What if you found out your purpose in life was meaningless?

I think if you took a week off, you’ll find you won’t need it anymore. Ayahuasca = Dimethyltryptamine. Serotonin = 5-Hydroxytryptamine. We invented SSRIs through our understanding (and misunderstanding) of the role and significance of the Serotonin receptor 5-HT2A in the role of psychedelics treating depression in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Instead of a pill a day, you’ll only need Ayahuasca once or twice a year. Totally life-changing.
I've gone off SSRI before and it is not at all recommended you go cold turkey. You can feel great for first week but then the shit hits the fan. Had my first experience with brains zaps doing that! Anyway, I agree SSRI are kind of nasty shit that I would like to live without. I could see tapering off again now that I have more anxiety coping skills. Just out of curiousity, what is the effect of people on SSRI taking DMT? Why is it not recommended?
I've gone off SSRI before and it is not at all recommended you go cold turkey. You can feel great for first week but then the shit hits the fan. Had my first experience with brains zaps doing that! Anyway, I agree SSRI are kind of nasty shit that I would like to live without. I could see tapering off again now that I have more anxiety coping skills. Just out of curiousity, what is the effect of people on SSRI taking DMT? Why is it not recommended?
You risk the potential for Serotonin Storm or Serotonin Syndrome and dying of seizures. It’s safe if you follow my instructions. If you ignore the bland diet, at least eat plain the day of and fast 6-8 hours prior.

Don’t ever drop something habitual cold turkey. I never meant to suggest that. But if you ever get curious, this is a more permanent treatment/cure.
You risk the potential for Serotonin Storm or Serotonin Syndrome and dying of seizures. It’s safe if you follow my instructions. If you ignore the bland diet, at least eat plain the day of and fast 6-8 hours prior.

Don’t ever drop something habitual cold turkey. I never meant to suggest that. But if you ever get curious, this is a more permanent treatment/cure.
That's some good info! Thanks boss!
Mark Haddon said that life is like prime numbers. When
you remove all the patterns in a fractal universe you are
left with only primes. Primes themselves either have no
intrinsic "meaning" or their meaning is well beyond our
capacity to satisfy our urge to always tease out a why.
Really we are just a part of an ecosystem, the difference between me and a slug is that as far as we know a slug don't contemplate his roll.
He simply does slug stuff then when he dies is recycled.

Now if there actually is a spiritual aspect I cant know.

But the physical part Im sure about.
Until we get to the quantum shit, at that point im as about as knowledgeable as said slug.

So if you want to fulfill your true purpose breed a few times, eat a nutrient rich diet then die someplace secluded so they cant find and seal your icky rotting goodness in a bug proof box where it will go to waste.
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Really we are just a part of an ecosystem, the difference between me and a slug is that as far as we know a slug don't contemplate his roll.
He simply does slug stuff then when he dies is recycled.

Now if there actually is a spiritual aspect I cant know.

But the physical part Im sure about.
Until we get to the quantum shit, at that point im as about as knowledgeable as said slug.

So if you want to fulfill your true purpose breed a few times, eat a nutrient rich diet then die someplace secluded so they cant find and seal your icky rotting goodness in a bug proof box where it will go to waste.
If we are primarily food for worms then why couldn't our
real purpose as easily be comic relief for the cockroaches?
Asking for a friend.
If we are primarily food for worms then why couldn't our
real purpose as easily be comic relief for the cockroaches?
Asking for a friend.
Could be,
Im still not sure if we surpassed what evolution had in mind while we were developing or if we are doing exactly what was needed, ie:building, destroying, creating internets etc..
There is no meaning to life, life just is. It exists, you exist, we exist just because. Because of the natural interactions between chemicals over time. Your life began just like it'll end, in the sea of oblivion. The chemical reactions that make up your body, mind, and consciousness will eventually cease and you won't exist, as you. What you're made of will still exist, but you won't. Wrap your head around that.

How does that make you feel, and why?
It's kinda bleak....but it's only bleak when I think about it. ;) And after death, everything that made thinking possible will disintegrate, anyway, so there won't be anything left with which to feel things. Maybe if there is some unmeasurable aura to us....THEN maybe it will become part of some kind of transformation from human to------? But I guess we will wait and see.....or not.
The theory that everything came by chance and so did life and our own consciousness, would be all too convincing, except that I could not find a reason for why the laws of nature are the way that they are. Why is the speed of light such and why can't anything go faster? Why does light itself challenge the theory of relativity? If a spaceship is going at 1/2 the speed of light in one direction and a light beam was shot in the same direction, the light will never cross the light speed due to the initial velocity of the spaceship. More strangely, if the light beam is shot in the opposing direction of the ship, it will not go any slower than light, but it will go out exactly at the speed of light. Why is gravity calculated in such a way and why do the formulas for energy work the way that they do, creating all this danger and excitement in the known universe? Such deep questions leave me baffled and the thing that I know best, is that we know all way too little.
The theory that everything came by chance and so did life and our own consciousness, would be all too convincing, except that I could not find a reason for why the laws of nature are the way that they are. Why is the speed of light such and why can't anything go faster? Why does light itself challenge the theory of relativity? If a spaceship is going at 1/2 the speed of light in one direction and a light beam was shot in the same direction, the light will never cross the light speed due to the initial velocity of the spaceship. More strangely, if the light beam is shot in the opposing direction of the ship, it will not go any slower than light, but it will go out exactly at the speed of light. Why is gravity calculated in such a way and why do the formulas for energy work the way that they do, creating all this danger and excitement in the known universe? Such deep questions leave me baffled and the thing that I know best, is that we know all way too little.
Still, the question "why" is an unanswerable one. Unless you are satisfied with
one pat socio-religious answer or another. Those are largely a function of geography
and tend to be often corrupted by a sense of exclusivity. We don't get to know why.
We do get to think that we are hot shit and that GOD must look a lot like us. Crystals
form in predictable patterns, clays align, membranes form and a kind of self replication
that presages and even predicts life is "born". Improbable events, given enough time,
become certainties. Entropy did the rest. That's what Granny used to say anyhow.
Still, the question "why" is an unanswerable one. Unless you are satisfied with
one pat socio-religious answer or another. Those are largely a function of geography
and tend to be often corrupted by a sense of exclusivity. We don't get to know why.
We do get to think that we are hot shit and that GOD must look a lot like us. Crystals
form in predictable patterns, clays align, membranes form and a kind of self replication
that presages and even predicts life is "born". Improbable events, given enough time,
become certainties. Entropy did the rest. That's what Granny used to say anyhow.
If I were creating a new reality like a video game, I would definitely set new laws for physics. Those initial numbers that are and only are because they are, had to be set by some deciding force. I believe that this topic isway beyond what the human mind can comprehend.
"meaning" is a human construct. we seek for purpose, but have no idea if there is one. i long ago gave up on "purpose".
i just try to live a decent life. i'm not a hero, but i try not to ignore anyone in trouble. i'm not an overly generous person, but i do my best to help those i actually think need help.
i guess as i've gotten older, my "meaning" in life has become being able to look at myself in the mirror in the morning without being disgusted. to be able to go to bed at night without something i've done that day keeping me from going to sleep. i can't control anyone else, i can't make anyone else a better person, but i can keep trying to improve myself.
If I found out my purpose in life was meaningless I'd change my avatar to
, hate my own race, work for a pot forum to stir up shit, race bait, gain hits