What has Trump done to this country?

This statement is pure b.s. This is another way to try and make other people look crazy. This is a tactic from the Socialist playbook.. you can't beat them with the real-life fact so you try to make them look crazy. The same thing was done to Plato and anyone also who went against the mob of democracy.
You have no facts and are either immoral or amoral, probably both, you are no patriot, you are a Trump slave who is a step away from gargling with Clorox, whittens teeth BTW, assuming you have any.
You have no facts and are either immoral or amoral, probably both, you are no patriot, you are a Trump slave who is a step away from gargling with Clorox, whittens teeth BTW, assuming you have any.
you don't like the fact from Malcolm X own mouth? or from the Simthoians Natural Museum?
I find it funny that all of a sudden this guys that can't spell a word to save their life are now aerospace enginers and secret government jobs that would be watching them in real life. Same old B.S. if you challenge them they become specialists on the subjects.

My study is in Photobiology the study of how light photons affects all high-level plans on earth. yes, I have worked with NASA so what were any of your clearances? I find this whole thing funny, just keep watching as they twist to a new way of attacking the truth.
I find it funny that all of a sudden this guys that can't spell a word to save their life are now aerospace enginers and secret government jobs that would be watching them in real life. Same old B.S. if you challenge them they become specialists on the subjects.

My study is in Photobiology the study of how light photons affects all high-level plans on earth. yes, I have worked with NASA so what were any of your clearances? I find this whole thing funny, just keep watching as they twist to a new way of attacking the truth.
Feign intellect while voting Libertarian AHAHAHA
It is ironic, the parties switched sides and the colors went from grey to red, the blue side stayed blue though, the red turned into treason and the blue became the true patriots. The republican party is a racist organisation that supports election fraud, hostile foreign interference in elections, domestic terrorism and an outright tratior. What's in it for you again?
When in history did this happen? was it before the civil war? was it before or after Dr. King was killed? Was it before or after Jimmy Carter? I will be waiting...

Only one race on this planet and it is human, only the bigoted mentally ill play the race game since a bigot professor made up the term to try and look kool for his blue wave klan members of time.
"I may be a bigot, but at least I am not that kind of bigot" It is what the left started to quote when the term racist started to re-show in the '90s...


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I am still waiting for some real fact in history from the peanut crowed.

I have been on this website since 2010 most of the loudmouths I have seen were crybabies from overseas trying to tell us how to grow weed in America. When you get called out for being a salesman behind a grow store or local Walmart trying to be keyboard warriors bragging about the shit mids you grow to the noobies that have never grown before..

If you grew such great fire ass weed, then you would any self-respecting weed grower worry's about the economy, not unless you are relying on the welfare checks.
Must have been the broken years under Obama. the ones that charged 10k for hammers and 20k for toilet seats?

My girlfriend KAREN is from the former eastern block of Germany and she says that the Leftover here in America is like the Nazis of the past. I find that ironic since she lived it and was there when the wall came down.

Shit sack, get back to felching skin heads in bannon's basement