What if you found out your purpose in life was meaningless?

- Which mind ?
- Which state of mind ?
- Is our mind not like an ocean with subconciously flat and deep sea - small islands and big continents forming our concious -
always moving the coast + changing color and temperature with the moon and the sun - and always with the posibility to dive and find beautyfull little treasures ?
- Isn`t it possible for a mind to unify things and create a "whole lively single piece" ???

As a painter i pretend to unify lifeless colored fragments into a whole single piece...
... and Darwins formula
is just a perfect and olympic imperative for an artists workflow.

As long as there is a theory of "ONENESS" (or GOD) in any mind of a living person, there is hope to reproduce this spirit holding things and society together.

I guess Mr. Tolle is thinking more about the mainstream
The human mind, more specifically the human ego, Yes the mainstream. The mind is obsessed with time (past and future) it constantly thinks about time and cuts the world up into moments and negates the present.
unnatural selection

What`s that ?

the exception confirms the rule

sometimes the most stupid farmer is harvesting the biggest potatoes...
in the sense of "ONENESS" --- GOD is not always clever, smart and fit -
but always wins the race somehow.
There is no meaning to life, life just is. It exists, you exist, we exist just because. Because of the natural interactions between chemicals over time. Your life began just like it'll end, in the sea of oblivion. The chemical reactions that make up your body, mind, and consciousness will eventually cease and you won't exist, as you. What you're made of will still exist, but you won't. Wrap your head around that.

How does that make you feel, and why?
Doesn't matter what I think about it
I see our experiences on this planet as a day at an amusement park. Our souls chose to have this experience and our individual experiences get assimilated into collective consciousness. The individual experience can be as meaningful or meaningless as desired. Collective consciousness benefits from the collective experiences, good or bad.
the older i get, the more reincarnation appeals to me. you got to keep coming back and slogging through the shit till you start to be a better person. then you get a slightly better life to slog through, till you work yourself into a person the rest of the enlightened can abide, then you get to move on.
the older i get, the more reincarnation appeals to me. you got to keep coming back and slogging through the shit till you start to be a better person. then you get a slightly better life to slog through, till you work yourself into a person the rest of the enlightened can abide, then you get to move on.
I could be good with this. I wish I thought some of it meant something.
Lately I have been pondering odd things. Like when I was young I thought several things were my purpose, music for one.

Now realize all the time I have invested, every song etc.
Dies with me.

It has no lasting value other than occupy my time.

Relationships and shit you do with others will have a lasting effect.

But in the face of infinity none of it is even a blip.

But, still I play.
I just understand it means nothing
Now realize all the time I have invested, every song etc.
Dies with me.

It has no lasting value other than occupy my time.
I 100% disagree

So many songs from dead bands have influenced the way I think and even speak

Music is one of those things that will last forever, long past the lifetime of the creator. Think of Mozart, Bach, and even so many of the modern day artists who will undoubtedly go down in music history as the greatest there ever was; Hendrix, Alice in Chains, Metallica, ACDC, Michael Jackson, so, so many. Johnny Cash.. NIN.. Dude, this stuff will last for generations after their composers are gone! You too. That's a little slice of immortality.
yeah, maybe you never wrote a song that made it on the charts (or maybe you did, i dunno) but there's a chance that a piece of music you wrote will inspire a young musician, consciously or not, to write something great...
art...real art...never dies. it might be destroyed, but the ideas it inspired will carry it forward forever
Lately I have been pondering odd things. Like when I was young I thought several things were my purpose, music for one.

Now realize all the time I have invested, every song etc.
Dies with me.

It has no lasting value other than occupy my time.

Relationships and shit you do with others will have a lasting effect.

But in the face of infinity none of it is even a blip.

But, still I play.
I just understand it means nothing
i imagine your music is absolutely beautiful. Would you be so kind to share a song with me?
i imagine your music is absolutely beautiful. Would you be so kind to share a song with me?
I really don't have anything recorded,
Use to have stuff online but lost track of it.

Its just average anyway.
That's the nice thing about music you don't have to be great to enjoy it.

For me its about chasing the thing down. Start playing and see what develops then move on.
I 100% disagree

So many songs from dead bands have influenced the way I think and even speak

Music is one of those things that will last forever, long past the lifetime of the creator. Think of Mozart, Bach, and even so many of the modern day artists who will undoubtedly go down in music history as the greatest there ever was; Hendrix, Alice in Chains, Metallica, ACDC, Michael Jackson, so, so many. Johnny Cash.. NIN.. Dude, this stuff will last for generations after their composers are gone! You too. That's a little slice of immortality.
Not bloody likely, in a few moments of universal time we, and this planet will disappear without a trace. So much for any slice of immortality
Not bloody likely, in a few moments of universal time we, and this planet will disappear without a trace. So much for any slice of immortality
Well, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word.. Even if the world disappears in an instant, those songs that live on within our memory will remain immoral; that is, until the being without the capacity to remember said songs ceases to exist. Nothing is actually immortal. So I hope you forgive me..
Well, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word.. Even if the world disappears in an instant, those songs that live on within our memory will remain immoral; that is, until the being without the capacity to remember said songs ceases to exist. Nothing is actually immortal. So I hope you forgive me..
Why will the songs be immoral? Seriously, the definition of immortal is eternal or lasting forever. Energy and matter can be neither created or destroyed, they are eternal as far as we know.