What has Trump done to this country?

Looking at Joe this morning I saw that 74/26% think the death of Floyd George is a sign of a broader problem, that's almost a complete switich of public opinion since Ferguson.

There seems to be a super majority of consensus on a number of issues emerging and Trump is on the wrong side of them all, like shut downs, mask wearing, believing scientists, muzzling scientists and now policing issues, the last defense of "white" America". This was the main way blacks were oppressed in America and white privilege maintained, but the cops were just the point of the spear, they were backed up by the law and unaccountability, except when they screwed with powerful white people or the wealthy and even then, if they were black...

Having white lunatics armed to the teeth and guns freely available in America made it a war zone and was a good excuse to militarize the police, Bush gave them military hardware and they can even self finance by confiscating property under drug laws and have in the past, merely for personal reasons. A white guy with a gun in a car and they abjectly apologise on camera for touching it, a black guy has a gun in a car, he is dead, shit no gun required in most cases. Guns are the symbols and tools of racists in America, that's why they cling to them the most, in the most racist regions of the country, it's almost a barometer of racism in some places.
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Now, this is entertainment. Rudy Reptile has a breakdown. Watch the snake stick his tongue out repeatedly. What fun!

Wow! Guiliani looked like an Ass! He could not look more like an Ass if he actually pulled his pants down and mooned the camera! :lol:

He is completely triggered by the "left wing media" which is to blame for everything that is wrong in this country. Anything you mention is caused by the left-wing! :roll: Everything is their fault, and it's never the fault of trump or the repukes.

This is really disgusting! Vote republicans out.

I saw some footage of police brutally pushing over a 75 year old white man who was asking questions onto the ground, then they walked over his unconscious prostrate body, as blood poured out of his ears, he's a regular senior citizen. Great symbolism to use in anti Trump ads targeted at seniors, in light of their treatment concerning covid and them being thrown under the bus by Trump.
Wow! Guiliani looked like an Ass! He could not look more like an Ass if he actually pulled his pants down and mooned the camera! :lol:

He is completely triggered by the "left wing media" which is to blame for everything that is wrong in this country. Anything you mention is caused by the left-wing! :roll: Everything is their fault, and it's never the fault of trump or the repukes.

This is really disgusting! Vote republicans out.

He reminds me of the Muppet Statler, of Statler and Waldorf, except not as funny.
Believe me when I say most of the shit that was fo the mentally ill trying to make something mean more than what it is .
Where is fade to black ?

I also fixed your quote to reflect realty

Oh yeah, it's adorable that you think your "realty" is of any interest to others! :lol:

BTW it was fdd2blk that was accused of snitching to the FBI and his business partners were arrested, I'm certain that I know much more about it than you do.

I'm glad that you finally stuck a needle in your buttock to calm your roid rage. :lol: :lol:

I fear we are going to see a spike in covid cases over these protests, masks, outside and in sunlight might help though. There could be overwhelmed hospitals in a few weeks in many cities and all Hell could break loose, America could have dozens of NYC scale crises in cities across America. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, I'm sure many governors are thinking that way.
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Majority Disapproves Of Trump's Handling Of Response To Floyd's Death: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A majority disapproves of the way the president is handling the response to the death of George Floyd, according to new ABC News/Ipsos polling. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 6/5/2020.
Will Trump, GOP Collaborate To Steal 2020 Election? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Atlantic's Anne Applebaum urges Americans to pay attention to whether or not Trump will collaborate with the GOP to steal the upcoming election. Aired on 06/04/2020.
This is starting to splinter the GOP, the ex military and military are speaking out and soon they will start showing up, at protests, they will stand between the troops and the citizens and order the troops to their knees. These guys stand up, they don't just talk, they defend their principals, like they defend their country, the two are one in the same in this case. They also owe their former subordinates political support and want to defend the institutions they devoted their lives to.
Trump Lashes Out As Military Leaders Condemn His Violent Protest Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The president, facing a huge backlash for threatening to use the military on American protesters, is lashing out at those who are speaking out against the president's autocratic suggestion. Aired on 6/4/2020.
So am I a trump Bot or a foreign Bot? I am confused now with what you are claiming I am! I did not fit your claims before now you are desperately trying to change it to fit your broke ass to be right in your little mind.
Spoken like a true parrot as Malcolm X would call you. You have supplied ZERO proof to back the claims posted here.

Not an American....
I just went back on three pages and zero links to prove me wrong on my claims. When did the parties change sides? My account is not hacked and it not been a zombie account. nice try again to try and change the truth from being posted...

If I was making shit up, it would be easy to prove me wrong, so do it.
As others have pointed out to use google and I have that's why I posted up my claim with links for fact-checking.

Not an American...