What is your first name in real life?

Joe mama...

        • 38726_142031812496804_645261_n.jpg

        • ME & UNCLEBUCK<3


I dated a guy named Kelly and he had a brother Michael...they had the last name Hunt...we only called him over a loudspeaker once...since his name was Mike Hunt....say it out loud...now imagine the stern look from the little old lady manning the desk that day after she said it...boy was she surprised when a guy walked up...it was like HA! Bitch!
I dated a guy named Kelly and he had a brother Michael...they had the last name Hunt...we only called him over a loudspeaker once...since his name was Mike Hunt....say it out loud...now imagine the stern look from the little old lady manning the desk that day after she said it...boy was she surprised when a guy walked up...it was like HA! Bitch!
john jacob.............you know the rest. sing it kids!
johnnnnnnnnn jacobbb jingleheimerschmidt..............his name is my name tooooooo...........whenever we go out...........all the people scream and shout.........
john jacob jingle-heimer-schmidt-da-da-da-da-da
it is an eel that was in a totally dark corner of a huge tank at an aquarium...I had a blackberry at the time and they have crazy bright flashes and I found if I took pictures of totally black spots in the aquarium I was ending up with pictures of things I wouldn't have known were there...all the creatures I found seem so very surprised though...

Haha I always thought your icon was the head of a black and white cow!