What has Trump done to this country?

Trump Now Crashing In 2020 As Some Fans Bolt, Echoing Trump U. Debacle

New 2020 polls from six key states show some Trump 2016 voters abandoning him -- imperiling his narrow coalition. MSNBC's Ari Melber reports on why both the loyalty and enmity among Trump fans is different than for other politicians; and Melber documents how Trump customers turned on his con in the "Trump University" case and explores the parallels to Trump's political standing today.
LOL, that's quite the endorsement.

LOL, that's quite the endorsement.

Trump does carry the mark of the beast, is the "chosen one" and his followers do worship a false God, there have been earthquakes, storms, fires, misery, fear and a plague upon a land ruled by a madman. Sounds epic, if not Biblical to me, God's wrath for electing Trump as King perhaps? Those whom the Lord wishes to destroy he first makes mad! Works for Trump, but it also works for countries too.
LOL, that's quite the endorsement.

kind of hard to beat an endorsement from God:lol:

they just can't wait for end of the world..how fvcking creepy..so much for pro life.
More observations from those "dumb bastards", dirty rotten bastards Donald, is the term yer looking for.
Trump accidentally revealed a *lot* about his taxes

Donald Trump is the only modern American president to never release any of his tax returns -- either while running for president or during his time in office. He's offered a series of explanations for why that is, including that he is under audit by the Internal Revenue Service and that his taxes are too complicated for anyone to understand. At his town hall with NBC in early October, though, Trump inadvertently revealed a whole lot about his tax returns to moderator Savannah Guthrie.