What has Trump done to this country?

'Devastating': Revelations From Senate Intel Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A bipartisan report from the Senate Intelligence Committee details that the Trump campaign was eager to accept help from a foreign power in 2016 and that the Trump administration obstructed the investigation.
Apparently he is motivated strongly by greed, but the greedy behave logically and by putting himself in the spotlight, he has exposed himself and any past wrongdoings to consequences, like Donald. He might have been motivated by greed to kill the USPS under the cover of "ideology", but Donald tried to draw him into a new purpose, suppressing the vote and disenfranchising tens of millions.

Congress should require ballots be counted as first class mail (as they were) immediately and be given preferential treatment, make Dejoy promise it under oath next week. Prison would take the joy out of DeJoy, I figure fear will win with this guy, he might resign, remember other GOP politicians are on those mail in ballots too and some are freaking out.

The federal election has how many mail in ballots this year? Say 150 million mail in ballots in 2020, even though many will vote in person and use ballot drop off boxes. 150 million ballots spread over how many weeks?
Here is an interesting factoid:

How many pieces of mail does the USPS deliver each day?
472.1 million mail pieces

The Postal Service processes and delivers 472.1 million mail pieces each day.
fine him a million dollars for every late and uncounted ballot that was postmarked to be delivered by Nov 3 within their promised delivery time.

These guys only understand the cost of things, not their value. So make it cost.

Hatred and anger are draining and negative emotions but that's where I am over this. Never forgive, never forget.
'Devastating': Revelations From Senate Intel Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A bipartisan report from the Senate Intelligence Committee details that the Trump campaign was eager to accept help from a foreign power in 2016 and that the Trump administration obstructed the investigation.

no..we're numb..it took 3 3/4 years of Trumpism.

I'll tell you just a few things

Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
Withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership
Withdraw from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Withdraw from the World Heath Organization
Withdraw from NAFTA
Withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council
Withdraw from UNESCO
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization

There are more, but I'm tired of typing withdraw.

Never in the 1,227 days of Trump’s presidency has the nation seemed to cry out for leadership as it did Sunday, yet Trump made no attempt to provide it.

That was by design it seems.

Trump and some of his advisers calculated that he should not speak to the nation because he's a fucking idiot and had nothing new to say and had no tangible policy or action to announce yet, according to a senior administration official. Evidently not feeling an urgent motivation Sunday to try to bring people together, he stayed silent, which was nice for a change.

Trump let his tweets speak for themselves.

One attacked the Democratic mayor of Minneapolis; another announced that his administration would designate the ANTIFA movement a terrorist organization (good luck on that one), a third accused the media of fomenting hatred and anarchy & in yet another, he praised himself for the deployment of the National Guard and denigrated former vice president Joe Biden.

Then that cocksucker Tweeted

“Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!”

Then he Tweeted that he was ready to kill the protesters and release,

“the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen,”

The United States is visibly, painfully broken by Trump & the unprecedented confluence of health, economic and social crises, any one of which alone would test a president, but Trump is not a POTUS, he's a fucking fool

It was extraordinary then to hear some in the public arena suggest yesterday that this idiot ought stay in the background, arguing that Trump lacked the moral authority and credibility necessary to heal the country.

“He should just stop talking. This is like Charlottesville all over again,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to Trump’s equivocations following a deadly white-supremacist rally in 2017. “He speaks, and he makes it worse. There are times when you should just be quiet. And I wish that he would just be quiet.”

I simply wish he would fucking die & do this country & the World in general a favor :)

This weekend exemplified many of the characteristics that have defined Trump’s five years as a presidential candidate and president, chaos and unrest, fear and anger, division and disruption. Some of these themes and qualities helped draw Trump’s brain dead supporters to him and keep them faithful, giving him a chance at reelection in November despite the carnage on his watch this spring.

“The rioting in the streets has put an exclamation point on what this president cannot do: To bring people around and say we are all in this together,” said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican official and former attorney general in New Hampshire. “On his automatic transmission, there is one speed. It is not conciliate. It is not comfort. It is not forge consensus. It is attack. And the frustration right now is that nobody is in charge. Anarchy rules.”

Yup, Anarchy rules for sure now, cities are burning from coast to coast, the National Guard is active in 3 states, curfews everywhere & the US militaries MP's are on alert to quell the riots in this country for the 1st time since the fucking Civil War.

Nice work Trump

Only 5 more months, and we can dump this POS
He solved the social security problem by making sure we all did before retirement age.
i'm so sick of these fvcking cops..note: Sheriffs Office they're particularly bastards and the cops who dropped the ball at Parkland shooting; they also ran with live shooter on school grounds..almost always retired from another PD looking to pull a 2nd or 3rd pension..think they can do whatever they wish old, overweight and out of touch..the true Trumper.

Oh, man. Things have been hell. I’ve been finding my stability lately, though. How’ve you been, Bro?

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Jeez man, sounds like you've been traveling a rough road. Last I heard you had a baby and things were OK. I just left it at that when you stopped posting, like a fly in amber or a photograph showing a happy man. That's where I pictured you. I'm not going to chivvy you with uplifting words, because that always kind of pissed me off when people did that to me. Please believe me when I say I care.

My life has become really mundane. But in a good way and I have little to complain about personally. Maybe it's the calm before the storm or maybe it's a calm lake that I made it to at the end of a ride down a wild river. IDK. But right now, it's just kids, schooling them, maintaining my garden and maintaining my relationship. Work isn't so great that they don't have to pay me to be there but it's good. Boring can be good sometimes.

Trump, on the other hand. >:(
Jeez man, sounds like you've been traveling a rough road. Last I heard you had a baby and things were OK. I just left it at that when you stopped posting, like a fly in amber or a photograph showing a happy man. That's where I pictured you. I'm not going to chivvy you with uplifting words, because that always kind of pissed me off when people did that to me. Please believe me when I say I care.

My life has become really mundane. But in a good way and I have little to complain about personally. Maybe it's the calm before the storm or maybe it's a calm lake that I made it to at the end of a ride down a wild river. IDK. But right now, it's just kids, schooling them, maintaining my garden and maintaining my relationship. Work isn't so great that they don't have to pay me to be there but it's good. Boring can be good sometimes.

Trump, on the other hand. >:(
My ex cheated on me with a guy who was a legitimate violent felon, the fattest, ugliest, greasiest moron you would ever meet. I have known him since high school, he’s raped like, 3 chicks I know. I had him around at one point, and I just thought she was intelligent enough to see through his bullshit. She hated herself so much that she projected her self-hatred onto me so she didn’t have to face it. So she throws me out. They date for two months and she tried to keep my daughter from me for 6 months while trying to replace me as the dad until he ghosted her like I said he would. He goes around saying he was a Ranger and a Sniper when he dropped out of cook school at Fort Lee. Total shit talking manipulator. So she threw away 6 years together for this guy who eventually just stopped talking to her. She doesn’t let me see my kid so I take her to court. She pulled the PTSD card so I can eventually have my daughter unsupervised after 6 weeks of counseling with her. But I see my daughter. Initially, I told her from the beginning, I’d have no issue paying support, but I wanted to see my daughter. Anyway, after the court case, she gives me a ride back to where I was staying because I had a visit with my daughter right after anyway. I said “You know, this was only ever about your ego.” She’s like “Well don’t you care about your image?” I said “Definitely not that much, and so you know, literally everyone says they were shocked that you downgraded.” Her jaw dropped and she started to laugh psychotically as she angrily tried to think of a rebuttal.

Since then, I’ve been all over the place. Spent 2-3 months on the street. Before that, I was at the VA a second time for psych stuff and rehab. I ended up relapsing and spent 2 days doing meth with the Pagans after 4-5 years of being clean. My mom had told me she hoped I committed suicide and became a statistic like the 22 veterans a day who kill themselves before attacking me with a hammer. Like, I just gave the fuck up. But after doing glass for two days straight, I knew I needed help and I knew I didn’t want to be like that for my daughter. Since then, I’ve been waiting for the VA to help me find a place to live and start school again.

At the very least, my struggles helped me grow and I think I’ve matured a good bit since I was last here.
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We promised each other that we’d never put our daughter in the middle like our parents did, and the first thing she did was use my daughter as a weapon. I told her, she can leave me for whoever she wants, but my daughter is my daughter. I helped deliver her, my name is on the birth certificate, and I have wanted her all my life.
My ex cheated on me with a guy who was a legitimate violent felon. I have known him since high school, he’s raped like, 3 chicks I know. I had him around at one point, and I just thought she was intelligent enough to see through his bullshit. She hated herself so much that she projected her self-hatred onto me so she didn’t have to face it. So she throws me out. They date for two months and she tried to keep my daughter from me for 6 months while trying to replace me as the dad until he ghosted her like I said he would. He goes around saying he was a Ranger and a Sniper when he dropped out of cook school at Fort Lee. Total shit talking manipulator. So she threw away 6 years together for this guy who eventually just stopped talking to her. She doesn’t let me see my kid so I take her to court. She pulled the PTSD card so I can eventually have my daughter unsupervised after 6 weeks of counseling with her. But I see my daughter. Initially, I told her from the beginning, I’d have no issue paying support, but I wanted to see my daughter. Anyway, after the court case, she gives me a ride back to where I was staying because I had a visit with my daughter right after anyway. I said “You know, this was only ever about your ego.” She’s like “Well don’t you care about your image?” I said “Definitely not that much, and so you know, literally everyone says they were shocked that you downgraded.” Her jaw dropped and she started to laugh psychotically as she angrily tried to think of a rebuttal.

Since then, I’ve been all over the place. Spent 2-3 months on the street. Before that, I was at the VA a second time for psych stuff and rehab. I ended up relapsing and spent 2 days doing meth with the Pagans after 4-5 years of being clean. My mom had told me she hoped I committed suicide and became a statistic like the 22 veterans a day who kill themselves before attacking me with a hammer. Like, I just have the fuck up. But after doing glass for two days straight, I knew I needed help and I knew I didn’t want to be like that for my daughter. Since then, I’ve been waiting for the VA to help me find a place to live and start school again.

At the very least, my struggles helped me grow and I think I’ve matured a good bit since I was last here.

Thank you for sharing and let me walking in your boots for a few:hug:

I wish you well friend..you have an awesome game plan stick with it and let the VA assist; get another spot etc. starting over is all you can do..one foot in front of the other.
We promised each other that we’d never put our daughter in the middle like our parents did, and the first thing she did was use my daughter as a weapon. I told her, she can leave me for whoever she wants, but my daughter is my daughter. I helped deliver her, my name is on the birth certificate, and I have wanted her all my life.

fair warning this may happen..arm yourself soldier:

fair warning this may happen..arm yourself soldier:

It really just shows how immature she was, and her viciousness is only a reflection of her self-hatred. We’ve been more civil lately, and she has kindly been holding onto my lights and nutrients for me. I miss her sometimes, but I also respect myself too much to put up with that bullshit abuse again. I wasn’t necessarily the best to her either in the beginning. I had just returned from war only 2-3 years before we met and by the time we did, I was addicted to Army-prescribed Amphetamines and taking opiates illicitly to treat the pain of being awake 3-5 days at a time. It really was for her that I tried to get my shit together, even before we had a kid, and overall, I believe I succeeded. I think she resented me for improving after the first 3 years while she slipped further into depression.
At the very least, I was blessed with the most perfect daughter in the world, and I had some of the best, most meaningful memories of my life with her. I believe it was Epictetus who said “The object of your love is mortal; it is not one of your possessions; it has been given to you for the present, not inseparably nor forever.”