What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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lol you are alright, there's nothing wrong with my comprehension.

Think of it the way that good horse trainers do. If the horse doesn't understand, it isn't the horses fault , it's the trainers fault for not communicating well enough. I don't always understand the written word on the 'net. It usually lacks nuance. Try again, believe it or not I will try to understand your point of view. I may not agree, but I will try to understand it.
good song! I always did like Billy Joel.

Don't pass out on me, but on these issues I have to agree with you.

I think that some of you may be misunderstanding me. I am not totally conservative, nor am I totally liberal. Maybe 60-65% of the former, and 35-40% of the latter. I have responded as honestly and as straightforward as possible to the several comments and the poll. You totally disagree with me, and that's okay I don't totally agree with you, but on some of your points, I agree.

All I ask is to be respectful. I try to be respectful, even if I don't always succeed.

Care to start over?
I'm trying to find common ground with people on the issues rather than ideology.

If this sounds like a reasonable approach, I welcome the conversation.

I'm center left, aka social Democrat or right in Bernie Sanders' core constituency.

I'll listen to anyone's point of view- and debate vigorously, lol
monopolies and price gouging pretty much define capitalism. government keeps it in place. that's not to say that government couldn't do something good.
In our current system government tends to just hand over whatever big business wants.

That's not its role and it's not good governance.
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We are on the same page. Government's role is not to just give big business whatever it wants.

Regulation is required to maintain fairness. This is a concept all but lost in the last 40 years. Maybe longer.
Longer, FAR longer... at least since the end of the Civil War when the government gave land, businesses and who knows what else to the "Carpetbaggers". Sad, but true.
Longer, FAR longer... at least since the end of the Civil War when the government gave land, businesses and who knows what else to the "Carpetbaggers". Sad, but true.
Then it's high time we fought back!

America likes to call itself the birthplace of modern democracy. Well, perhaps it's time each and every one of us exercised our rights and responsibilities of citizenship to make our voices heard in the streets, the cities, the statehouses and in Washington.

This is OUR country. It doesn't belong to the monied interests, no matter what they might think or want to us to believe.

To more directly answer the question posed by the thread title, I believe a habitual lack of citizen participation is the fundamental problem of American governance- and getting We the People involved en masse is the solution.
History of unregulated meat: adulterated meat, falsely labeled meat, shit in everything, rat shit too and a few human body parts if there were an accident on the line. If only we had unregulated meat we'd be free.

Basically you are talking about the collapse of the meat industry because nobody would trust the product. Regulations enforce a standard that enables inter-state trading as well as international. Witness the horrors that have recently gone down in the Chinese market. You live in a lie.
That happens all the time in the meat industry as is. They have too much business to do a good job but the FDA just tells us to cook our cheeseburgers well done....
Get a hold of @Rob Roy and start a cult.

what's the age of consent, he'll probably want to know.

Is there an age that you believe every person achieves the mental capacity to give consent or do you think it's development can vary from individual to individual ?

If there is a universal age, wouldn't some governments have it "wrong" by virtue of the fact that ages of consent vary from one tax plantation to another tax plantation ?

Also, It's nice that you miss me.
Is there an age that you believe every person achieves the mental capacity to give consent or do you think it's development can vary from individual to individual ?

If there is a universal age, wouldn't some governments have it "wrong" by virtue of the fact that ages of consent vary from one tax plantation to another tax plantation ?

Also, It's nice that you miss me.
Apparently they think that I am you. Or I believe that they said I should be a fan of yours. Idiocy. I am not a fan of anyone. LOL
i don't know, i'd imagine a lot of the profits end up here too
Average individual health care plan in the US costs about $4500. Corporations pay about $15,000 per family. Median income of a worker is $35,000. How is a single mom with 3 kids making the median wage going to come up with between $15k and $20k for heath care coverage for herself and her kids? This is about facts not morality. A sick mom will not be able to provide for her kids. Kids raised in poverty are unlikely to get the education that this country needs to grow. They too will be unable to afford healthcare and when they have kids the cycle continues. A growing economy needs healthy people. These are just facts. What you propose is that the rest of the US joins Mississippi and accept third world economic status.
But to reduce crime, it shouldn't be profitable, but discouraged.

Same with health care, I shouldn't be required to pay 7-11 prices when Costco is next door.

earlier i was asked a question about health care that i responded to and it was ignored for most to just refer to me as "it" or stupid, etc., so i don't care to engage in that type of internet behavior. however, your comment regarding health insurance is what i was referencing in that original comment - there isn't necessarily a free market with health care. you schedule a surgery with the local hospital in your area (they are all connected) and you pay what they charge for the surgery, which is usually 7-11 prices. there are a lot of things wrong with the system, but personal responsibility goes a long way. getting government involved in those kinds of decisions is always a mistake.
earlier i was asked a question about health care that i responded to and it was ignored for most to just refer to me as "it" or stupid, etc., so i don't care to engage in that type of internet behavior. however, your comment regarding health insurance is what i was referencing in that original comment - there isn't necessarily a free market with health care. you schedule a surgery with the local hospital in your area (they are all connected) and you pay what they charge for the surgery, which is usually 7-11 prices. there are a lot of things wrong with the system, but personal responsibility goes a long way. getting government involved in those kinds of decisions is always a mistake.

If I asked you a question that was ignored my apologizes.
My opinion was that if we as a Nation could divert the 10% of GDP going to Corporations (see non people middlemen) to say Education perhaps we could slow the dumbing down, or speed up developing Alternative Power.
We are the govt. make no mistake.