what is best vape,pipe,bong,joint?


Active Member
got some all weed joints no longer smoke tobacco. looking out for some blunts .
pipe and bongs bongs probably having the higher ground as you can cool the smoke with water.

pipes are fine but a good bong and well cured weed is great. but if im going ro spend money im thinking a vape might be better option what do you reckon . price wise vape will be the most expensive but is it the better smoke. i read you get more out of bud by vaping as you are not incinerating the bud

edit ) then there is shit like dabs and glass rosin . trying to find the purest smoke

I'm a huge fan of the Volcano vaporizers, in particular the Hybrid.

The machine does all the extracting and you just take the balloon afterwards and hit at your leisure. Beautiful big hits!

I’ve been using the mighty + vape for about a year and it’s awesome buuuuuut joints and bongs are the shit, it’s best to alternate
I've got a pax3.5 vape, can smoke dry herb or oil. The vape is good out and about, nice clean hit. But I personally love the dirty quick hit from the bong!