What is your first name in real life?

Who cares what someone's first name is...have you ever looked in a phone book? A lot of people have the same first names..and I don't know about you guys, but I will probably never remember anyone's first name...unless it is easy or in your screen name...easy to remember a guy named guy is behind fun-GUS Gnat
Do you drive a tricked out pickup truck Gus ?

Who cares what someone's first name is...have you ever looked in a phone book? A lot of people have the same first names..and I don't know about you guys, but I will probably never remember anyone's first name...unless it is easy or in your screen name...easy to remember a guy named guy is behind fun-GUS Gnat

Full disclosure, I'm not entirely being honest.
Names Keith,not to be mixed with Keether Sutherlin I am constantly hit with that little trinket.

... I guess those people are idiots then, because that dude's name is Keifer Sutherland, not Keether Sutherlin... also, "Keifer" is a fucking cool name... tell me that Donald was not smoking some potent extracts when he named that boy...
it is an eel that was in a totally dark corner of a huge tank at an aquarium...I had a blackberry at the time and they have crazy bright flashes and I found if I took pictures of totally black spots in the aquarium I was ending up with pictures of things I wouldn't have known were there...all the creatures I found seem so very surprised though...
thats pretty crazy. i still think its a cat haha. with a white nose between the eyes.
lol how about tom short for thomas?
and tim short for timothy?

no...it is tom short for tomothy...lol...

on another note...did you know that Sandy is a nickname for alexander...I just think alex...lol...
thats pretty crazy. i still think its a cat haha. with a white nose between the eyes.

it is a little black and white striped eel that looks like a knitted scarf...but it looks really startled, it's mouth is open and it's eyes are huge...

Then again eels are a fish, and fish tend to have large eyes and open mouths...so whatever...but to me he looks like he was like Ah!