What makes you want to grow organically


Well-Known Member
I understand that soil growing ( organics ) is the way mother nature meant it to be, and there's no denying it, all I'm saying is that some of us are unable to do soil grow do to space, alot of you are fortunate to have the prveledge of living in a state where mj medically is legal, wish I was one but alas, therefore I've had no choice but to go hydro and fortunate that I can get decent results, the end goal of most of us is to have some for personall use, it's just that I see a lot of people discouraging others who want to go hydro and that tends to bug me, so I try to give thim some ecouragement in trying it, that's all I'm trying to do, I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right, I'm just saying if you want to go hydro, do it you wont be dissapointed.
You can't stay away from the "Hooray Organics" thread, huh?
I have two 3x3 spaces. I stopped using ebb and flow because the res took up so much space and it was hard to keep the water temp down.
I switched to coco, which is hydro. Coco takes up exactly the same amount of space as soil. Ebb and flow or anything with a res, takes up way more space than a soil grow. I'm going back to organic soil to K.I.S.S.

You could probably get away with smaller pots in coco. But if they are too small then you need a res to feed them.
I am thinking of going with SIP pots for soil, which reduces work even more. The plant decides how much water it needs, not me, that is the attractive part.

I have no problem with hydro, but from my experience, it is harder. Not harder to learn, but just harder work.

If a n00b came to me and asked for advice on how to start, I would tell them to go with organic soil.

Also, I just spent $150 on stuff to get my soil going. I inventoried and realized that most of the supplies are going to last me a long time. If I reuse soil I doubt hydro will be cheaper for me.

It will be slightly more expensive in the winter as I will be purchasing some items to make tea. I still think that organic soil will be about the same, if not cheaper than hydro. Most people way over feed with hydro. Feeding properly can save you some money.

My evolution growing weed:

Outdoor soil, chem nutes
Outdoor soil organic nutes
Indoor ebb and flow
Indoor DWC (hated that)
Indoor ebb and flow
Indoor coco
(med license) Outdoor organic soil in pots, only watered from my pond (WHOA, that really worked well!)
Indoor organic soil

I looked at the beautiful color of my friend's plants in organic soil and realized he was doing as well as I was in coco, but with better looking plants.

Again, I have yet to find knowledgeable people that prefer hydro over organic. Even when I was a ebb and flow snob I would have said I preferred organic.

/tldr, sweet blog


Well-Known Member
DeeTee....my comment is just reiterating what others have said, but I will say it again. My veg "area" is a 5' tall computer cabinet with two separate veg spaces within....one for clones, the other for slightly larger plants. My bloom "room" is a 2'x4'x5'tall tent. In that small of a veg area, I have a bubble cloner for 24 cuttings, room for about 10-12 small plants/seedlings in 6" pots, and 4 larger plants-each in 3 gallon homemade smartpots. My tent has room for 4 mainlined plants in 7 gallon homemade smartpots.....eventually, I may decide to do more plants, but for now I try to keep plant counts small. If caught in Texas, each plant counts as a pound of weed toward cultivation numbers.

It gets tight, and I would love to have more room, but I work with what I have. And btw, I live in TEXAS, it doesn't get much further from a medical state than that. My outdoor gardens have always been vegetables and herbs.....not cannabis. I tried to guerrilla grow a few plants on family land.....the plants were ripped out and taken away within weeks-not months.......and that was 8 plants on 250 acres of raw land.

When I started growing I actually found the opposite of what you stated. All I saw in the grow room set up forums was hydro, aeroponics, and vertical hydro. I didn't think I could do a clean organic soil grow in a small space. It wasn't until after I fought with temperatures in a DWC system for almost a year that I gave in. Soil insulates the root zone from the drastic temperatures of the hid lighting in my bloom "room." I like it better. Because of my success with organics, and the nature of some agribusiness companies, I ENCOURAGE organics. I have helped others set up their grow areas. I do let people know why I like organics better and some have ended up in the baby steps of organics with bagged soil and "organic labeled nutes," but others are growing DWC, and coco..... I discourage DWC locally just like hyroot said, for a couple of reasons. One, if it isn't sitting on a basement floor (non-existent concept here) you tend to always have heat issues with the solution. Two, pHing takes hours per day as your plant count goes up.

My evolution of growing cannabis:

Aeroponics indoors (BAD/Messy idea) (All flouro)
DWC indoors (constant nutrient solution temperature struggles) (went to HPS in bloom, T5 HO in veg)
Organic prebagged soil and teas (got root aphids from FFOF also went LED in veg)
Super Soil (short lived - I didn't like volume of recipe and I wanted to reuse)
Homemade soil mixture, with no till in bloom. (about to return veg to T5 HO and add led to veg area)

Our methods will always evolve.....I just hope mine evolves to be closer and closer to nature....without getting so close that it is no longer hidden from the law.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not going to continue with this argument, it was never meant to be an argument, I've never done DWC and you give a good reason why, I will admit that I should have never made my statement therefore retract what I said and will in the future not give my opinions, all in all it's been a good run.


Well-Known Member
DeeTee, I am not trying to fight with anyone....I just disagree with a few things that were said. I apologize if you felt hounded. Granted the organic forum will be a bit skewed on the numbers of people who agree with me vs a hydro grower. :razz:


New Member
Growing plants organically is something which is in favor of plants, as well as of the environment and even your pocket. Since organic ways favor less use of chemical fertilizers, it is safe for the environment. Also, it can supplement the soil with essential ingredients and sustain its fertility.