What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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No, Harley was a crabber who lived in Oregon. Harley was a great troll for Republicans. The guy I'm thinking of was just kind of stupid in a racist right wing way. Said stuff like "facts don't have to be true", and "killing black people because you got scared should be allowed everywhere just like it is in Florida". Dumb stuff similar to what @undercovergrow says.
Sorry, brother, but that hardly narrows it down for me. @tampee, you're pretty dumb. Are you from Death Valley?
Apparently they think that I am you. Or I believe that they said I should be a fan of yours. Idiocy. LOL
aren't you? you strike me as a tampee though.
Longer, FAR longer... at least since the end of the Civil War when the government gave land, businesses and who knows what else to the "Carpetbaggers". Sad, but true.
anyone who uses that kind of pejorative, without any thought as to why he thinks it...
Just the facts, I see that you are sensitive about being called stupid. Never did that.

Average individual health care plan in the US costs about $4500. Corporations pay about $15,000 per family. Median income of a worker is $35,000. How is a single mom with 3 kids making the median wage going to come up with between $15k and $20k for heath care coverage for herself and her kids? This is about facts not morality. A sick mom will not be able to provide for her kids. Kids raised in poverty are unlikely to get the education that this country needs to grow. They too will be unable to afford healthcare and when they have kids the cycle continues. A growing economy needs healthy people. These are just facts.

What you propose is that the rest of the US joins Mississippi and accept third world economic status.

i don't know, @Fogdog, how is she supposed to pay for it? see my earlier comments re: the price of health care, etc., and you would see that i do feel there needs to be something done about the cost. you assume that every woman that is single and has kids must be incompetent and unable to provide for herself and her kids and therefore must need the government. are there poor people in this country? yes! there will always be; however, taking from one person to give to another is wrong, forcing citizens to buy a product (whether it's insurance or not) is wrong. a growing economy does need healthy people but it also needs people who are willing to work and take responsibility for their own lives. allowing the health care problem that our own government has caused to be used to give them even more power is irresponsible and naive.
Irresponsible would be just let "them" remain. Is this the best we can do?

WTP have been letting them remain in power for the last several generations. i find it to be terribly frustrating. a lot of the problems are being created so solutions can be provided but the solutions are more government control.
No, Harley was a crabber who lived in Oregon. Harley was a great troll for Republicans. The guy I'm thinking of was just kind of stupid in a racist right wing way. Said stuff like "facts don't have to be true", and "killing black people because you got scared should be allowed everywhere just like it is in Florida". Dumb stuff similar to what @undercovergrow says.

desert dude.

doxxed and banned.
WTP have been letting them remain in power for the last several generations. i find it to be terribly frustrating. a lot of the problems are being created so solutions can be provided but the solutions are more government control.
That brings us back to which type Globalization we should have. The one being shoved down our neck or one of own. We need to speak up.
localization. Globalization harms all but a few
But it's here, we have no manufacturing, China has no food (but doubling the pop) and lobbying for relaxed EPA regs. for their food export businesses here. They have trashed their land and don't think it will happen here? but regress.
Wall Street hitting record highs while our infrastructure crumbles. We cant even keep secrets.
But it's here, we have no manufacturing, China has no food (but doubling the pop) and lobbying for relaxed EPA regs. for their food export businesses here. They have trashed their land and don't think it will happen here? but regress.
Wall Street hitting record highs while our infrastructure crumbles. We cant even keep secrets.
globalization is what trashes the land. how does growing sugar and wheat or anything for us help them eat. they buy our bonds with money we pay them for buying our bonds. it's all about money for the rich not feeding the population. trade can still happen, i said localization, not isolation.
Cooperation isn't the same as allowing them to install a puppet government and undermining American ideals, or giving them access to operational codewords used in highly classified operations. What next, the launch codes and keys to the silos?
i don't know, @Fogdog, how is she supposed to pay for it? see my earlier comments re: the price of health care, etc., and you would see that i do feel there needs to be something done about the cost. you assume that every woman that is single and has kids must be incompetent and unable to provide for herself and her kids and therefore must need the government. are there poor people in this country? yes! there will always be; however, taking from one person to give to another is wrong, forcing citizens to buy a product (whether it's insurance or not) is wrong. a growing economy does need healthy people but it also needs people who are willing to work and take responsibility for their own lives. allowing the health care problem that our own government has caused to be used to give them even more power is irresponsible and naive.
I know you don't need facts but I'll give you a few. You said that, women with kids are incompetent not me. Another fact is the economy is intentionally run to create 5% unemployment. The system is geared to throw people out of work. You say health care is the responsibility of everybody. If so, why don't we have access to health care for everybody? As you told @ttystikk, they can die for all you care so I have a better idea what kind of person you are. We have our differences, I'll agree to that.

I especially laugh at your use of naive. You still cling to the not-fact that republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin, which, if you are following the actions of the recent republican administration you would know that is false. To say that the Republican and Democratic parties are the same is naive. It's also only possible to say that if you are a white person who is in a comfortable economic situation. In other words, What they do doesn't affect you so, it's not important.
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