What has Trump done to this country?

#truthmatters so tell us trump's 3 top accomplishments.
So you can denounce them just like they’ve already been denounced. Tell me the top 3 Biden accomplishments. That are actual accomplishments for the country. This country. Sorry the United States is the country I’m speaking of.
So you can denounce them just like they’ve already been denounced. Tell me the top 3 Biden accomplishments. That are actual accomplishments for the country. This country. Sorry the United States is the country I’m speaking of.
i asked you first. you got 4 awesome years of the trump reign to pick from. surely you can handle that, no?
awww, sweetie, opinion questions aren't that hard, are they??? lol.
You’ve been in this thread a while. Did you actually read it? Take some time to go back there are several trumptards that comment and get bashed based off their factual opinions do you honestly not realize trump is out of office yet you—actual trumptards, are still riding him cause you really have an infactiation with his orangeness.
Yes remember opinions and assholes? It may stink but to me your still an asshole. Maybe a different approach tactic would help your delivery
You mean there is a way to actually explain that you have been under a propangda attack for years and have been brainwashed if you think that troll had some good points?

Im skeptical that any delivery would actually matter when you will just run to your safe spot that radicalized you to facts in the first place.

You’ve been in this thread a while. Did you actually read it? Take some time to go back there are several trumptards that comment and get bashed based off their factual opinions do you honestly not realize trump is out of office yet you—actual trumptards, are still riding him cause you really have an infactiation with his orangeness.
'Factual opinions' might be one of the more hilarious things I have read here.

Technically I guess if it is their opinion it would be a fact that it is theirs, but that doesn't mean that the opinion is a fact.
You mean there is a way to actually explain that you have been under a propangda attack for years and have been brainwashed if you think that troll had some good points?

Im skeptical that any delivery would actually matter when you will just run to your safe spot that radicalized you to facts in the first place.

'Factual opinions' might be one of the more hilarious things I have read here.

Technically I guess if it is their opinion it would be a fact that it is theirs, but that doesn't mean that the opinion is a fact.
Here comes the leader of the pack vroom vroom. I don’t care of what you have to say man. Just the same as you don’t care what I have to say. I think joe Biden is one the weakest and slowest (in the head) president this country is ever about to find out about. Well half of America anyway the other half already know.
windmills cause cancer. get rid of the national debt by printing more money. lol. who's slow in the head? lol.
What the hells windmills got to do with the country again I could careless about that bs that doesn’t make a damn bit of change to me or you or anyone else in here. We will all be long gone before any climate air environmental shit kills us unless China releases a new gas plague and the new admin uses it to knock off a small portion of the population to scare the shit out of clowns like you.
Here comes the leader of the pack vroom vroom. I don’t care of what you have to say man.

Just the same as you don’t care what I have to say.
If you decide to not just be a troll cheerleader I would be all about having a actual conversation with you. The problem is that I am not sure you are not just one of the pair of sock puppet trolls that always come here to stir shit up during major events exposing the misdeeds of Trump/Republican/Russians.

If you are an actual person I haven't seen it yet here.

I think joe Biden is one the weakest and slowest (in the head) president this country is ever about to find out about.
Why because he is old and has a stutter that the troll propaganda edited into him being somehow 'slow'?

Ive been watching pretty close and if you think this is the case, I am guessing you haven't watched too many full unedited videos of him doing speeches/townhalls.

Well half of America anyway the other half already know.
Technically about 23% voted for Trump. Not half by a mile.

Brainwashed lol Well you know what Elon musk said about AI (bots) if you can’t beat em join em.
God quoting Musk makes it harder to not think you are just another troll.

What the hells windmills got to do with the country again I could careless about that bs that doesn’t make a damn bit of change to me or you or anyone else in here. We will all be long gone before any climate air environmental shit kills us unless China releases a new gas plague and the new admin uses it to knock off a small portion of the population to scare the shit out of clowns like you.
Here we go, you a end times guy?
And all we do is print money. Period that shit hasn’t changed and won’t change. Trump didn’t put us in trillions of dollars of debt. That has been accumulated. Accumulated is a big word I know but it means that the debt was built up over time. Hmm past president admins. Hmm
What the hells windmills got to do with the country again I could careless about that bs that doesn’t make a damn bit of change to me or you or anyone else in here. We will all be long gone before any climate air environmental shit kills us unless China releases a new gas plague and the new admin uses it to knock off a small portion of the population to scare the shit out of clowns like you.
moron, that's what trump said. yet you said biden is the dumb one. seems you and trump have a lot in common: like a less than 80 IQ.