What has Trump done to this country?

Only dipshits that can't really prove what I claimed as miss leading or wrong. google translate says you like pole smoking.
Если вы американец, получите ваши заказы напрямую.
Не нужно идти через Трампа, он больше не надежен, слишком глуп.
So in the end we see a bunch of foreign input about what we Americans should do and how to Vote from a guy in Russia? Is that not what the Democrats just accused the right with??????
No, it was right I just made sure it was translated right.
nope. If you keep it up, your handler will send you off to work in one of your country's coronavirus-infected hospitals.

Not that I'm happy about Russia's rampant and uncontrolled epidemic. But if you don't shape up and at least try to seem like your aren't a Russian-hacked zombie account, they are going to put you to work cleaning sick people's bedpans.
nope. If you keep it up, your handler will send you off to work in one of your country's coronavirus-infected hospitals.

Not that I'm happy about Russia's rampant and uncontrolled epidemic. But if you don't shape up and at least try to seem like your aren't a Russian-hacked zombie account, they are going to put you to work cleaning sick people's bedpans.
Again, only you think this with a non-og account...
lol, so why does the left keep saying it was the bushes that teamed up with the NAZIS after the war when history clearly shows it was FDR...

Again, it is hidden from history about who the real white supremacist was in America.

Listen to a podcast from Joe Rogan is now a white supremacist thing?
No but his White Bro-ness won't hurt the white supremacist sense of well being though.

And lol with 'the left' again.
I just went back on three pages and zero links to prove me wrong on my claims. When did the parties change sides? My account is not hacked and it not been a zombie account. nice try again to try and change the truth from being posted...

If I was making shit up, it would be easy to prove me wrong, so do it.
As others have pointed out to use google and I have that's why I posted up my claim with links for fact-checking.
Your troll about Carter was completely disingenuous.

You left out that Carter was doing a campaign against hate of the KKK and did it in their face.

It is nice propaganda, with the cherry picked facts and all, where did you pick that nugget up at?

The only thing I did was expose the foreign hating bigots on this website

And push Trump's troll on Biden.

I love George he was a true down the middle man he hated both sides...
What because he is funny as shit means that he wouldn't be voting for Biden against a man that is acting like he is sent by god and gassing American citizens peacefully gathering and breaking no laws? Because he wanted a photoshoot?
You have totally ruined them for me. There have been many times I have wanted to end with a ....
LOL, just proving my point. the weaker you are the more you try to pull off-topic. Still waiting for what I posted to be proven a lie or wrong with links to facts.
Again not a zombie account. nice try because you can't prove me wrong. Weak soy milk
So, prove it. If it's so obvious, prove it.

It's a known tactic by right wing trolls and other hackers, to hack an old unused account that has a PW with low security level, such as 1234 or the like and then hijack it. No authentic user would say "you know, I was here a long time so you have to listen to me". Nah, it was all I needed to go back and check. The last time your account was active was 2014 and that user showed zero interest in politics. So, you hijacked his account and are using it here.

How much longer do we have to see your sorry ass posts?
Again, only you think this with a non-og account...
Tell ya what, prove it to us, send a pic of yerself in a mask by an American gas pump.

Nobody but a moron would carry Donald's water anywhere at this point in time. You are kidding nobody here, merely providing sport, and a way of channeling aggression at Trump and the morons who support him, like you. Yer like a call of duty video game for decent people, where they can beat up morons guilt free, yer about as useful as a heavy bag, though some prefer using yer head as a speed bag. :D
Tell ya what, prove it to us, send a pic of yerself in a mask by an American gas pump.

Nobody but a moron would carry Donald's water anywhere at this point in time. You are kidding nobody here, merely providing sport, and a way of channeling aggression at Trump and the morons who support him, like you. Yer like a call of duty video game for decent people, where they can beat up morons guilt free, yer about as useful as a heavy bag, though some prefer using yer head as a speed bag. :D
LOL, I will leave the snowflake here since I hurt all of your feelings with the truth of American history... Still waiting for the proof about when the parties changed sides! this one is the funniest thing I have ever heard for the last 20 years of this lie.

Was it before Lincoln freed the slaves? was it after the civil rights movement and Dr. King was killed? was it after jimmy carter launched his presidential bid from the world headquarters of the KKK?

We will be waiting for this information that you claim is real to prove what I have posted is fake..... I think we are starting to see the real truth about you guys........
Tell ya what, prove it to us, send a pic of yerself in a mask by an American gas pump.

Nobody but a moron would carry Donald's water anywhere at this point in time. You are kidding nobody here, merely providing sport, and a way of channeling aggression at Trump and the morons who support him, like you. Yer like a call of duty video game for decent people, where they can beat up morons guilt free, yer about as useful as a heavy bag, though some prefer using yer head as a speed bag. :D
"Dolf, please send me the picture with American gaspump to prove I am an American."
You have totally ruined them for me. There have been many times I have wanted to end with a ....
It's true, though. Darn near every right wing troll uses them. But I get what you are saying. From now on, you'll notice when Nazis use them. It's like when somebody tells you about professor's nervous tick. After that, all you can see is the nervous tick. Can't even hear what they are saying. You just sit there waiting for the nervous tick. I had a professor who would pick his nose during lectures. After a friend pointed it out to me, I almost failed the class because I couldn't listen any more. I'd just wait for him to ram his finger up his nose, which he did at least three times a lecture. I couldn't even look over at my friend because we'd start to laugh.