Well-Known Member
I let the bong fill take the hit and hold it for maybe 2 seconds, ive never seen stars or blurred vision, and for me a bong is alot smoother and less harsh on my throat than a pipe. I do use a pipe alot too, I have a decent collection of glass and try to use everything.I take small hits(held for up to 5 seconds). I don't try to fill my lungs(oxygen is the main transport vessel in the lungs for a substance to get into your body). I'm not trying to suffocate on smoke. THC is a small fraction of the smoke, ever shot-gunned hits to someone and they've gotten high off it? There you go. You're just exhaling plenty of 'THC-rich' smoke, and damaging your lungs unnecessarily.
Why does it seem so many pot heads have killed massive amounts of braincells by over smoking? We need a constant supply of oxygen, seriously. Don't get me wrong, tobacco chain smokers do it too.
Do you ever see "shooting-stars", or get blurry/cloudy vision... you're taking way too big of hits -you could even pass out from doing this. I've seen people pass out from huge bong rips, it's not cool. Especially when we are all high... for fucks sake it freaks everyone out!
I don't like ice water in bongs anyway(makes the hits much harsher in my experiences). Room temperature or slightly cooler water(from the tap or frig is as cold as I care for, I rather have my bong filled with hot water than iced) is what I like in my bong. Ice catcher all the way over ice water! Bongs are just too much hassle, not portable, and takes more weed to get just as high off a pipe.
But I can get much higher with a way smaller amount off a bong than a pipe. I cant put out bowls in my pipe very easy in between hits, but my bowl is massive on my bong and that is easy to do. So i end up saving weed using my bong at home, and switch up to my pipe on the go.
Its all just personal preference.