Now, this is entertainment. Rudy Reptile has a breakdown. Watch the snake stick his tongue out repeatedly. What fun!
He reminds me of the Muppet Statler, of Statler and Waldorf, except not as funny.Wow! Guiliani looked like an Ass! He could not look more like an Ass if he actually pulled his pants down and mooned the camera!
He is completely triggered by the "left wing media" which is to blame for everything that is wrong in this country. Anything you mention is caused by the left-wing!Everything is their fault, and it's never the fault of trump or the repukes.
This is really disgusting! Vote republicans out.
Believe me when I say most of the shit that was fo the mentally ill trying to make something mean more than what it is .
Where is fade to black ?
I also fixed your quote to reflect realty
Trump spent over 3 years digging his own grave, now everyone is grabbing shovels. Once Congress starts throwing dirt on's over. |
So am I a trump Bot or a foreign Bot? I am confused now with what you are claiming I am! I did not fit your claims before now you are desperately trying to change it to fit your broke ass to be right in your little mind.
Spoken like a true parrot as Malcolm X would call you. You have supplied ZERO proof to back the claims posted here.
I just went back on three pages and zero links to prove me wrong on my claims. When did the parties change sides? My account is not hacked and it not been a zombie account. nice try again to try and change the truth from being posted...
If I was making shit up, it would be easy to prove me wrong, so do it.
As others have pointed out to use google and I have that's why I posted up my claim with links for fact-checking.
So in the end we see a bunch of foreign input about what we Americans should do and how to Vote from a guy in Russia? Is that not what the Democrats just accused the right with??????
ROFL as the whole report fell apart under Schiff and Nadler. I was hoping the Mueller report was true! But in the end, it was another fake ass attempt by the mentally ill...
I train some mma fighters here in Colorado. Any time you feel like a workout and are in Colorado I have a 25 foot octagon we train in daily. You’re more than welcome to show up ...