What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Miguel Bezos left Cuba alone at the age of 15 and married Jorgensen, a single mother. Jacklyn Jorgensen had given birth to Jeff at age 17.

Who the hell knew this guy would go on to be one of the biggest employers in the country? He is single handedly taking on Walmart while paying his employees relatively well. His site makes it possible for small time businesses to reach customers and sell products instantly from anywhere. So many small businesses are able to launch with nothing more than an Amazon account and many have become very successful. In fact many businesses internationally rely on Amazon for more than 90% of their sales.

Look, I'm with you Berntards when you criticize inequality and absurd wealth, but singling out one guy isn't going to change it, especially when this story appeals so well to the average liberal voter. Besides, even I would rather do business with Jeff than a warmongering gov't. What kind of harm is he really causing personally, aside from common kulakery? What is he really guilty of aside from success in a corrupt system?
You're such a right wing shill...

On the alt-left success is only possible by "screwing the little guy".
Half a year later, even after their own candidate endorsed her, we still have to hear this shit from the Bernie Ballwashers. I bet even after Trump is taken down for his dealings with Russia (which cost her the election) people will still be shitting on her. It's just what's in fashion this summer.

They can't stand that she was the most popular nominee in recent history.
You think she was more popular than Obama?

So, you think Obama would have lost to Trump?
What's worse? Those with Hillary 2020 in their sig.


<the click you just heard was the sound of sigs changing>
You're pretty pathetic for reporting things that trigger you.

Why don't you find a nice safe space with other white supremacists where you won't have to disagree with anyone?
Well then, you're in luck. I only asked questions and never stated what I thought, moron.

If I had stated something it would have been that I think obama was more popular than Hillary.

I'm sorry that you disagree...

Blah, blah, blah... All I read is, " I'm too fucking lazy to vote".
Maybe the Democratic Party can recruit Jeff Bezos to run for President.

Any megalomaniacal billionaire oligarch in a storm...

While these are some great hypotheticals, the numbers don't lie. She was the most popular nominee in recent history. I'm sorry if that bums you out.

You need to understand something..you lose others' respect when you cheat or lie.

This is basic moral compass.