Well-Known Member
I've gone off SSRI before and it is not at all recommended you go cold turkey. You can feel great for first week but then the shit hits the fan. Had my first experience with brains zaps doing that! Anyway, I agree SSRI are kind of nasty shit that I would like to live without. I could see tapering off again now that I have more anxiety coping skills. Just out of curiousity, what is the effect of people on SSRI taking DMT? Why is it not recommended?I think if you took a week off, you’ll find you won’t need it anymore. Ayahuasca = Dimethyltryptamine. Serotonin = 5-Hydroxytryptamine. We invented SSRIs through our understanding (and misunderstanding) of the role and significance of the Serotonin receptor 5-HT2A in the role of psychedelics treating depression in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Instead of a pill a day, you’ll only need Ayahuasca once or twice a year. Totally life-changing.