What has Trump done to this country?

The week in perspective
America's Citizens Will Not Be Silenced By Government Intimidation
What did I just watch?

The biker seen in a viral video this week assaulting three people posting George Floyd flyers on a trail in Bethesda, Md. has reportedly been arrested. We have an identity and mugshot: the man who verbally & physically attacked 3 young adults who were putting up Black Lives Matter signs on the Capital Creacent trail in near Washington D.C has been arrested. He’s Anthony Brennan III, 60, of Kensington, MD. He’s charged w/ 3 counts of 2nd degree assault. More at: Twitchy: Bethesda biker seen in viral video assaulting 3 people posting George Floyd flyers now under arrest https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2020/0...
Nobody wants to attend tRUmps GOP convention, they'll probably hire a bunch of actors to play the roles of tRUmptard supporters LOL.

I'm really hoping they have a big convention and pack the old white racists into some venue like sardines, then let the hoax do it's work, the world will be a slightly better place in about a month or so.
Nobody wants to attend tRUmps GOP convention, they'll probably hire a bunch of actors to play the roles of tRUmptard supporters LOL.

Whoever hosts this shit show will have public disorder, protests, an ensuing public health crises and unpaid bills. They need to trust Donald more and show some loyalty, or he will start attacking them on twitter for not attending the GOP's giant measles party, masks will be forbidden by decree of King Clorox. Trust me folks, what have you got to loose?
Is it wrong to wish a slow painful death on these fuckers, I don't think so.

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No mercy in the fight for freedom Captain, if someone wants to make you a slave or kill your ass for no reason they deserve death. Sherman said, war is the remedy our enemies have chosen, I say to give it to them. Give it to them in a most unexpected way, for those like Donald who are socially and emotionally retarded, Donald turned a corner this week and so did America. His humiliating defeat at La fayette park finished him politically, naked power used to violate the 1st amendment, in a deeply symbolic place, Barr will answer for this, even if it's next year before a mostly black grand jury in DC. Young people don't normally vote, unless they hit the streets first and get pumped, they're pumped. Old people are running from Trump for their lives! The recent polls have determined the winners and losers, Donald lost real fucking bad.
What did I just watch?
The bike assault and others including many by police are a result of them realising how badly they are losing this social fight, they can feel society turning against them. Racism is the most important thing that drives these people and this particular issue cuts to the very core of white privilege and the oppression of blacks. Look at that guy's rage on the bike trail, over what? Winners are smug, not enraged, the thwarted are angry and act out.. This is the same reason you've seen some trolling by a desperate racist, they will crawl out of the woodwork and all of them without exception will be motivated by racism and hate. These are the people who are destroying your country, are a national security threat on every level, a potential 5th column for foreign influence and a ready made pool of suckers and votes for con men. You have seen trump's base in action, they are base people.

You can easily "trigger" any hardcore trumper over the recent events, they would be easily baited with this and go ballistic real quick.
Good! Now, I hope the rest of that "team" that quit, resign entirely.
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Good! Now, I hope the rest of that "force" that quit, resign entirely.
Anybody who resigned over this incident should be fired and then some perhaps rehired, after careful vetting and retraining. Make police unions illegal, if they want to dress and act like soldiers, fine, make special accountability laws for them too, just like the military, they aren't unionised either.
Good! Now, I hope the rest of that "force" that quit, resign entirely.
Maybe instead of just a military justice system, America needs a cop justice system, you know, where other black cops take the guy out back and beat the living shit out of him in cuffs while tazzing his ass till the batteries ran out, then macing him in the face.. Fire him and present the video of the punishment to the victim... Justice, cop style, for cops, give them a choice between that and prison.

One must be creative when looking for solutions!
Y'all gotta watch this woman, Sarah Cooper, nail Trump to a cross :)

Practice for actors and entertainment for all, Trump is so easy anybody could do him, literally and figuratively. When he gets to court, his own Daughter Tiffany a recent law school graduate, could do him with ease. Donald is a moron and a lifetime loser in way over his head, Dufess Donald is fucked, the tide has turned, it's like D day and this is the anniversary of that fight against fascism and the backdrop. Donald got beat real bad in La Fayette Park by the 1st amendment, he should have read the little blue book containing the US constitution.
These guys might be infected with coronavirus and could infect the public and their fellow goons, prisons are crawling with corna.. What a shit show.
Some of Trump's Unmarked Police Force Traced to Texas Prison | Maddow | MSNBC