Nice Ol Bud
Well-Known Member
- 5-31-09 <3
cough unclebuck cough cough
He doesn't like UncleBuck.
Who the fuck does?
Besides his republican dick chasers -_-
Or me.
aww man...I would rather not think that people are being other people on the internet...I mean at least be one person on a site...I have a hard enough time thinking about people over the internet as being people somewhere that actually exist somewhere other than the internet...don't start making up alters...
Rainbow... You're a gutterslut
I liked him. But...then he got all butthurt on me. Maybe he'll calm down about it someday. Maybe not. *shrug*
He's a troll. He's just fucking with you. Always.
That would be friggin awesome lolUB is funny to me. I troll from time to time. I bet there are celeberties on here. Like kat williams or someone. Lol.
I still think there's a decent guy somewhere in there.
That just means he succeeded. A good troll is an unnoticed troll.
Not really lol..
Care to qualify your statement?
Your a shit of a troll.
And you're apparently an idiot. But what's your point? I'm not trolling anyone anyway; just making comments about the nature of a troll. But flame on.