What gets you higher?


Active Member
So I've been smoking for over 8-9 years. Growing for 3. Iv'e always been under the express understanding that bongs get you higher, no matter what, almost.

Having used MOST smoking methods in my weed career (bongs, bowls, chillums, grav bongs, joints, blunts, vapes, etc, etc...)

With a few things I have yet to try, like Dabbing, although I have smoked oil, and hash before, Iv'e always thrown it on top of bud.

But I digress.

In the last few months Iv'e heard people make the argument that bongs may actually rob you of some psychoactive chemicals.

The way Iv'e had this explained to me, is that even though thc and cbd/n, is NOT water soluble. Because of the water, and or ice, the thc is cooled back down so much that some gets caught in the water, like a filter.

I don't know if this is true, but even subjectively, because I use a bong as my MAIN smoking device, that if I switch to a bowl, I can get just as high, with less, or the same amount of the same weed.

I'm not sure if anyone has any science to back any of this up or refute it, but I would like to know if anyone knows the actual numbers, or if anyone has any similar experiences to mine.

It could just be all in my head, but i'd like to know either way :-o



Well-Known Member
Damn, I think if you are trying to measure a high from a pipe vs a bong vs a joint, you are trying too hard. They all get me high; and seems pretty equal.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
In my experience blunts and bongs get you the highest, but you have to realize your using alot more than you would in pipe. I'm sure you would get just as high or high smoking through a pipe but it takes much more effort. Isn't much easier taking two or three bong rips than smoking four bowls out of a pipe. That's just my opinion though. I also feel that a bong or blunt gets you high for about two to four times longer than a pipe. Plus you can grow tired of smoking a pipe after about two bowls (that is if its by yourself).


Well-Known Member
Yea, bowls get me high as shit too but with a bong, mega big hit that fills your lungs and usually makes you cough which gets you higher. Joints and/or blunts you are smoking more and longer at a slower pace so that will prolong your high also.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
It all depends on how potent your shit is and your tolerance. I just love how you can take a few hits outta a 3 foot bong and be high for hours. It is quite nice. Though it is nice to take a break to let your tolerance drop then you are like tripping off some heady shit. Bowls are definitely the most conservative way to smoke. But other than side tracking from comatoke's question i believe the smoking through water only filters the addictive shit :lol:


Active Member
ok, does anyone know if that bong theory has any merit, could your thc cool off enough and get stuck in your bong somehow!?!?!

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
In my opinion you already lit it on fire, I don't think the ice is gonna cool the smoke to the point that it's robbing you of thc. Though i'm not a scientist, just a pot head. The only thing getting stuck in your bong is resin just like in any pipe. I have never noticed a difference in high from having ice in the bong or not having ice in it.


New Member
Next time you're sober, try drinking some used bong water.

That should prove whether activated THC does leach into the water it gets run through or not.