What has Trump done to this country?

Fucking idiot probably still uses Solo cups to bloom with :)
Grows indoors with soil I'll bet and probably never heard about this LED thing cause he doesn't believe in science and has distain for experts... He is about as successful at growing as Donald is at being a president.
don't know if you know the origins but that's what he had his lawyers argue over in Scotland re: a windmill farm off the coast of one of his golf courses. can you imagine getting a law degree and having that moron tell you to argue that??? lol.
I saw that and I would be ashamed of myself if I filed that. I’m sure tis makes the lawyer’s mother so proud lol
Grows indoors with soil I'll bet and probably never heard about this LED thing cause he doesn't believe in science and has distain for experts... He is about as successful at growing as Donald is at being a president.
I will admit, I still use an hps for outdoor starts, but it doubles as a heater. I know it's not Canada, but still pretty cold in the northern Sierra.
And I thought florescent lights were old school, geeze.
Lighting options were limited back in the bad old days, when I got back into growing decades later I was building my own LED grow lights like many here. LED technology is the nuclear weapons in the "war on drugs", after LEDs they could not suppress it.

You can make a decent grow light from $20 worth of dollar store 100 watt (equivalent) LED light bulbs in an array, just snap off the plastic defuser globes.

Each bulb draws around 16 watts, so for $20 you could make a 320 watt draw from the wall, LED grow light, 2700K bulbs work great for flowering. A cluster of three of these bulbs is equivalent to a COB running at 45 watts and can also supplement an existing grow, by illuminating the corners for instance.
There was a newbie question about could he grow all his seeds in one cup, he thought he had like 7 babies.
He had one marijuana baby and the rest were OBVIOUSLY grass babies hahahahahaha I swear to God go look.
This one thought post it grew buds and we’re good to smoke