What is the best Vaporizer?

Which vaporizer is your favorite?

  • The Volcano

    Votes: 60 43.8%
  • The Silver Surfer

    Votes: 12 8.8%
  • The Extreme

    Votes: 20 14.6%
  • Iolite

    Votes: 6 4.4%
  • Box and Whip style like a vapor brothers

    Votes: 15 10.9%
  • Vapolution

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Vapir Air One

    Votes: 9 6.6%
  • Herbalaire

    Votes: 8 5.8%
  • Other Bag style

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • Old fashioned Upside down Glass Bubble style

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters
We seem to have driven HighByFly into an herbalaire rage, dude I like hondas too but beamers are bad ass.

So here is the deal my next vape will be an herbalaire, now will you calm down and maybe use this wonderful herbalaire that you rant on about? :eyesmoke:

Just make a personal attack when all else fails right? :roll:

Im just saying man, open your mind to other things, and stop assuming the volcano is the right vaporizer for everyone. Check back on page 3 or 4, one guy swears by his iolite, so its just preference man.

keep the peace here guys is what I suggest, im unscribed because its just turning into an attack thread ;)

enjoy medicating guys (however you accomplish it)

Everything you just said can be done with the herbalaire, but Like I said, I dont have to q-tip shit. You also really dont need the salt, but it always helps, maybe you should try it, and stop rubbing cotton on your pieces that you put hot air though. Bad idea brother, i definatly wouldent continue doing that.

Well, this is the thing, you have a what, 2 year warranty? And when you do call in, who are you going to talk to? Probably some punk kid named hanz with broken ass english. Like I said, when i called Herbalaire, the president of the company answered the phone himself. If you go to their website, he actually does the video himself showing the efficiency of the unit. If your argument is the warranty, the herbalaire is 3 years warranty on the entire unit. Thats a year MORE than your vape, at 1/3 of the price.

No worries, like I said before the volcano is a great unit, and I dont want you to think im trying to make you feel back for spending that much money, just trying to help those who want a quality bag/whip combo vape, without spending a stupid amount of money.



Okay, this should be fun. Difficult though cause of all the quotes...

Everything you just said can be done with the herbalaire, but Like I said, I dont have to q-tip shit. You also really dont need the salt, but it always helps, maybe you should try it, and stop rubbing cotton on your pieces that you put hot air though. Bad idea brother, i definatly wouldent continue doing that.

I was actually responding to how you said you can break down your shit, I was saying that I COULD DO THAT TOO. Thank you for verifying that.

Also, do you even know what the salt combined with alcohol does? Its an abrasive, as in it rubs off the resin?

Well, do you know what my gay ass q-tips are for? Yup.

Also, I remove all pieces of stray cotton, cotton swabs dont dissolve man... lol

Well, this is the thing, you have a what, 2 year warranty? And when you do call in, who are you going to talk to? Probably some punk kid named hanz with broken ass english.
Digital has a two year warranty, classic has a three.

And actually, I've heard nothing BUT good things, things like immediate responses, items being sent back in a few days, for free, and the items being expedited back.

People had their things fixed and back in like, 5-6 days?

Cite me some examples of bad service by Storz & Bickel, as a Volcano owner I would like to know...

Thats a year MORE than your vape, at 1/3 of the price.
Would you really give a shit if a block of iron came with a warranty?

I'm not really worried about poor engineering resulting in it failing to operate correctly, it's that slick,


examples of engineering that I'm wowed with:

I'm talking a bowl compartment that is thought out so well, that if the bag over inflates, GRAVITY acts as a purge valve for the excess vapor. This is because there is an o-ring at the bottom of the bowl, and a little holder type ring on the actual unit.

The purge valve only activates when it HAS to, bags can get VERY tight. In that sense I'm not worried about an over inflating bag.

The way everything is attached, means there are only two parts to catch. and detaching is very simple, yet its hard to accidentally detach anything.

I really like that the mouth piece opens when you push your mouth to it, that same spring opens when the bag is attached into the bowl

Theres like 2 or three more things, but I loaded up like .13 into a volcano bowl, and I'm like 2/3 into bag one and its really hard to type no jooke dude...

basically all of that comes together, and all of that shit wouldnt even work if one part of it was changed or modified, you really couldnt swap out a single or modify part to improve the design, because then it just wouldnt work! Kind of like the Earth really, like what if heat didnt rise, what if the earth was another 10 million miles closer to the sun (I don't think it would be liveable, if I'm wrong you get the idea)

No worries, like I said before the volcano is a great unit, and I dont want you to think im trying to make you feel back for spending that much money, just trying to help those who want a quality bag/whip combo vape, without spending a stupid amount of money.
I don't feel bad, hahaha, I saved the money up - $5 by $5 over a few months

Personally, I feel as if I would have always wanted the Volcano, and therefore purchasing anything else that would eventually be replaced by the volcano, seemed a waste of money, for me at least.

That being said I haven't used an Herbal Aire, yet I never once did directly compare them - Just explained why I liked my volcano
Also, I remove all pieces of stray cotton, cotton swabs dont dissolve man... lol

Cite me some examples of bad service by Storz & Bickel, as a Volcano owner I would like to know...

Would you really give a shit if a block of iron came with a warranty?

I'm not really worried about poor engineering resulting in it failing to operate correctly, it's that slick,

1. LOL, so your telling me there is absolutly no cotton left over, you know that for a fact? I dont think so. Enjoy inhaling that bullshit.

2. You compare my vaporizer to a iron block, and rave about a "oh shit" valve on the volcano, stopp being a dumbass and dont let your fucking bag over inflate and you wont need that "innovation" you paid too much money for.

3. Warranty - really, you really are going to defend the warranty? I dont even need to talk about herbalaires warranty because everything is explained on my review.

Actually, im not even going to bother with your ass, your just another biased idiot.

That being said I haven't used an Herbal Aire, yet I never once did directly compare them - Just explained why I liked my volcano

idiot. use a product before you compare something else to it. In case you failed english class, or just forgot, when your entire post is implying that your comparing to the herbalaire, you are. (such as your iron with a warranty comment, which made no sense) So, yes you did compare, and your an idiot, because you obviously know nothing about either unit frankly, you sound more like a legit mac user. you spent alot of money and have no idea what you bought, past what you have read on the internet. Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat.

(If you wish to seriously continue to argue with me, please od it in a PM, lets keep this thread to legitimate debates between vapes. We have kept it good and fair so far, then your dumbass had to put your 2 cents in.)

I still think that aquarium pump is a HUGE point not to buy an herbalaire . . .

So you would take a non-efficient, less stable fan over a pneumatic pump?

The pulsating action of the pump combined with the design of the chamber and the 18 hole configuration is one of the main reasons for the efficiency of the herbalAire. To understand this better, imagine what is going on at the microscopic level. First of all, the pulsating action of the pump could be considered as pressure shock waves traveling through the herb at 60 cycles per second. Pressure increases and decreases 60 times every second. On the up pulse the pressure increases and forces air into all the herbal crevices and on the down pulse the hot air (permeated with essence) is released from the herb. Imagine a pneumatic jack hammer with a compression chamber to smooth out the hammering - not much concrete would be released. The Volcano has a compression chamber to smooth out the "putt putt", but I think its a mistake on their part, mostly because their chamber design is not designed to capitalize on the jack hammering effect of pump.

This is about all I can explain for you....


edit: Oh wait, did I mention your high almighty volcano uses a AQUARIUM pump right? It just goes through a compression phase which steadies the stream, which in essence, which makes it not as efficient as the herbalaire. You guys should really open your volcano more often....or at least learn about it

edit(again) - Before you even bother...heres a link DIRECTY to Storz&bickel, go to question 2, and read. They open state they have an air pump.Care to guess what kind of "air pump"? Its just another pneumatic pump like the herbalaire.(go figure!) Like I said before, it does have an extra step to steady the air stream, because they looked over the beneficial value of the jackhammer style of air pumping. http://www.storz-bickel.com/vaporizer/vaporizing-frequently-asked-questions.html
I just don't want to carry around a friggin' aquarium pump. Are you sure you are not a sales rep for herbalaire? I'm not impressed in the least by them. Why would I want air-lines and two plugs/cords to deal with?

I don't have to understand what is happening at a microscopic level either, it's pretty simple you pump air over a heating element to heat the air and then you pass that hot air over plant material to vaporize the resin. The volcano does a damn good job of that, fills a bag faster than the herbalair, has a very well designed valve system, and you only have to plug in one cord.

I never said the Volcano was for everyone but I think it is pretty obvious that it is the best bag style vaporizer design on the market. All the other bag filling vapes on the market are simply knock off's of the volcano some better than others.

The volcano is obviously worth $500-$600 simply because it has been selling at that price point for years. They can't even do that with the X-box!
I just don't want to carry around a friggin' aquarium pump.

You got a volcano? You already are.

Are you sure you are not a sales rep for herbalaire?

Positive. ;)

I'm not impressed in the least by them. Why would I want air-lines and two plugs/cords to deal with?

This is my complaint as well. I totally agree, the convenience of having your "aquarium" pump built in is pretty nice, but what about if it needs replacing? i doubt this will happen, since both the volcano and the herbalaire use those style of pumps for a reason. but if you did, its nice to just send off the pump, and still be able to use the vape whip-style. your SOL with the volcano, because itz off someverr in Deutschland.

I don't have to understand what is happening at a microscopic level either, it's pretty simple you pump air over a heating element to heat the air and then you pass that hot air over plant material to vaporize the resin.

Well apparently you do, because you seem to think that the pump is inferior to the volcano which uses the same style of pump, so you sir, are dumb. And if its so "simple" wtf did you pay $500+ for? Your just diggin yourself in a hole buddy ;)

The volcano does a damn good job of that, fills a bag faster than the herbalair, has a very well designed valve system, and you only have to plug in one cord.

AH, so another comment without research. I can guarantee that my herbalaire will fill any size bag faster than your volcano. You obviously did no research on either vaporizer before making your comments, because its a common fact the herbalaire is faster. (Now, we are takling about the herbalaire as of January 2010, I agree, the old pump was garbage.)

I never said the Volcano was for everyone but I think it is pretty obvious that it is the best bag style vaporizer design on the market. All the other bag filling vapes on the market are simply knock off's of the volcano some better than others.

The volcano is obviously worth $500-$600 simply because it has been selling at that price point for years. They can't even do that with the X-box!

You sure you dont own a PS3? You sound like a PS3 owner trying to cinvince me their PS3 is better than xbox, because they paid more money. I still understand the PS3 is better, but just like the volcano, its not worth its price.:sleep:(old pricing on the ps3 of course) (I bought my ps3 for 250, and wouldent pay a penny more, no matter what.)

LOL Its been steady at that price because they constantly add a new $20 "innovation" to keep fanboi's like you happy with the price, and make it seem worth it.

:clap: For trying buddy, but again, its still not worth the money, which is what it comes down to, always.
I have a vapir, It takes twice the weed to get me baked but it doesn't last long. My vote for best vaporizer, none, roll a phattie, it will never let you down and is very portable!
And yet nothing about the leech chemicals, plastics etc. The Volcano is made with medical grade parts..just my two cents..does the herbalaire guarantee this?(I'm going to assume not, and invite you to prove me wrong) I haven't ever used an herbalaire but I can say I'm very anal when it comes to chemicals, leech chemicals, BPA etc. and wouldn't use a vapo that wasn't made of medical grade material

Hey bobs, I said I would get back to you....and this is also good information for anyone to find out when buying a vaporizer. You should make sure your vaporizer is made of Quality products, that give off no smell or taste.

This is an excerpt from the herbalaire website, which you can find at http://herbalaire.com/scientific.htm

"Safe, Tested Design

The herbalAire is constructed using durable, high tech materials producing no smell or taste. The air is completely isolated from the heating element and flows through only the safest materials (Teflon is a revolutionary material used in cookware, completely safe for herbal aroma therapy). The exterior of the herbalAire is glass filled nylon.

A Scientific Grade Instrument

The herbalAire is engineered to the highest of standards and is currently being used in China to research the effectiveness of vaporizing ancient Chinese herbal medicines. West met East 50 years ago with Martial Arts. West met East 10 years ago with the popularization of Yoga. West is once again meeting the East with its depth of knowledge of ancient, therapeutic, alternative herbal medicines. Be ready with the instrument of choice - the herbalAire."

Second bit is more of gloat by them I think, but still pretty cool that studies in another country are using it :bigjoint:

But as they say, every bit of material that the air passes through (pump, tubing unit) all are food grade quality materials.

Happy Vaping everyone

1. LOL, so your telling me there is absolutly no cotton left over, you know that for a fact? I dont think so. Enjoy inhaling that bullshit.

2. You compare my vaporizer to a iron block, and rave about a "oh shit" valve on the volcano, stopp being a dumbass and dont let your fucking bag over inflate and you wont need that "innovation" you paid too much money for.

3. Warranty - really, you really are going to defend the warranty? I dont even need to talk about herbalaires warranty because everything is explained on my review.

Actually, im not even going to bother with your ass, your just another biased idiot.

idiot. use a product before you compare something else to it. In case you failed english class, or just forgot, when your entire post is implying that your comparing to the herbalaire, you are. (such as your iron with a warranty comment, which made no sense) So, yes you did compare, and your an idiot, because you obviously know nothing about either unit frankly, you sound more like a legit mac user. you spent alot of money and have no idea what you bought, past what you have read on the internet. Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat.

(If you wish to seriously continue to argue with me, please od it in a PM, lets keep this thread to legitimate debates between vapes. We have kept it good and fair so far, then your dumbass had to put your 2 cents in.)


Lemme preface the argument by saying there are already 18 pages, anybody who wishes to save time reading can do so by avoiding the page long multi quote conversation were having here.

Yes, I do guarentee that there is no cotton, there arent any compartments or anything for it to get stuck in, and after cleaning I rinse everything out, any cotton would be visible, and there is no cotton visibe. Therefore there is none. That's a really dumb argument by the way, I'm kind of using the product as it was intended?

So I'm using a COTTON SWAB, and here is the definition of swab, used as a verb.

Dictionary.com said:

–verb (used with object)7.to clean with or as if with a swab: to swab the decks.

8.to take up or apply, as moisture, with or as if with a swab: to swab soapy water from the decks.

9.to pass over a surface: to swab a mop over the decks

2. You compare my vaporizer to a iron block, and rave about a "oh shit" valve on the volcano, stopp being a dumbass and dont let your fucking bag over inflate and you wont need that "innovation" you paid too much money for.
lol no, I compared MY Volcano to an Iron block, I never compared the Volcano to the Herbalaire...

And dude I trip salvia, eat shrooms and smoke hash/keif blunts while using my vaporizer, bags... bags WILL get overinflated, and I'm glad I don't have to be scared to break my machine when I want to use it the most

3. Warranty - really, you really are going to defend the warranty? I dont even need to talk about herbalaires warranty because everything is explained on my review.
Well, you attack the warranty, what type of response did you expect? I did ask for you to find me a legitamite negative review on Storz & Bickle's customer service, judging by that response I assume you have found none?

And the Volcano Classic has a 3 year warranty, like I said, just like your vape.

Actually, im not even going to bother with your ass, your just another biased idiot.
Your not going to "bother my ass" because I'm tearing you down when it comes to your assault on the quality of the Volcano, hey, this IS the internet, if you prove me wrong I will agree with you, I'm a really reasonable person. It's just that you've yet to prove me wrong.

idiot. use a product before you compare something else to it. In case you failed english class, or just forgot, when your entire post is implying that your comparing to the herbalaire, you are. (such as your iron with a warranty comment, which made no sense) So, yes you did compare, and your an idiot, because you obviously know nothing about either unit frankly, you sound more like a legit mac user. you spent alot of money and have no idea what you bought, past what you have read on the internet. Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat.
Point out where I directly compared the Volcano to the Herbal Aire. Point it out.

As previously said, the iron block comment was a rhetorical question. I'm not worried about the unit breaking down for no reason (just like your not worried about an iron block needing replacement/warranty), It's a very nice unit that has very good engineering to PREVENT it from breaking.

because you obviously know nothing about either unit frankly
Obviously, I do. I know SOME about the herbal aire, I will admit this, but I know a lot about the use of a volcano, as I own one.

you sound more like a legit mac user.
It's funny you said that I was actually thinking about how a Mac compares to the Volcano.

But, I'd never buy a Mac, I'd use one if you gave it to me, but I'd never buy one.

I built my own windows computer for relatively cheap as fuck (4gb 1066 ddr 2 ram, nvidia 8800 GTS (g92) 512mb, amd am2 dual core 3.01GHz, 1tb hdd, 500gb hdd, 350gb hdd, now with Windows 7...

you spent alot of money and have no idea what you bought, past what you have read on the internet. Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat.
I do know what I bought, and yes I did do some reading on the internet before I bought it, but I don't think any of that influenced my postings here, unless you want to quote me for plagiarism, if you can prove that go ahead and do it...

Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat.
Why would I do that when opening it voids the warranty? It's not broken, and the warranty isn't up yet? I don't really like spitting in the face of chance so I can open something I don't desire to open.

Let me ask you this, how long have you been using a volcano, how do you have access to one?

It took me a week of owning the volcano before I had it 100% figured out so I could use it to the fullest


you spent alot of money and have no idea what you bought, past what you have read on the internet. Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat

Okay, now begins the insults, stupid mouth, inhale cotton fibers, I'm an asshat.

Why would you even need to insult me unless you were loosing this argument? That or your a 15 year old who spends too much time on YouTube.

Way to show your maturity when it comes to debate.
1. LOL, so your telling me there is absolutly no cotton left over, you know that for a fact? I dont think so. Enjoy inhaling that bullshit.

2. You compare my vaporizer to a iron block, and rave about a "oh shit" valve on the volcano, stopp being a dumbass and dont let your fucking bag over inflate and you wont need that "innovation" you paid too much money for.

3. Warranty - really, you really are going to defend the warranty? I dont even need to talk about herbalaires warranty because everything is explained on my review.

Actually, im not even going to bother with your ass, your just another biased idiot.

idiot. use a product before you compare something else to it. In case you failed english class, or just forgot, when your entire post is implying that your comparing to the herbalaire, you are. (such as your iron with a warranty comment, which made no sense) So, yes you did compare, and your an idiot, because you obviously know nothing about either unit frankly, you sound more like a legit mac user. you spent alot of money and have no idea what you bought, past what you have read on the internet. Why dont you open your volcano and learn a little bit before you open your stupid mouth. Go inhale your cotton fibers asshat.

(If you wish to seriously continue to argue with me, please od it in a PM, lets keep this thread to legitimate debates between vapes. We have kept it good and fair so far, then your dumbass had to put your 2 cents in.)


I would just like to say, that was uncalled for. Why are there so many damn pricks on this forum...i mean, it's gotten better over the years...but shit.
sorry but there's no way you get every single cotton fiber out.

when a tiny cotton fiber blends with resin, do you REALLY think you can see that? hell no. you'd have to clean that shit that you cleaned with the cotton swab for that to work . . .

for real, cotton leaves behind fibers, don't kid yourself. it would take nothing less that alcohol and salt to fully be sure you have no resin keeping cotton fibers stuck to the sides . . .
I can guarantee that my herbalaire will fill any size bag faster than your volcano.
I don't think faster is always better...My extreme has a 3 speed fan...they recommend the fastest to fill bags...I disagree! Maybe if you are using a high temp like you see on spewtube...

I bet this is why I have read about herbalaire being efficient...If I fill a bag on high with my extreme Q, I can fill a second bag...both are sort of lame...If I fill on low I get a denser vapor and no need for a second, always lesser quality, bag

I have a vapir, It takes twice the weed to get me baked but it doesn't last long. My vote for best vaporizer, none, roll a phattie, it will never let you down and is very portable!

Yeah I do not agree that using a vaporizer conserves bud (one hitters do that) The high is different...it is undoubtedly better for you...I think if you have only been smoking for a relatively short time, going vape only is an option...after 25 years it probably 'aint gonna happenbongsmilie

Hey bobs, I said I would get back to you....and this is also good information for anyone to find out when buying a vaporizer. You should make sure your vaporizer is made of Quality products, that give off no smell or taste.

This is an excerpt from the herbalaire website, which you can find at http://herbalaire.com/scientific.htm

"Safe, Tested Design

The herbalAire is constructed using durable, high tech materials producing no smell or taste. The air is completely isolated from the heating element and flows through only the safest materials (Teflon is a revolutionary material used in cookware, completely safe for herbal aroma therapy). The exterior of the herbalAire is glass filled nylon.

It is amazing what advertising can do...The extreme advertises no teflon!

They also advertise "Medical grade" tubing...Well it is sort of...for some things...but mine says right on it "70 F NON-TOXIC PVC NSF-51 CANADA K091126"

So...on a nice cool day...as long as I do not use it...my vaporizer will not give off harmful fumes:roll: This is just PVC tubing you can get at El Cheapo Depot...Other than this, I am satisfied...should have known when it said "CANADA":lol:

So I have replaced with NSF51 silicon good to 500f:bigjoint:

And dude I trip salvia, eat shrooms and smoke hash/keif blunts while using my vaporizer, bags... bags WILL get overinflated, and I'm glad I don't have to be scared to break my machine when I want to use it the most


sorry but there's no way you get every single cotton fiber out.

when a tiny cotton fiber blends with resin, do you REALLY think you can see that? hell no. you'd have to clean that shit that you cleaned with the cotton swab for that to work . . .

for real, cotton leaves behind fibers, don't kid yourself. it would take nothing less that alcohol and salt to fully be sure you have no resin keeping cotton fibers stuck to the sides . . .

uh...here let me quote him:
and after cleaning I rinse everything out

Once the resin is gone...via the alcohol and the abrasive (in this case cotton fibers) the remaining fibers and impurities from the polar solvent can be rinsed away!

The reason to use salt is as an abrasive for places you can not reach...I use it too...but then I rinse it out!...I do not use salt for the actual bowl...I use a cotton swab!...then rinse the salt and fibers away.

But this is about vaporizing! My Extreme has instructions for vaping essential oils...they instruct you to place a drop or two on a cotton ball;-)
