Active Member
using some ultrasonic transducers on a 5 gallon stainless stock pot to produce some nice quality bubble hash?
It's still just an idea right now. After a little more planning (and sourcing some materials) it should come together pretty well. I will definetly keep you guys informed.No pictures?
if you can explain it to me (without my brain be 'tarding or exploding) i will send you a prize.
I do have a noggin' but am a bit of a science moron
if you bring this to fruition i would love to see the tech
i may not be able to sleep. thoughts of ustrasonci hash dancing through my brain! lol
don't mind me i like a laugh. I'm serious though. i will send a prize and would love to see this teased out.
best of luck.
i could really score some bush with 'new and improved' ultrasonic hash! man, i really need a stoner girlfriend. or a blow up doll. maybe both. ok , i'm leaving now. Sorry, mr sunshine warped my brain one night. i've never been the same.lmfao
If you want a real trip,
attach those ultrasonic transducers to your scull.
I was planning on using 6 transducers wired in parrallel, with a 300 watt controller built out of arduino boards.Make sure you have a high enough wattage transducer. I tried a 60W ultrasonic transducer on the Grinning Reaper and it was wildly under powered.