I've been using the raised bed potting mix for a couple years. It's cheaper than the EB Stone Composting Bales, has basically the same ingredients.
I mix it with a 50/50 blend of native soil and composted manure, perlite and rabbit poo.
Plants are happy.
I've been using the raised bed potting mix for a couple years. It's cheaper than the EB Stone Composting Bales, has basically the same ingredients.
I mix it with a 50/50 blend of native soil and composted manure, perlite and rabbit poo.
Plants are happy.
I use that one too, can't be beat for the price. When I plant in ground, I'll be mixing that in my holes, same as you. Good stuff.
Kelloggs Raised Bed Potting Soil + 25% perlite. Vegged in Jack's 20-20-20 for 43 days, now on its' 3rd week in bloom using Jack's 10-30-20. Will be finishing with Jack's Finisher (only available in 25 lb. bags).
Here's the link for starter-buckets of veg and bloom.
The only thing I add to the "finisher" is (1) tsp. of Epsom salts/ gal. H2o for crystal stacking.
CVS has cheap half-gallon cartons of the stuff.
The wand is a Dramm https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0097CCSHA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and the feeder is a SyphonX that seems to push oxygen deep into the soil using the small nozzle that ships with it. Like the next day, new growth.
The feeder should be mid-line connected to a 15' lead-hose instead of connected to directly to the wand as you see. I've changed that over now.
Use (1) tblspn of Jack's 1-30-20 bloom, or 20-20-20 veg. nutes well-shaken, in the (1) gal. milk bottle with an 1/8" vent-hole drilled in top of the cap. The 15' garden hose will let you drag the nutes to each plant leaving the gal. jug sitting on a firm surface.


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Use (1) tblspn of Jack's 1-30-20 bloom, or 20-20-20 veg. nutes well-shaken, in the (1) gal. milk bottle with an 1/8" vent-hole drilled in top of the cap. The 15' garden hose will let you drag the nutes to each plant leaving the gal. jug sitting on a firm surface. - Wrong!!!
Use (1/2) tblsp of Jack's 10-30-20 bloom, or 20-20-20 veg. nutes into the (1) gal. milk bottle with an 1/8" vent-hole drilled in top of the cap. Fill 3/4 of full with ordinary, non-Ph'd chlorined, or even chloromined, tap water. Put your fingers over any holes in the cap and shake it violently. Make sure all of the nutes are dissolved.
The 15' garden hose will let you drag the nutes to each plant leaving the gal. jug sitting on a firm surface.
Here's two drench/topical sprays that you'll need in greenhouse settings. Don't argue, just dig into your pocket and pay the man what he's asking. These are mite and aphid systemic killers. You won't need to spray the undersides of leaves when the gals get caged in the Greenhouse. Kontos is also sold at DoYourOwnPestControl (DYOPC) for less, but they were out of stock.:
TetraSan is cheaper by the pound.
Here's a watering can to be proud of. Rain-shower head, mark your own gallon increments. I like the Rainmaker 64 oz. spray bottle too. Cheap and good, words rarely seen together.
Note: I'm using (4) clip fans on "Low" speed pointed at the gals, All leaves move 24/7. This particular #6010 fan motor is 0.23A. Times 4, is only 0.92A per hr. There again, those odd-fellows cheap and good are teaming-up. Note: If you collect (4) 20% off coupons from BB&B (which isn't difficult), they'll give your four discounts at check-out when you pick them up at the store. Rave on.


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Rnd5.J.JPG Here's some sequence of application information about 3-In-1, Kontos, and TetraSan:
TetraSan, works and has staying power. The usage-timing, has to do when the gals are flowering. During veg, any insecticide like 3-In-1 goes -- but once in flower, it is highly advised that the grower abstain from spraying the buds with any substance oil-based (like 3-In-1).
* this suggestion has not been denied or verified by Rockwell Labs, but will be soon.

When the 14/10 (tent/outdoor) gals flip from veg to bloom, it will be a much slower flip than if one abruptly goes from an 18/6 or 16/8 veg schedule, to a 12/12 bloom schedule. It’s suggested that the 3-in-1 be used all during veg, and up until there are cotton-puff budlets. At that point, about one week after your last usage of 3-in-1, it’s suggested, spraying the gals one last time with TetraSan (1 TSP added to 1 gallon of water.). Being a translaminar miticide, the residual effect should last about 4 weeks, and maybe 5 weeks at the longest. (Note: You can mix the TetraSan with Cease when topical spraying.)

At that point, 4 to 5 wks later, switch to the Kontos (1 or 1.25 ml per gallon of water.), which should last until real close to harvest time. If necessary, you can use the Kontos again about 4 weeks later, and that should last until the gals (those Sativa heavy hybrids) finish.
(Note: You can mix the Kontos with Jack's 10-30-20 Bloom, or “Finisher” nutes when watering.)
The gals above are 3-4 wks into bloom, have been fed Jacks 20-20-20 veg, silica, and cal-mag ONLY (no, thrive, or Humboldt, or Budswel) for 42-days and currently fed Jack's 10-30-20 Bloom. Eventually I'll switch to Jack's "Finisher" (available only in 25 lb. bags) until harvest. When switching to "Finisher", I'll begin adding the dirt-cheap sulfur that stacks crystals, Epsom Salts (1-TSP per gal./H2o) available at CVS. Use a coupon, maybe you'll get the ES for free! The wind blows leaves as shown, on low-speed, 24/7.
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Caging with (2) staples and foam-wire. First roll the wire out so it will loosely curl around the 18" diameter platform. The install one staple that captures the bottom wire of the surround and hammer the staple in fully. Then clockwise rotate the platform as you cut away wire pieces to make custom holes. Then cut strips of electrical tape to cover any metal that the branches might touch. Worn-away bark will allow bud rot to enter the plant. Next, or before you even start, wind a 3" piece of foam-wire around the wire base in 4 or 5 spots so that when the cage is drug around the GH, that it makes no noise. Works great! The only other staple is installed half-way in to the platform's edge and allows the cage to move up and down if necessary.
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Wire fencing surround installation, step-by-step, and SyphonX (5-minute watering with force-feeding) set-up.
The fencing needs to be fitted, cut, and the raw ends rolled, and the cushioning wrapped around the bottom frame as a noise suppressant.


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proxy.jpg "You'll need to pull each and every branch down to it's lowest level possible! Those plants are going to pop-big and outgrow your GH. Pulling branches down to the lowest maximum wire opening will be LST-ing (low stress training) them and you'll get an abundance of buds." - farmer
And if you fear breaking a valuable limb, then use the old foam-coated wire trick and make your own doggone limbo stick. Just make sure to start the foam wraps so they cover the raw end of the wire that's left when snipped with those cable cutters. In the last pic, (left) half of the branches are pulled through. I'm still wrapping a fold of electrical tape over wire that makes branch contact. I can reuse these surrounds next season. Peace!
My observance is that pot gardening is a "state of mind". Bubble (ice) hash is the biggest social draw since corn huskings, canning clubs, or the hula-hoop. There's something in baby boomers DNA that is yearning to connect back with social gatherings of the past. My neighbors are stressing over waiting until the next time they can help with bringing half-moon ice cubes over, and rinsing bubble bags, and seeing what "gold" is left in every single bag's bottom mesh. (p.s. some of my neighbors are former lames, that converted to cannabis :)) From 190, down to 25-micron, they are hooked, not necessarily on the end product, but equally as much about the "gold panning" or "box of chocolates" process. Every run is a surprise and each batch can be run at least three times with no reduction in trichome quality. Helper's are enthralled with the simple science and the fact so much fun can be had without experiencing a hangover the next day. It's like leaving your old world problems behind, and panning for gold for four hours. One of them asked me after his first bubble run, " Let's see what just happened here? We had some fun, learned something we didn't know about cannabis, and no one got hurt in the process? What's wrong with weed?"


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Ouch! This is probably why there's so many problems in the world. I feel like "Tool Time Tim", whose told something important, and then goes home to explain it to Jill, and twists it all up. Here is what Farmer actually said about Kelloggs. And I quote:
Good morning. Before going into the garden this morning, I decided to quickly peruse RIU, and I was surprised to see your post about Kellogg's. That thread has to do with Kellogg's Patio Plus, the one in "der green and yellow bag," as you noted. That is the wrong type of Kellogg's.

In your email below, you sent me a link asking if the "raised bed and potting mix" was the correct Kellogg's product. I replied, "Yep, that's the correct product." I hope you did not purchase the Patio Plus, which is the one in the green and yellow bag, as the "raised bed and potting mix" is in a yellow and red bag, pictured below:


I also suggested that you only use Silica, and Jack's 20-20-20 at 50% strength in the beginning, then switch over to Jack's 10-30-20 at 50% strength, and finally, finish with Jack's Aqua Gold 7-15-30, mixed with Epsom salts.

Your RIU post intimated that you were only going to use plain water, which I did not suggest -- and additionally, "you would be using Cal-Mag if the leaves start turning yellow". (Cal-mag will do nothing to reverse yellowing leaves.)

I get the feeling that I am not communicating effectively with you, as it does seem as though my message is not getting through.

Reefer is a weed, plain and simple. Give it the right environment, nutes, water, plenty of sun, and it flourishes, but even without the right environment, being neglected and abused, it still persists to grow.
:dunce: Yeah, but that's the one part I got right, Raised Bed & Potting Mix from DePo, under 10. bucks, and mixed it (pH'd, and very h2o damp) with 25% perlite. The plants loved it until I had to take them down for a much needed vacay-shonez. But I'll be back late May for a greenhouse session. :peace:

I used that red and yellow bag this year. Plants love it. I am having to water a little more often is my only complaint. But the plants are loving it.
Here's a 3-jug weatherproof cover for an electrical power grid. Don't laugh. I'm planning on covering this shell with strips of wet casting material to build a solid shell over this one before the hot melt glue releases - then paint the plaster to waterproof it. When there's a chance of rain, I have 4 plastic wastebasket bags to put over the four fans. I glued an extra flap on the side vent/cord access door. And the mass is held up by rubber-to-rubber friction, with a full wrap of foam-wire keeping everything up in the air. I love simple science applied.ebox.1_02.JPG


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So by now I guess you've heard, that fresh frozen captures more of the good stuff, and that once all of the buds have been clipped and bagged for the freezer, and after all the immature buds have finally ripened and you've removed every bud from it's stem, then you can yank the plant and throw it in the recycle bin. Because outside of the novelty of drying and trimming buds, it's just plain ol' too much work!

This is the best set-up I could wrangle. I like the All Mesh better that solid sidewall, but since you can get a minimum of three runs per 400-600 gms of bud, I'll need to use all three of my mesh bag systems, and one of them is solid-wall. I like BubbleBagDudes quality. So, here you have it.
The only other piece of reclamation equipment that's absolutely necessary is the Aluminum Heated Plates that will turn junk buds into shatter or an oil slick. This is the cheapest on the market, but they're all from RosinKing, China. http://www.dhgate.com/product/doubl...eavy-duty-rosin/394294574.html#review-1-null/ .........$229. shipped.

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About the Dramm Syphonject
It operates between 10 and 50 psi and will blow-apart the check valve if the hose if left pressurized at house normal 65 psi.
SO... you need this pressure regulator. As a retired plumbing contractor I certify that this is a solid brass "good" pressure regulator w/ adjustable pressure output. Keep it at 50 and rave on.
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Any1 ever use it? what are your opinions? and what should I add to it to make it much better?

Yeah, I've seen it in HD and Lowes but I use Dr. Earth, the Aloe Vera stuff. Hard to find is the one containing yucca extracts. It has all sorts of goodies and the producer even recommends to make teas using worm casting, etc. I add castings, perlite, (some already in there but not much), vermiculite, 5-5-5 Dr. Earth organic ferts, fish emulsions, icelandic kelp meal, chicken manure soil and that's all I can remember right now.