What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Funny when Trump feels his personal info is being leaked it's a big shit show, lol.
Right? All of a sudden leakers are felons and traitors, while all last year he's on record like 150+ times talking about how Julian Assange is a patriot, and how much he loves wikileaks.

It's like everything he says, you can find a video or piece with him saying the complete opposite. It bottles the mind.
LMFAO they leaked their own info. No proof that russia meddled in anything. Otherwise you could show some evidence.
Besides, of course, his son, son in law, and campaign manager meeting with Russian spies to leak info on hillary, and leaks starting just days later.
Half a year later, even after their own candidate endorsed her, we still have to hear this shit from the Bernie Ballwashers. I bet even after Trump is taken down for his dealings with Russia (which cost her the election) people will still be shitting on her. It's just what's in fashion this summer.

They can't stand that she was the most popular nominee in recent history.

That war whore should been in haag now,with al sharim obama and rest of war criminals..
Besides, of course, his son, son in law, and campaign manager meeting with Russian spies to leak info on hillary, and leaks starting just days later.
was the leaked info things hillary was doing or not? they should know everything in the dark comes to light. If trump has colluded with russia we will all know for sure. but at this point there isn't any hard evidence on that being the case.