourself and not all strung out these stats may keep a salesman up nights.

Not a judgment call, I did dumb shit when I was young myself.
Just saying even bulk weed sales can be used to fund horrible things.

Do what you will butt don't bs yourself.
If you are a link in the chain you are the chain

You cant save the world but you can remove yourself from the equation.