What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

i think you need to come to terms with not everyone is religious, whats a "fact" for you isnt for others and vice versa because religion has not been scientifically proven on majority of claims theres no sense in getting upset since everyone is free to believe what they want spiritually or so most of the worlds countries claim
im not trying to convince anyone, of anything, if someone posts garbage and doesnt have their facts right am i supposed to put a sad smile or tell them the truth, its nothing to do with what i believe, i have been careful to stick to proven facts from multiple sources
In the information age the role of libraries has changed a bit and is more activity and educationally orientated, especially for younger children with numerous programs. Banning books is a brain-dead idea and just red meat for morons, try banning the internet and cellphones FFS and teachers can assign any number of online resources, most books are free online especially for educational purposes. It's these "ideas" that will drive the GOP into the political wilderness cultural change is happening at an increasing rate along with technology and republicans are the people who can't keep up and hate change, they might as well try to hold back the tide.

ya'll think Im a Jehovahs witness or something, seesh, i grew up in a totally science based atheist familly, smoke weed every day n shit
ya'll think Im a Jehovahs witness or something, seesh, i grew up in a totally science based atheist familly, smoke weed every day n shit

none of the responses your posting back at me are a new concept, or i havent thought myself

i just read the bible when i hurt my leg, and there is alot of misinformation about it on here

just dont get upset if i sit here downunder and highlight incorrect information
no problem. What I ask though is that you cite sources.
Hhhm interesting. Did he commit suicide or was he betrayed by some of his people and then the romans tried to kill him. Not sure he wanted to die.

he really didnt want to die

“My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
im not trying to convince anyone, of anything, if someone posts garbage and doesnt have their facts right am i supposed to put a sad smile or tell them the truth, its nothing to do with what i believe, i have been careful to stick to proven facts from multiple sources.

the rubbish that Diy led was talking needed to be corrected about Paul he was a well educated man that saw the resurrected Jesus

there was a real man called jesus was thats was really here 2000 years ago, fact
he said there will be no signs from heaven fact

someone actually catch me out bullshitting please

Did paul really see the resurrected jesus ? Seemed to teach paul quite the opposite of some of his teachings and behaviour while he was alive. Adding partners to the father, circumcision no longer needed, all food deemed permissible ect ect. Was paul not questioned by the church fathers and asked is he really teaching things as such ? Didnt they make he retake his vows or something but then afterwards he just carried om anyway. The teachings and some of pauls behaviours and the things he were saying are ok and doing himself and allowing others to do seemed to contradict what jesus while he was around was teaching amd his behaviour and the example he was laying down. Now alot of people claim to follow Jesus, yet they actually follow paul and now pray to Jesus yet the example Jesus set was to pray to ehat he said was the one true God. Amd now you have this idea put to people that their sins can only be washed after bathing in the blood of a innocent man, basically human sacrifice of the deemed most pure target and the bathing in his blood. Very controversial, but the idea has become acceptable.
Intresting thread and subject, il have a read through.
Did paul really see the resurrected jesus ? Seemed to teach paul quite the opposite of some of his teachings and behaviour while he was alive. Adding partners to the father, circumcision no longer needed, all food deemed permissible ect ect. Was paul not questioned by the church fathers and asked is he really teaching things as such ? Didnt they make he retake his vows or something but then afterwards he just carried om anyway. The teachings and some of pauls behaviours and the things he were saying are ok and doing himself and allowing others to do seemed to contradict what jesus while he was around was teaching amd his behaviour and the example he was laying down. Now alot of people claim to follow Jesus, yet they actually follow paul and now pray to Jesus yet the example Jesus set was to pray to ehat he said was the one true God.
Intresting thread and subject, il have a read through.

circumcision was a commandment made by god to Abraham and the jews, pre jesus, Saul saw the resurected Jesus on the road to Damascus, and was blinded by the light as the story goes. later on Saul was travelling around trying to teach people, it would be a hard sell, if all the new disciples, had to cut off there foreskin
circumcision was a commandment made by god to Abraham and the jews, pre Jesus, Saul saw the resurected Jesus on the road to Damascus, and was blinded by the light as the story goes. later on Saul was travelling around trying to teach people, it would be a hard sell, if all the new disciples, had to cut off there foreskin
This is where I request sources: something that meets academic historians’ standards and is uninvolved in religious canon. “Because scripture says so” let’s not do that.
circumcision was a commandment made by god to Abraham and the jews, pre Jesus, Saul saw the resurected Jesus on the road to Damascus, and was blinded by the light as the story goes. later on Saul was travelling around trying to teach people, it would be a hard sell, if all the new disciples, had to cut off their foreskin

Agreed, but there was quite afew other things too. I dont think the church fathers at the time were happy with what they were hearing and asked paul what was going on. So some of his teachings they wasnt too happy with, yet he denied them to their faces and carried on later.
You know your history on this subject quite well, nice to see someone around whose quite clued up and has had a interest in learning things. Peace good man.
This is where I request sources: something that meets academic historians’ standards and is uninvolved in religious canon. “Because scripture says so” let’s not do that.

There may be some independent documents based around the early formations of the church and its forefathers. Not sure how mu h information it might contain. I think there is a record of the leter sent to paul asking him to come see them (church fathers)due to some of the things he was teaching. But not sure if it lists some of the things they wasn't happy with.
im not trying to convince anyone, of anything, if someone posts garbage and doesnt have their facts right am i supposed to put a sad smile or tell them the truth, its nothing to do with what i believe, i have been careful to stick to proven facts from multiple sources.

the rubbish that Diy led was talking needed to be corrected about Paul he was a well educated man that saw the resurrected Jesus

there was a real man called jesus was thats was really here 2000 years ago, fact
he said there will be no signs from heaven fact

someone actually catch me out bullshitting please
We could start with your claim that the ark carried all the animals of the world and Noah lived 950 years. Something that is impossible and is not justified by any evidence whatsoever. I even posted a contradiction rooted in genetic science that refutes this myth. You chose to not reply. lulz.

We could move on to your post that said God was continually pruning humanity with lightning and other disasters as if he were fallible and needed to kill off his mistakes.

We could then move on to your ignoring my observation that the bible you claim is God's word says the earth is flat.

We could do that, except you cling to your belief in a mythical supernatural being and will use the God myth to find a way to justify that bullshit.