• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What The USA Lost JAPAN Still Has - Morals & Ethics

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Active Member
We Owe Japan a major part of our consumer culture. Video Games anyone, they were innovative in building video games to what they are today for us gamers. The many things they contribute to us Americans on so many minor yet unifying levels comes from the work Japan has done as Americas brother that you don't even know how different we would be without them. It was our agression the last time they were in a situation similar to this, and this time it was random chance and we are standing there. We can ask how we can profit off our brothers injury, or we can see what we can do to help. They deserve our help because if roles were reversed they WOULD help us and we once nuked them! If anyone deserves us to use less so they can do better in this time of crisis its Japan.
They said the creator of Pokemon was killed during this mess..I wish I could find the article but its long gone my iPhone..im sure its floating around on Google easy to find.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I bought my golf clubs already cuz I don't think they will be making to many. Jap forgings are the best besides us but it's hard to find USA forgings.


Active Member
This song is bad ass to listen to when you're totally baked out your mind..I just had some of this weed dipped in hash oil and woooww...it smells so good and tastes good too. I've never felt this baked haha.
Old school hip hop is just something I like to listen to when i'm high. Just roll in the GTO and go on aimless road trips.



Well-Known Member
you go to any forum....any bar....any gathering and ppl are bitching about the government...and how the politions are ruining things...........GUESS WHAT PPL>......instead of millions and millions of ppl bitching why not do something...........the ppl still have the power to vote....to mass together to get change........but we drather sit on our ass smoke dope ....get drunk.....go boating...fishing.....skieing..............Skate boarding..whatever..and bitch....rather than do something...............So either do something about it instead of talk...or just have fun and move on like we will do anyways...........DO YOU HONESTLY THINK things like greenpeace.........save the whales..........save the forrest.......go green...and 1000s of other bithc fest are going to change anything..........nope.......reality is we are fucked as a society world wide and as a species................


Well-Known Member
You have every right to your opinion. I didn't take that from you at all I just said that since you are a Palin follower you let everyone know that you are a moron. Why would you say " Oh I am going to take some heat for this" when you were asked if you like Palin? Because you know that she is fucking crazy! And everyone you meet probably gives you shit or "Heat" because you like her. But from your signature I see that you are a feminazi womans rights kinda lady. What you do in your signature explains alot about a person. It is your forum to everyone that reads it. And by some amazing trick reading 3 of your posts and reading your sig I guessed that you liked the biggest joke of a vice president to ever run for ofice in the US history! I of course am not Howard Stern, I just figured I would let you know that. But he does tell the truth as I try to do and of course he can tell you what he reads to get his world news from. Unlike you hero Palin when asked what newspapers she reads to get her daily news from and she couldn't name a single paper or magazine that she reads! She is a dolt and a total moron and you follow her! ;)
i am a feminist and I don't like Palin. she makes women look bad imo. no offense to anyone who likes her. she stands for everything i hate.


Well-Known Member
The most racist person I ever met was my Aikido teacher from japan.
He hated whtie people sooooo much.


Well-Known Member
Definatly Hated. He called me a filthy white pig most of the time. lol
And he was half american?

The earth quake is just proof that Godzilla has left monster Island an is heading for Tokoyo

I<3 Bull Dykes

New Member
Tell you what, Japan can have morals and Ethics, and we get to have Homes, food, water, and electric.

Hey Japan has been destroyed but at least people are polite to one another.


Well-Known Member
She was making a simple observation and I agree with her. You won't find Japanese citizens roaming the streets and shooting weapons at police officers working the emergency. If what she said upsets you, do something about it and fight the stereotype. Do something for your neighbor or a stranger for that matter.

Tell you what, Japan can have morals and Ethics, and we get to have Homes, food, water, and electric.

Hey Japan has been destroyed but at least people are polite to one another.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who have that stereo-type and continue to think we Japanese follow our native culture...We don't. I was American born, therefore that's all I know. I represent the star spangled banner and nothing more or less. Which makes me just as guilty as the next American.

The reports are coming in that the Japanese up in lines to get water and food, the stores are cutting prices when they can to help out. There is NO LOOTING going on.

People are pitching in helping one another they are not sitting on their asses waiting for someone to come and save them or waiting for a welfare check or child support from their baby daddy/mama.

What is keeping Japan in good spirits is because the majority of the people are ethnic Japanese, their culture has not been eroded by multiculture diversity like it is here.

The USA once had this type of culture, in the area I live it is still alive and doing well, but in many places in the USA it has completely disappeared.

All we have to do is compare the moral turpitude of Hurricane Katrina which was beyond comprehension from the worst as worst gets..Then take a look what has happened in Japan to see the difference in morals, ethics and character in times of peril and disaster. They lead by example and its definitely something many people never do or ever think to.
Don't you just love Xenophobia? You are a moron! What you are trying to say is that there are no black people so they are better (thereby saying black people are worthless)! There are a lot of different cultures in Japan (Chinese, American, Taiwanese, British, Russian, German and many more) and I can pretty much guess that you have never been to Japan and only know of it through media. If Japan is so great (by the way I do love Japan), than why do they have one of the highest suicide rates in the world!?! There are things about this country I despise (religion, stupidity, ignorance, stupid fucking laws, corrupt government are just a few), in my travels though, it has made me appreciate the good things about this country.


Well-Known Member
The OP said nothing of the sort. You are taking assumptions that you are making and placing them in between the lines as you read. Blacks are not our only problem in this country, but many like to place the blame on someone other than their own lack of empathy for others. Our media has desensitized us. Most of us don't even know our damn next door neighbor's first and last names. Our values have eroded and morals are near non-existent. As for suicide rates, it is due to stress. They are highly motivated for success, unlike a lot of people I know here in the states. They also have a history of accepted suicide to stave off embarrassment to the family name. Do you think that may contribute to the numbers rather than your counter claim that Japan is not a nice place? (See how I twisted that on you? You never said Japan sucked, but I inferred it from your remark regarding suicides)

Don't you just love Xenophobia? You are a moron! What you are trying to say is that there are no black people so they are better (thereby saying black people are worthless)! There are a lot of different cultures in Japan (Chinese, American, Taiwanese, British, Russian, German and many more) and I can pretty much guess that you have never been to Japan and only know of it through media. If Japan is so great (by the way I do love Japan), than why do they have one of the highest suicide rates in the world!?! There are things about this country I despise (religion, stupidity, ignorance, stupid fucking laws, corrupt government are just a few), in my travels though, it has made me appreciate the good things about this country.


New Member
For those of you who have that stereo-type and continue to think we Japanese follow our native culture...We don't. I was American born, therefore that's all I know. I represent the star spangled banner and nothing more or less. Which makes me just as guilty as the next American.

The reports are coming in that the Japanese up in lines to get water and food, the stores are cutting prices when they can to help out. There is NO LOOTING going on.

People are pitching in helping one another they are not sitting on their asses waiting for someone to come and save them or waiting for a welfare check or child support from their baby daddy/mama.

What is keeping Japan in good spirits is because the majority of the people are ethnic Japanese, their culture has not been eroded by multiculture diversity like it is here.

The USA once had this type of culture, in the area I live it is still alive and doing well, but in many places in the USA it has completely disappeared.

All we have to do is compare the moral turpitude of Hurricane Katrina which was beyond comprehension from the worst as worst gets..Then take a look what has happened in Japan to see the difference in morals, ethics and character in times of peril and disaster. They lead by example and its definitely something many people never do or ever think to.
Prolly going to read this thread now, sounds like a post that could start some drama.

The American looting I assume you're referring to is Katrina and the aftermath. Look at the racial and socio-economic make up of the people remaining in the area that got hit the hardest. Then keep in mind that evacuation requirements were posted days before Katrina hit. Basically what this means is take your entire New Orleans population, subtract the lower-middle class and up whites that were able to drive away, subtract everyone else that was smart enough to pawn the crackpipe for a bus ticket, and you're left with a city full of people that are too poor/stupid to get out before a hurricane fucks your day up.

Now take those people and take away their house, food, clothing, big screen TVs, DVD players, Xbox's, and all the other shit welfare pays for. You're obviously going to have looting. The rest of America (civilized) frowned on that behavior as well. I haven't heard about anything but sporadic looting for any other hurricane (that went through nicer neighborhoods).

Also, I really don't think that comparing two cultures solely based on how they react to devastating natural disasters will give an accurate representation of the differences instilled in each. The Japanese are a very ethical, moral, respectful people. They are also meek. Not much you can say about America's people as a whole with regards to their mannerisms as our country is many cultures amalgamated. This results in me not being able to say that Americans are a proud people, because about 51% of the country is liberal and hates America. I can't say we're a boisterous people because a solid 20% of everyone is introverted and refrain from contact with other folks. I suppose it's fair to say that we're a very $ motivated people.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying we should help others from a foreign country at the drop of a dime..infact it makes me angry that our country or "bureaucratic asshat government" as I call them..Should help our people first..getting us back to work etc....and NEVER refer to me as you guys "helping me" because you've done everything but that. I don't expect handouts from anyone I work for what I have.

You're having a hard time finding work??? What kind of work are you looking for if I may ask??? What is preventing you from looking for a job?? Also if I may add I donate because it's my money and my choice and I really want that sweet Lady Gaga Bracelet are you kidding??


Well-Known Member
Liberals HATE America? What kind of righteous conservative bull shit is this? I also find your comment about welfare paying for big screen TV's and xboxes and the like pretty silly. Drug money and crime may pay for those big ticket items, but I can assure you, welfare does not. You also toss around % figurs like an old professional statistician with demographics to back up your numbers.... That seems pretty arrogant to me bear...


New Member
Liberals HATE America? What kind of righteous conservative bull shit is this? I also find your comment about welfare paying for big screen TV's and xboxes and the like pretty silly. Drug money and crime may pay for those big ticket items, but I can assure you, welfare does not. You also toss around % figurs like an old professional statistician with demographics to back up your numbers.... That seems pretty arrogant to me bear...
10 characters to say wut.
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