What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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They are still deemed a hostile country, officially. The UN is irrelevant. Our country has deemed them a threat. And we wouldn't even be giving highly classified information to our allies. Stop talking out of your ass before you make yourself look more dumb than you do.
How are they hostile? We don't want to get fucking hostile with Russia that is for damn sure. Lol
You really think McDonald's sells 100% beef? You poor ignorant fool. LMAO :lol:
I have no idea what they sell, haven't eaten there in years. This article says you are a fool but we already knew that:


100% beef isn't a very high bar to clear. That pink shit is an example.

Meat inspections and regulations make the US international beef industry possible, for what that's worth. Find something worthwhile to carp about, spermchops.
I have no idea what they sell, haven't eaten there in years. This article says you are a fool but we already knew that:


100% beef isn't a very high bar to clear. That pink shit is an example.

Meat inspections and regulations make the US international beef industry possible, for what that's worth. Find something worthwhile to carp about, spermchops.
If beef is any percentage "lean" that is its pink slime filler content, I believe.
You do know treason is the death penalty right? I don't think Trump is that stupid probably had a team of lawyers long before he ran for President.
Treason can warrant the death penalty, yes. And all evidence points to the fact that he really is that stupid. When he is charged and convicted with high treason, I bet your mouth will stay closed on the subject. Until then, I can only build up proof so that I can make fun of you for being completely oblivious when this blows up in his face.

And he had corporate lawyers, not UCMJ lawyers.
If beef is any percentage "lean" that is its pink slime filler content, I believe.
I feel strange to even appear to be defending McD, so let's just say that I'm trying to keep it honest. Pink slime is beef. Disgusting but beef

"Pink slime" (a dysphemism for lean finely textured beef or LFTB, finely textured beef, and boneless lean beef trimmings or BLBT) is a meat-based product used as a food additive to ground beef and beef-based processed meats, as a filler or to reduce the overall fat content of ground beef
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If feel strange to even appear to be defending McD, so let's just say that I'm trying to keep it honest. Pink slime is beef. Disgusting but beef

"Pink slime" (a dysphemism for lean finely textured beef or LFTB, finely textured beef, and boneless lean beef trimmings or BLBT) is a meat-based product used as a food additive to ground beef and beef-based processed meats, as a filler or to reduce the overall fat content of ground beef
Oh, yeah. No doubt. It's ammonia-treated nasty beef. I was just saying.
I have no idea what they sell, haven't eaten there in years. This article says you are a fool but we already knew that:


100% beef isn't a very high bar to clear. That pink shit is an example.

Meat inspections and regulations make the US international beef industry possible, for what that's worth. Find something worthwhile to carp about, spermchops.
The EU won't take our beef...
The EU won't take our beef...
Different standards. For all these reasons, I don't even buy ground beef in the grocery. I wait until whole lean cuts of beef are on sale and grind it for storage in the freezer.

None of this is to say you are anything less than a Trump apologist on the level of Wrenfield.

this video by Dr. Sowell was in 1993 but his statements are applicable today
You know, there was a now banned person who was enamored with Sowell. What was it's name? It lived in a shitty home near Death Valley. It loved his guns and posted his ugly fat gap toothed face on some gun lover site. You sound a lot like him.
You know, there was a now banned person who was enamored with Sowell. What was it's name? It lived in a shitty home near Death Valley. It loved his guns and posted his ugly fat gap toothed face on some gun lover site. You sound a lot like him.
No, Harley was a crabber who lived in Oregon. Harley was a great troll for Republicans. The guy I'm thinking of was just kind of stupid in a racist right wing way. Said stuff like "facts don't have to be true", and "killing black people because you got scared should be allowed everywhere just like it is in Florida". Dumb stuff similar to what @undercovergrow says.