What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Arriving @ my own answers…

1) the authority vested in them by the ‘priesthood of the believers’, in which individual Christian’s are held to morally competent to understand, teach and apply the principles THEY DERIVE from TWoG (ie, what the reformation turned into here - aka, ‘everybody with a Bible is a fukken preacher’. Similar authority is invested in anyone with a brain who cares to use it.

2) I’m quite sure not court finding or judicial procedure in people individually deciding that Jesus was the important part (“his picture’s on the box!”), and that the remainder were accretions that distracted from the example & teachings thereof

3) Whatever such they care to & choose to assay for their own purposes? If this was an assignment, I bet none of them know about it.

Honestly, those seem like weird questions to ask of someone only ACQUAINTED with the practice & and vociferously *NOT* a christian, and I’m not sure why you (seem to) judge their practice so harshly & seek to call them to account for…not being legit christians or something? I’m confused.
I’ll restrict myself to argument 1 for now. It smacks of anarchy. The whole point of Protestant Christianity as it has been given to/foisted on me is to reduce the bewildering complexity of things to a Handful of Comprehensive and Immutable Rules. “Do this without fail or creativity, and you’ll attain heaven.”

What you suggest requires
a) intellectual effort, and
b) a level of freedom quite incompatible with the blazing pistols of Paul.
“We can’t have that.” We’re sheep after all.

R&D wants to know the dimensions and tolerances of the glossy body they must build to incorporate the chassis.
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I dunno…why don’t we do ANY of the things we don’t do?
I really don't know. I would implement a lot of things immediately if i was allowed to, but no one seems eager to let slip my leash...
Campaign finance laws requiring complete transparency, all donations go through a central processing point, all you get to specify is which party.
Hospitals should all be state owned and operated, healthcare has gone much too far down the capitalist path.
codifying women's rights and lgbtq rights.
reestablishing the federal government's control over states run amuck, Governors don't get to set up their own gestapo, nor do they get to ruin the educational system or the healthcare system. They can do what they want, WITHIN federal oversight.
“Saint” Paul…author of most of the serious bullshit in the NT
Saul of Tarsis was a tax collector before he found the Lord and a new angle on spreading an inclusive form of Judaism, but that wasn't Jesus plan so he went with a pile of cash to his surviving brother in Jerusalem, before the revolt against the Romans. I got him figured for a fabulist like Joe Smith the founder of the Mormons and a bit of a hustler. Christianity is his religion, not Jesus's or Joshuah's, he probably spoke some Greek and worked in a Greek city nearby as a tradesman but spoke Aramaic mostly. Assuming he even existed, the gospel of Matthew was the only original the others were copies and corrections and in that one he never rose from the dead, it ended when the two women left his grave, no resurrection, Jesus was dead as a doornail in Mathew.
Saul of Tarsis was a tax collector before he found the Lord and a new angle on spreading an inclusive form of Judaism, but that wasn't Jesus plan so he went with a pile of cash to his surviving brother in Jerusalem, before the revolt against the Romans. I got him figured for a fabulist like Joe Smith the founder of the Mormons and a bit of a hustler. Christianity is his religion, not Jesus's or Joshuah's, he probably spoke some Greek and worked in a Greek city nearby as a tradesman but spoke Aramaic mostly. Assuming he even existed, the gospel of Matthew was the only original the others were copies and corrections and in that one he never rose from the dead, it ended when the two women left his grave, no resurrection, Jesus was dead as a doornail in Mathew.
garbage, oh thats right

i forgot, we telling our self what we want to hear on this thread, not concerned with any facts at all
My mistake Mark was first, Mathew was second.

When was the first book of Matthew written?

About 15 years after Mark, in about the year 85 CE, the author known as Matthew composed his work, drawing on a variety of sources, including Mark and from a collection of sayings that scholars later called "Q", for Quelle, meaning source.
Saul of Tarsis was a tax collector before he found the Lord and a new angle on spreading an inclusive form of Judaism, but that wasn't Jesus plan so he went with a pile of cash to his surviving brother in Jerusalem, before the revolt against the Romans. I got him figured for a fabulist like Joe Smith the founder of the Mormons and a bit of a hustler. Christianity is his religion, not Jesus's or Joshuah's, he probably spoke some Greek and worked in a Greek city nearby as a tradesman but spoke Aramaic mostly. Assuming he even existed, the gospel of Matthew was the only original the others were copies and corrections and in that one he never rose from the dead, it ended when the two women left his grave, no resurrection, Jesus was dead as a doornail in Mathew.
Mark 11 The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. 12 He sighed deeply and said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to it.” 13 Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.
garbage, oh thats right

i forgot, we telling our self what we want to hear on this thread, not concerned with any facts at all
i think you need to come to terms with not everyone is religious, whats a "fact" for you isnt for others and vice versa because religion has not been scientifically proven on majority of claims theres no sense in getting upset since everyone is free to believe what they want spiritually or so most of the worlds countries claim
The snake people are one of the few sects of Christianity where I at least commend their commitment. It's nonsense of course, but they do put their money where their mouth is.

I used to read the Bible on road trips with my parents, would always take the Gideon Bible from hotel rooms in case I finished the MAD magazine and/or lowrider car mag, and a book. Had a very large stack of bibles by the time I hit high school. Sure wish they had gone with a more modern writing style, it wasn't terribly readable.
The snake people are one of the few sects of Christianity where I at least commend their commitment. It's nonsense of course, but they do put their money where their mouth is.

I used to read the Bible on road trips with my parents, would always take the Gideon Bible from hotel rooms in case I finished the MAD magazine and/or lowrider car mag, and a book. Had a very large stack of bibles by the time I hit high school. Sure wish they had gone with a more modern writing style, it wasn't terribly readable.
Ya Jamie Coots was committed ……. He’s dead now, snake bite! :o!