What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

I would guess Taoism and the core of Buddhism (without the surface encrustation of ritual that the popular sort carries) are in a place between. They don’t have the jealous orthodoxies that mark religions of the book, but they don’t have a mechanism for revision/ amendment (or do they? I’m flying above my service ceiling on this one).
As a rule they are not evangelical and the western approach to Buddhism is most often atheistic and semi monastic in nature. In the east it is ceremony and most of the laity don't know anything about their religion and many just hope for a better rebirth. Westerners don't believe in superstition and are practice and study orientated. It is a training system for the mind and there are many ways up the mountain for Buddhism is diverse in how to accomplish this "goal", of attain awakening, liberation or enlightenment. It is primarily a perceptual shift and an experience of non-duality and the parameters of ego dissolve, it is a gradual process in most schools and involves discreet stages that are known by different names in different traditions. We can catch glimpses of it if we practice a lot or go on retreat, but it does not last. It causes morphological changes in the brain structure of the prefrontal cortex and a thickening of the cerebral cortex (the outer layers where the processing happens) and less thinning of it with age. It is a discipline that involves the three trainings. Buddhism is more about what you do than what you believe.

we all going to die one day after smoking millions of cones, it wont matter shit if you didn't step on any cockroaches, or bugs, all your life.

Solomon said. He says those who get wisdom love life, that it's better to get wisdom than gold; and that those who get wisdom find life and receive favor from the Lord
You could include Rome too I suppose, since that was mentioned in the New Testament, they conquered the area about 60 years before Christ and Alexander the Great Hellenized the whole region 300 years before that. St Paul spent most of his time in southern Turkey which was Greek at the time culturally and his letters mentioned in the bible are from and for that region.
“Saint” Paul…author of most of the serious bullshit in the NT
these ladies were before that, we're talking Ancient Greece, but they go into Roman times....time frame is bascially 700BC to 400AD, and 400AD Phythia saw the coming of the man we call Jesus.....
What a lovely story they made up for themselves, about how *special* their guy is…
the same basic problem besets the red-letter Christians.

1) by what authority do they trim the existential roast to the bits in quote marks?

2) by what process (which includes the German sense of the word, by what judicial trial of the proffered evidence) have they established that the red text is a Good Thing?

3) what durable and unconditional boundaries to human behavior can they refine, reduce, distil in this manner from the vast noisy stage of human experience using the text as a guide?

Imo they have done nothing to resolve the core fail.
Arriving @ my own answers…

1) the authority vested in them by the ‘priesthood of the believers’, in which individual Christian’s are held to morally competent to understand, teach and apply the principles THEY DERIVE from TWoG (ie, what the reformation turned into here - aka, ‘everybody with a Bible is a fukken preacher’. Similar authority is invested in anyone with a brain who cares to use it.

2) I’m quite sure not court finding or judicial procedure in people individually deciding that Jesus was the important part (“his picture’s on the box!”), and that the remainder were accretions that distracted from the example & teachings thereof

3) Whatever such they care to & choose to assay for their own purposes? If this was an assignment, I bet none of them know about it.

Honestly, those seem like weird questions to ask of someone only ACQUAINTED with the practice & and vociferously *NOT* a christian, and I’m not sure why you (seem to) judge their practice so harshly & seek to call them to account for…not being legit christians or something? I’m confused.