What is a good strain that is potent but won't grow to tall?


New Member
Iv only grow 2 plants they were out doors but it's getting 2 cold for dat so I'm setting up a secret grow space in a trash can in my room I already got the plans how imma do it but I need to know what strain to buy that won't out grow the trashcan it's about 2 1/2 or 3 feet tall


Well-Known Member
just stay away from sativas.. or just train it well... lst, supercropping, scrog, sog


Active Member
Curious to see how you're gonna pull this off in a trash can.
By no means am I saying it cannot be done.
What kind of lights, ventilation, etc. are you going to use?


Well-Known Member
Critical Sensi Star from Delicious Seeds is a nice bushy short phenotype. I FIM them at 2-3 weeks, veg until about 18 inches, then flower. Most finish around 40-48 inches. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
most strains can be kept short with training techniques, id recommend an indica dominate variety as they naturally are shorter and bushier then their sativa cousins


New Member
I`ve only recently started growing but from my experience I can say that Northern Lights are excellent for concealed growth. It`s not hard to keep them under 1 meter in height. They also don't smell when flowering (at least my plant isn't emitting any odors). I did do a bit of research on strains before I started mine, so I would say that that`s a pretty good option.


New Member
ok now listen im not gonna tell u no bs. plants get taller than three ft if you plan on keeping it a certain height you have to reduce the vegatation phase. in other words when you see that your plant is your desierd height cut off the light cycle and switch to on during the day and off at night. by doing so the plants start to get mature and developes. think of it as every night with out the light its their birthday and they mature. and cutting them back on slows down the process .doing this produce smaller yeilds but does give you about a half ounce. its find with me i aint sellin that shit.