What has Trump done to this country?

did you notice how Covid19 was right on time to get Trumpy out of office?..did you notice how quickly a vaccine was announced after he was gone?
Not really...I stopped paying attention to Covid shit...and was never interested in the vaccine...I wouldn't take it even if it was forced upon me
Man, is civil war the only possible outcome to all the division? How’s that going to go? It’s getting crazier and crazier and this is just a forum. Sad really all the hate. Like straight up hate.
Because you saw a couple thousand brainwashed cultists with a couple hundred actual nut jobs storm our capital and a whole lot of right wing propaganda?

Nah. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Her rant can be boiled down to "Why wouldn't they just let Trump lie".
Do you have these on standby Hannimal or are you just reeeaaally fast?
I try to remember where I had to talk about it before. Mostly the trolls are just regurgitations, but some I have to look at a bit deeper.

No...I've heard of Q...Never went down that rabbit hole tho....
What happened to Q btw haven't heard much

I've been anti vaccine long before this covid shit
They have been working to sell this one for a long time. Unless you are Jehovah Witness or something like that?
Let’s see, because I presented my opinion, I’m called a “moron” by rkymtnman, a ‘‘fucking fool” by Jimdamick, “a troll” by DIY-HP-LED and a “moron” again, this time by CunningCanuk (a Canadian?, hmmm). Reminds me of those Antifa folks, judging by the culture of vile and hate.

I’m waiting to hear something good about the new President and his administration, besides setting a record for un-employment and shutting down our energy system.

Anyway, I like this site and am having a blast here.
Your post did not contain an opinion. It was a list of things that people were able to find to say about the worst president in US history. It's a small list. Everything else he did ends with: "and then, after all his failures and after losing an election where all the cards were stacked in his favor, he tried to overthrow the government and have his political enemies murdered."

Donald Trump's presidency is history and historians will be able to dispassionately evaluate what he did after he is dead. Trotting out a carefully selected set of the rare times he managed to do something one could spin as a positive won't change the fact that he lost. Take your complaints to the historians. Trump is just a bad memory for most of us. More than 80 million of us are glad the useless piece of poisonous shit is gone.