What has Trump done to this country?

Now this is interesting, unanimous agreement! I wonder what the republicans in congress will do when the vote comes? The democrats should immediately pass the bill in the house and see if the republicans bite. Donald will be wild about it (assuming he's not in jail or prison), it cuts right into his grift and the purpose of the big lie, any republican that votes for the new law will be fucked with Trump! :lol: They can have a bill on the floor of the senate in a week and should, other republican sleazoids are doing the same grift, Joe will sign it double quick
The FEC wants Congress to ban a fundraising tactic used by the Trump campaign: 'It's almost like theft' (yahoo.com)

The FEC wants Congress to ban a fundraising tactic used by the Trump campaign: 'It's almost like theft'
The Federal Election Commission in a rare unanimous vote has urged Congress to ban a campaign donation tactic reportedly used by former President Donald Trump's team last year.

The FEC on Thursday unanimously voted to recommend Congress ban political campaigns from using prechecked boxes to steer supporters toward making recurring contributions by default, The New York Times reports.

"It's important that donors be able to exercise their choices freely," FEC Democratic commissioner Ellen Weintraub told the Times.
"If their money is being taken from them because of some reverse checkoff option they didn't notice, then they are not giving their money freely. It's almost like theft. I don't want to see donors tricked."

The Times previously reported that Trump's campaign in 2020 "deployed prechecked boxes to enroll every donor in weekly withdrawals — unless they unchecked the box," describing this as an "intentional scheme." The Trump operation also reportedly prechecked an additional box that doubled an individual's contribution unless it was unchecked, and they ended up having to refund over $122 million to supporters, according to the Times. This tactic has also been used by Democrats, including the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, The Hill notes.

The FEC said in its recommendation that "many contributors are unaware of the 'pre-checked' boxes and are surprised by the already completed transactions appearing on account statements." Adav Noti, who formerly served in the FEC's general counsel's office, told the Times that for the FEC's Republican and Democratic commissioners to come to a unanimous agreement on a "substantive campaign finance law" recommendation like this is "pretty rare."
Biden Faces A GOP Totally Defined By Trump's 'Big Lie'

With Florida becoming the latest state to enact a law restricting voter access, Republicans are rallying around Trump's baseless lie that he really won the 2020 election against Joe Biden. Jonathan Lemire, Lisa Lerer, and Neal Katyal join MSNBC's Brian Williams.
So it looks like the republicans are gonna be running on Donald's big lie in 2022, it would be nice if it hurt them at the polls, but I doubt it. Those who voted for Trump in 2020 have no commitment to the truth or the country and facts obviously don't matter at all. Even those who had second thoughts on Jan 6th, will come back around to supporting the liars. Just like Trump's tweets or antics would cause a 10 point drop in the polls, only to rebound a week or two later, as the deep racist conditioning reasserted itself and the recent memory of reality faded away.

The only hope is if Donald isn't on the ballot, many of his voters from 2020 won't bother to vote. The republicans are helping this to happen by making voting harder for everybody, including their "infrequent voters" who crawled out of the woodwork on 2020. Many democrats are used to long lines and waiting to vote and many republicans are used to mailing in their ballot and easy voting. I hope the democrats keep the house and gain in the senate, but there are a lot of racist assholes in America who are not dealing with reality and who don't learn from experience or have the capacity to evolve. Last November we got the most accurate count of them about 73 million moral failures. Perhaps they might have lost 10 million after the Jan 6th capital sacking, but I think the fact that Donald won't be on the ballot will keep more of them home.
Let the conspiracy theories begin, Obama murdered his dog, they barbequed and ate it, I'm sure there will be a hundred Bo conspiracies before the week is out, Qanon, no bottom and no brain. It will make a juicy clickbait link on some asshole website and be retweeted many times, just the thing for a narcist asshole to get some Twitter and Facebook attention.
Obama Family's Beloved Dog Bo Dies : NPR

Obamas Mourn Death Of 'True Friend,' Beloved 'First Dog' Bo
Brian Stelter: Tucker Carlson’s coworkers are embarrassed by his rhetoric

CNN's Brian Stelter looks at the effect 'Foxitis' is having on the country and says Fox News' Tucker Carlson is intentionally pushing vaccine misinformation on his audience.
Only 100? Pretty sad. Still, I'd happily vote for whomever they put forward if it meant the figurative death of the crazy ones hellbent on civil war.
They're not going to even pick up a stick, let alone stir anything with it. It's the same posturing that went on before that amounted to nothing. Once they're guaranteed a position or they get a payoff, they'll fall right back in line just like they did before.
and here we go......what has trump the orange idiot done.....

I think open primaries in all 50 states is the easiest way to "fix" the republican party. Elected republicans would be mad not to jump at the option, either that, or jump down the rathole to who knows where. I think open primaries will moderate the republicans and their politicians won't have to navigate the crack of Uncle Sam's ass to get on the ballot, or keep from getting primaried by a lunatic base. As it stands now, the GOP are not just a real and present danger, they are an existential threat.
I think open primaries in all 50 states is the easiest way to "fix" the republican party. Elected republicans would be mad not to jump at the option, either that, or jump down the rathole to who knows where. I think open primaries will moderate the republicans and their politicians won't have to navigate the crack of Uncle Sam's ass to get on the ballot, or keep from getting primaried by a lunatic base. As it stands now, the GOP are not just a real and present danger, they are an existential threat.

Well like Taco said...it could be just posturing and they'll fall back in line........then again the "what if" remain....if they do break away..now what???